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Analyst Predicts Significant Dogecoin Surge


发布: 2024/06/28 01:46 阅读: 666




Analyst Predicts Significant Dogecoin Surge


The popular cryptocurrency, Dogecoin (DOGE), has consistently garnered attention from investors. Elon Musk's past support and rumors of its potential involvement in payment systems have positioned DOGE uniquely. As a result, analysts have been closely monitoring its trajectory.

流行的加密货币狗狗币(DOGE)一直受到投资者的关注。埃隆·马斯克 (Elon Musk) 过去的支持以及有关其可能参与支付系统的传言使 DOGE 处于独特的地位。因此,分析师一直在密切关注其发展轨迹。

Analyst's Dogecoin Commentary


Kaleo, a renowned cryptocurrency analyst, recently shared his views on DOGE. Predicting market trends, he suggests that Dogecoin has the potential to surge by 700% to 1,500% from its current level.

著名加密货币分析师 Kaleo 近日分享了他对 DOGE 的看法。在预测市场趋势时,他认为狗狗币有可能从目前的水平飙升 700% 至 1,500%。

"I believe we are in a meme coin super cycle and will see DOGE sent to $1 – $2," Kaleo stated. "History indicates we have time to prepare."

Kaleo 表示:“我相信我们正处于模因币超级周期,DOGE 将会涨至 1 至 2 美元。” “历史表明我们有时间做好准备。”

Current Market Position


At the time of writing, DOGE's price stands at $0.1236 with a 0.33% decline over the last 24 hours. Its market trading volume has reached $17.9 billion.

截至撰写本文时,DOGE 的价格为 0.1236 美元,在过去 24 小时内下跌了 0.33%。其市场交易量已达179亿美元。

Notably, DOGE's 24-hour trading volume has increased significantly, rising by 12% to over $588 million.

值得注意的是,DOGE 的 24 小时交易量大幅增长,增长 12% 至超过 5.88 亿美元。

Analyst's Projected Timeline


Kaleo estimates that Dogecoin's potential surge may materialize around December to February. This projection aligns with historical patterns, as previous DOGE rallies and Bitcoin halvings took approximately eight to nine months before initiating significant upward movements.

Kaleo 估计狗狗币的潜在飙升可能会在 12 月至 2 月左右实现。这一预测符合历史模式,因为之前的 DOGE 反弹和比特币减半大约需要八到九个月的时间才开始大幅上涨。

Bearish Prediction


However, Kaleo also cautions that DOGE could potentially experience a 36% drop before its forecasted rise.

然而,Kaleo 也警告说,DOGE 在其预测的上涨之前可能会下跌 36%。

"It wouldn't surprise me to see the current uptrend pull back to the eight to ten cent range," he explained. "This resembles a similar trend break we saw in August 2020."

“如果当前的上涨趋势回落至 8 至 10 美分的范围,我不会感到惊讶,”他解释道。 “这类似于我们在 2020 年 8 月看到的类似趋势突破。”


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