Analysis of prices for October 25th: BTC, ETH, BNB, XRP, SOL, ADA, DOGE, TON, LINK, MATIC


发布: 2023/10/26 20:15 阅读: 942



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“Bitcoin has managed to breach the $32,400 mark, signaling the continuation of its bullish ascent. The burning question remains: Can traders maintain the current momentum?

“比特币已成功突破 32,400 美元大关,表明其看涨势头仍在继续。紧迫的问题仍然是:交易者能否保持当前的势头?

Surprisingly, on October 23, Bitcoin surged effortlessly past the $31,000 to $32,400 resistance zone, defying the expectations of many market participants. Typically, prices tend to consolidate or exhibit hesitation when confronted with robust overhead resistance levels, but this time, the script was different. Market participants are exuberantly optimistic as they anticipate the imminent approval of a Bitcoin spot exchange-traded fund (ETF). In a noteworthy October 23 tweet, Bloomberg ETF analyst Eric Balchunas hinted that the listing of BlackRock’s spot Bitcoin ETF on the Depository Trust & Clearing Corporation (DTCC) was a significant step towards ETF market entry. He went on to suggest that this signaled an almost certain approval on the horizon. However, a DTCC spokesperson later clarified that the ETF had been listed since August and its presence did not foreshadow regulatory approval.

令人惊讶的是,10 月 23 日,比特币毫不费力地突破了 31,000 美元至 32,400 美元的阻力区,出乎许多市场参与者的预期。通常,当面临强劲的上方阻力位时,价格往往会盘整或表现出犹豫,但这一次,情况有所不同。市场参与者非常乐观,因为他们预计比特币现货交易所交易基金(ETF)即将获得批准。在 10 月 23 日的一条值得注意的推文中,彭博 ETF 分析师 Eric Balchunas 暗示,贝莱德现货比特币 ETF 在美国存管信托与清算公司 (DTCC) 上市是迈向 ETF 市场的重要一步。他接着表示,这标志着几乎肯定会获得批准。不过,DTCC 发言人随后澄清,该 ETF 自 8 月以来已上市,其存在并不预示着监管部门的批准。

The rush to acquire Bitcoin before the spot Bitcoin ETF gets the green light stems from analysts’ expectations of a price surge post-approval. According to Galaxy Digital research associate Charles Yu, Bitcoin’s price could potentially skyrocket by a staggering 74.1% in the first year following the launch of a U.S.-based ETF. The question that looms large: Is the recent surge in Bitcoin just the commencement of a sustained, formidable uptrend, or is it time to lock in profits? And what about altcoins? How will they respond as Bitcoin flexes its muscles? Let’s delve into the charts of the top 10 cryptocurrencies to uncover the answers.

在现货比特币 ETF 获得批准之前急于收购比特币,源于分析师对批准后价格飙升的预期。 Galaxy Digital 研究助理 Charles Yu 表示,在美国 ETF 推出后的第一年,比特币的价格可能会飙升 74.1%。迫在眉睫的问题是:比特币最近的飙升只是持续、强劲上升趋势的开始,还是现在是锁定利润的时候了?那么山寨币呢?当比特币大展拳脚时,他们将如何应对?让我们深入研究十大加密货币的图表来揭开答案。

Analysis of Bitcoin’s Price-


On October 23, Bitcoin soared past the formidable $31,000 to $32,400 barrier, signaling a resurgence of the uptrend. The rapid ascent of the past few days has driven the relative strength index (RSI) deep into overbought territory.

10 月 23 日,比特币飙升至 31,000 美元至 32,400 美元的大关,标志着上涨趋势的复苏。过去几天的快速上涨已推动相对强弱指数(RSI)深入超买区域。



In the early stages of a new bull run, it’s not uncommon for the RSI to remain elevated for an extended period. On the downside, it’s crucial to keep an eye on support levels at $32,400 and $31,000. Buyers are expected to defend this territory vigorously. If the price rebounds from this support zone, the bulls will likely attempt to propel the BTC/USDT pair toward $40,000. Conversely, a drop below $31,000 could signal that the recent breakout may have been a deceptive bull trap.

