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Analyst bullish on Dogecoin, Will Pullix and Celestia take over?

分析师看好狗狗币,Pullix 和 Celestia 会接手吗?

发布: 2024/01/17 17:00 阅读: 338



分析师看好狗狗币,Pullix 和 Celestia 会接手吗?

Disclosure: This article does not represent investment advice. The content and materials featured on this page are for educational purposes only.


Crypto analyst Ali Martinez is bullish on Dogecoin (DOGE). Meanwhile, Pullix (PLX) and Celestia (TIA) are increasingly popular. While DOGE and TIA are established players, PLX is a presale project on which some analysts are bullish on its prospects.

加密货币分析师 Ali Martinez 看好狗狗币(DOGE)。与此同时,Pullix (PLX) 和 Celestia (TIA) 越来越受欢迎。虽然 DOGE 和 TIA 都是老牌参与者,但 PLX 是一个预售项目,一些分析师看好其前景。

Dogecoin to $0.10?

狗狗币涨到 0.10 美元?

Recently, crypto analyst Ali Martinez shared a 3-day chart of Dogecoin. 

最近,加密货币分析师 Ali Martinez 分享了狗狗币的 3 天图表。

It suggests the meme coin could rebound to $0.10 if the crucial $0.074 support level holds. 

这表明,如果关键的 0.074 美元支撑位保持不变,meme 代币可能会反弹至 0.10 美元。

Over the past week, DOGE has been fluctuating between $0.07876 and $0.08143, though its market capitalization is up from $11.25 billion to $11.61 billion. 

过去一周,DOGE 的市值从 112.5 亿美元增至 116.1 亿美元,但一直在 0.07876 美元至 0.08143 美元之间波动。

You might also like: Whales move over 514m Dogecoin amid push to $0.1

您可能还喜欢:鲸鱼在推向 0.1 美元的过程中移动了超过 5.14 亿美元的狗狗币

As prices trend above the 21- and 50-day EMAs, DOGE might rise to $0.1102 by the end of Q1 2024.

随着价格趋势高于 21 日和 50 日均线,DOGE 可能会在 2024 年第一季度末升至 0.1102 美元。

Pullix is rising up the defi rankings

Pullix 在 Defi 排名中不断上升

According to the Bank for International Settlements (BIS), the over-the-counter (OTC) derivatives market was worth an astounding $20.7 trillion in 2022. 

根据国际清算银行 (BIS) 的数据,2022 年场外 (OTC) 衍生品市场价值高达 20.7 万亿美元。

Pullix has set its sights on capturing a portion of the trading market by introducing its hybrid platform. 

Pullix 的目标是通过推出其混合平台来占领交易市场的一部分。

The platform has improved liquidity, access to various asset classes- including cryptocurrencies – and competitive trading charges.


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In stage 6 of its presale, Pullix has raised $3.6 million from selling 70 million PLX. Presently, each PLX is available for $0.08.

在预售的第六阶段,Pullix 通过出售 7000 万枚 PLX 筹集了 360 万美元。目前,每个 PLX 的售价为 0.08 美元。

PLX serves as the native currency on the Pullix platform, facilitating trades and granting holders access to reduced fees and exclusive assets.

PLX 是 Pullix 平台上的原生货币,促进交易并让持有者获得更低的费用和独家资产。

Pullix offers a “trade-to-earn” model. PLX holders can earn a portion of the platform’s daily revenue by staking. Additionally, traders can stake other coins on Pullix for fixed interest rates, expanding the possibilities for passive income.

Pullix 提供“交易赚取”模式。 PLX持有者可以通过质押赚取平台每日收入的一部分。此外,交易者可以在 Pullix 上抵押其他代币以获得固定利率,从而扩大被动收入的可能性。

Analysts expect PLX to rally once it lists on leading crypto exchanges in Q1 2024.

分析师预计 PLX 在 2024 年第一季度在领先的加密货币交易所上市后将会上涨。

Analyst bullish on TIA 

分析师看好 TIA

Another crypto analyst, Romano, is bullish on TIA. 

另一位加密货币分析师 Romano 看好 TIA。

In his latest tweet, he lauded Celestia’s development potential.

在他最新的推文中,他赞扬了 Celestia 的发展潜力。

TIA remains firm, rising from $13.79 to $19.17 in the past week. Its market cap rose from $2.12 billion to $3 billion during this time. 

TIA 保持坚挺,过去一周从 13.79 美元上涨至 19.17 美元。在此期间,其市值从 21.2 亿美元升至 30 亿美元。

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您可能还喜欢: Celestia 达到历史新高,自空投以来增长了 10 倍

This altcoin is expected to maintain its bullish momentum, with 15 technical indicators pointing towards a positive outlook. 

该山寨币预计将保持看涨势头,15 个技术指标都指向积极的前景。

As a result, analysts predict that TIA may retest $22.92 by Q1 2024. 

因此,分析师预测 TIA 可能会在 2024 年第一季度重新测试 22.92 美元。

Pullix versus Dogecoin and Celestia

Pullix 与狗狗币和 Celestia

Comparing these altcoins, Pullix has a lower market capitalization of $16 million compared to Dogecoin and Celestia. This small market cap implies that Pullix has the potential for rapid growth. This could explain the increasing demand in the ongoing presale.

与这些山寨币相比,Pullix 的市值比狗狗币和 Celestia 低 1600 万美元。如此小的市值意味着 Pullix 具有快速增长的潜力。这可以解释正在进行的预售中需求不断增加的原因。

Read more: Bitcoin bulls target $50k as investors accumulate Injective, Aptos, and Pullix

了解更多:投资者增持 Injective、Aptos 和 Pullix,比特币多头目标为 5 万美元

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披露:该内容由第三方提供。 crypto.news 不认可本页提及的任何产品。用户在采取与公司相关的任何行动之前必须进行自己的研究。


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