在新牛市的早期阶段,RSI 长时间保持高位并不罕见。下行方面,关注 32,400 美元和 31,000 美元的支撑位至关重要。预计买家将积极捍卫这片领土。如果价格从该支撑区域反弹,多头可能会尝试将 BTC/USDT 货币对推向 40,000 美元。相反,跌破 31,000 美元可能表明最近的突破可能是一个欺骗性的牛市陷阱。

Analysis of Ether’s Price –

以太币价格分析 –

Ether’s price range broke to the upside with a breakthrough above $1,746 on October 23, hinting at a potential change in the trend. Although bulls made an attempt to extend the rally on October 24, a prominent wick on the candlestick indicates robust selling pressure at higher levels. Crucially, the $1,746 level stands as a key support on the downside.

以太坊价格区间上行,于 10 月 23 日突破 1,746 美元,暗示趋势可能发生变化。尽管多头在 10 月 24 日试图延续涨势,但烛台上的突出影线表明较高水平处存在强劲的抛售压力。至关重要的是,1,746 美元的水平是下行的关键支撑。



If the bulls manage to hold this level during a retest, the ETH/USDT pair could surge beyond $1,855, potentially opening the door to further gains, targeting $1,900 and ultimately $2,000. Conversely, the bears may have their own agenda and aim to push the price back below $1,746, possibly leading to a retest of the 20-day EMA at $1,648, suggesting a prolonged consolidation phase.

如果多头在重新测试期间设法守住这一水平,ETH/USDT 货币对可能会飙升至 1,855 美元以上,可能为进一步上涨打开大门,目标为 1,900 美元,最终达到 2,000 美元。相反,空头可能有自己的议程,目标是将价格推回到 1,746 美元以下,这可能导致重新测试 1,648 美元的 20 日均线,这表明盘整阶段将会延长。

Analysis of Binance Coin’s Price-


On October 23, Binance Coin (BNB) surged above the immediate resistance of $223. However, the bulls struggled to maintain the momentum and clear the hurdle at $235. Sellers are now attempting to drag the price back below $223, hinting at a potential trading range between $203 and $235 for an extended period.

10 月 23 日,币安币 (BNB) 飙升至 223 美元的直接阻力位上方。然而,多头难以维持势头并突破 235 美元的关口。卖家现在正试图将价格拉回到 223 美元以下,这暗示着长期交易区间可能在 203 美元至 235 美元之间。



With the 20-day EMA at $215 turning upward and the RSI in positive territory, it appears that the bulls are still in control. A bounce from $223 could strengthen the case for an upward rally toward $250 and ultimately $265.

随着 215 美元的 20 日均线转向上方且 RSI 处于正值区域,多头似乎仍处于控制之中。从 223 美元反弹可能会加强上涨至 250 美元并最终至 265 美元的理由。

Analysis of XRP’s Price-

XRP 价格分析-

XRP has oscillated within the wide range of $0.41 to $0.56 for several months. On October 24, the bulls managed to push the price above the range’s upper boundary, but a long wick on the candlestick suggests resistance from the bears.

XRP 几个月来一直在 0.41 美元至 0.56 美元的宽幅区间内波动。 10 月 24 日,多头成功将价格推高至区间上限之上,但烛台上的长影线表明空头的阻力。



In range-bound markets, traders often sell near overhead resistance, which seems to be the case with the XRP/USDT pair. A move toward the moving averages could indicate an extended stay within the $0.56 to $0.46 range for some time.

在区间波动的市场中,交易者经常在上方阻力位附近卖出,XRP/USDT 货币对似乎就是这种情况。向移动平均线移动可能表明价格将在 0.56 美元至 0.46 美元区间内停留一段时间。

However, if the price turns upward from current levels and breaks above $0.56, it could signify the start of a fresh upward trend. In such a scenario, the pair might initially target $0.66, with the potential for a rally to $0.71.

然而,如果价格从当前水平上涨并突破 0.56 美元,则可能意味着新的上涨趋势的开始。在这种情况下,该货币对最初的目标可能是 0.66 美元,有可能反弹至 0.71 美元。

Analysis of Solana’s Price –

Solana 价格分析 –

Solana reached its price target of $32.81 on October 23, prompting some traders to book profits. Yet, a brief correction on October 24 was swiftly reversed. This resilience indicates bullish sentiment, with every minor dip attracting buyers.

Solana 于 10 月 23 日达到 32.81 美元的目标价格,促使一些交易员获利了结。然而,10 月 24 日的短暂调整很快就被逆转。这种弹性表明看涨情绪,每次小幅下跌都会吸引买家。



The price soared above $32.81 on October 25, suggesting the commencement of the next leg of the uptrend. However, the RSI’s overbought status suggests a minor correction or consolidation may be on the horizon. If the price dips below $29.50, it might find robust support at $27.12.

10 月 25 日,价格飙升至 32.81 美元上方,表明下一阶段上升趋势的开始。然而,RSI 的超买状态表明可能即将出现小幅调整或盘整。如果价格跌破 29.50 美元,可能会在 27.12 美元找到强劲支撑。

Analysis of Cardano’s Price-


Cardano surged above the $0.28 resistance on October 24, but a notable wick on the candlestick hints at resistance from the bears. The ADA/USDT pair could face a challenging battle near the $0.28 mark, potentially resulting in a consolidation phase within the $0.24 to $0.28 range.

卡尔达诺在 10 月 24 日飙升至 0.28 美元阻力位上方,但烛台上的明显烛芯暗示空头的阻力。 ADA/USDT 货币对可能会在 0.28 美元关口附近面临一场具有挑战性的战斗,可能会导致在 0.24 美元至 0.28 美元区间内进入盘整阶段。



On the flip side, if the price rebounds from $0.28 and surpasses $0.30, it could signal a shift as the bulls transform this level into support, initiating a new upward trajectory aiming for $0.32. Should $0.32 be surpassed, the pair could set its sights on $0.38.

另一方面,如果价格从 0.28 美元反弹并超过 0.30 美元,则可能预示着价格发生转变,多头会将这一水平转变为支撑位,启动新的上涨轨迹,目标是 0.32 美元。如果突破 0.32 美元,该货币对可能会将目标锁定在 0.38 美元。

Analysis of Dogecoin’s Price-


The rally of Dogecoin met a substantial wave of selling pressure at $0.07 on October 24, evident from the long wick on the candlestick. In the near term, the DOGE/USDT pair may experience a period of correction or consolidation. However, if it maintains its position without significant losses, it could indicate the bulls’ reluctance to exit their positions hastily.

10 月 24 日,狗狗币的上涨在 0.07 美元处遇到了巨大的抛售压力,这从烛台上的长影线可以明显看出。短期内,DOGE/USDT 货币对可能会经历一段调整或盘整期。然而,如果它维持其头寸而没有出现重大损失,则可能表明多头不愿匆忙退出头寸。



This scenario could pave the way for a potential breakout above $0.07, potentially propelling the pair to $0.08. The bullish crossover between the moving averages and the RSI in overbought territory suggests that the bulls maintain control. However, this advantage could shift if the price drops below $0.06.

这种情况可能为突破 0.07 美元上方铺平道路,并有可能推动该货币对升至 0.08 美元。移动平均线和 RSI 之间的看涨交叉位于超买区域,表明多头保持控制。然而,如果价格跌破 0.06 美元,这一优势可能会发生变化。

Analysis of Toncoin’s Price-


Toncoin (TON) faced resistance at $2.26 on October 24, indicating a determined effort by bears to defend the $2.31 level. The initial support lies with the moving averages.

Toncoin (TON) 于 10 月 24 日在 2.26 美元处遭遇阻力,表明空头决心捍卫 2.31 美元水平。最初的支撑位于移动平均线。



If the price rebounds from this level, it could signal a positive sentiment, with traders eagerly buying the dips. This would increase the likelihood of breaking through the formidable resistance at $2.31. Should that occur, the TON/USDT pair may retest the crucial resistance at $2.59. Conversely, a downturn below the moving averages could suggest consolidation within the range of $1.89 to $2.31, and bears could regain control if the price drops below $1.89.

如果价格从该水平反弹,可能预示着积极的情绪,交易者会急切地逢低买入。这将增加突破 2.31 美元这一强大阻力位的可能性。如果发生这种情况,TON/USDT 货币对可能会重新测试 2.59 美元的关键阻力位。相反,如果价格跌破移动平均线,则可能意味着在 1.89 美元至 2.31 美元的区间内盘整,如果价格跌破 1.89 美元,空头可能会重新获得控制权。

Analysis of Chainlink’s Price-


Chainlink broke free from a multi-month consolidation phase on October 22 when buyers pushed the price above the significant overhead resistance at $9.50.

10 月 22 日,买家将价格推高至 9.50 美元的重大上方阻力位,Chainlink 摆脱了长达数月的盘整阶段。



On October 24, sellers attempted to drag the price below the breakout level at $9.50, but the long tail on the candlestick reflects robust buying activity at lower levels. The buying momentum resumed on October 25, and the LINK/USDT pair continued its ascent. The pattern target of the breakout from $9.50 stands at $13.50, and if this level is breached, the pair may set its sights on $15. However, traders should remain vigilant as overbought levels on the RSI indicate the potential for a minor correction or consolidation in the near term.

10 月 24 日,卖家试图将价格拉低至 9.50 美元的突破水平,但烛台上的长尾反映了较低水平的强劲买盘活动。 10 月 25 日,买盘势头恢复,LINK/USDT 货币对继续上涨。突破 9.50 美元的形态目标为 13.50 美元,如果突破该水平,该货币对可能会将目标锁定在 15 美元。然而,交易者应保持警惕,因为 RSI 的超买水平表明近期可能出现小幅调整或盘整。

Analysis of Polygon’s Price-


Polygon (MATIC) surged above the $0.60 resistance on October 22, a sign of accumulation at lower price levels. The 20-day EMA, currently at $0.56, has started to trend upward, and the RSI is in overbought territory, signaling the potential for a change in the trend.

Polygon (MATIC) 于 10 月 22 日飙升至 0.60 美元阻力位上方,这是在较低价格水平吸筹的迹象。目前 20 日均线为 0.56 美元,已开始上行,RSI 处于超买区域,表明趋势可能发生变化。





To maintain momentum, buyers need to keep the price above $0.60, indicating the start of a new uptrend. The MATIC/USDT pair could potentially rise to $0.70 and eventually to $0.80. However, a drop below $0.60 could imply that the rally above this level might have been a false breakout, potentially trapping aggressive bulls and leading to a retreat to the moving averages.

为了保持势头,买家需要将价格保持在 0.60 美元以上,这表明新的上升趋势开始。 MATIC/USDT 货币对可能会上涨至 0.70 美元,最终升至 0.80 美元。然而,跌破 0.60 美元可能意味着高于该水平的反弹可能是一次假突破,可能会困住激进的多头并导致回落至移动平均线。

This comprehensive analysis of the cryptocurrency market’s top contenders provides valuable insights into their current status and potential future directions. Keep a close eye on these price levels and key support and resistance zones to make informed trading decisions in this dynamic and ever-changing market.


The post Analysis of prices for October 25th: BTC, ETH, BNB, XRP, SOL, ADA, DOGE, TON, LINK, MATIC appeared first on BitcoinWorld.

10 月 25 日价格分析帖子:BTC、ETH、BNB、XRP、SOL、ADA、DOGE、TON、LINK、MATIC 首先出现在 BitcoinWorld 上。


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