首页 > 资讯新闻 > 分析师预测狗狗币将出现 25% 的闪电崩盘,目标如下

Analyst Predicts 25% Flash Crash For Dogecoin, Here Are The Targets

分析师预测狗狗币将出现 25% 的闪电崩盘,目标如下

发布: 2024/01/03 06:33 阅读: 815



Dogecoin is still trading at a lower range than expected and this has triggered a wave of bearishness among investors. Despite previously breaking through the $0.1 level late last year, it was unable to maintain the bullish momentum, especially as indicators are turning quite bearish. In this vein, one crypto analyst has presented a bearish short-term for the asset which is still ranging through low levels.

狗狗币的交易价格仍低于预期,这引发了投资者的看跌浪潮。尽管去年年底曾突破 0.1 美元水平,但未能维持看涨势头,尤其是在指标转为相当看跌的情况下。在这种情况下,一位加密货币分析师对该资产提出了短期看跌的看法,该资产仍在低位徘徊。

Dogecoin Gearing Up For Massive 25% Crash

狗狗币准备迎接 25% 的大规模崩盘

In an analysis posted on the TradingView website, crypto analyst Alan Santana has sounded a warning alarm for the Dogecoin price going forward. According to the analysis, there could be a massive crash ahead for the meme coin.

在 TradingView 网站上发布的一份分析中,加密货币分析师艾伦·桑塔纳 (Alan Santana) 对狗狗币的未来价格发出了警告。根据分析,模因币未来可能会出现大规模崩盘。

The chart shows that the Dogecoin price has been trending lower since it first crossed $0.1 in early December. This has led to lower highs, a trend that has been historically bearish for any cryptocurrency and not just DOGE.

该图表显示,狗狗币价格自 12 月初首次突破 0.1 美元以来一直呈走低趋势。这导致了高点下降,这种趋势历来对任何加密货币(而不仅仅是狗狗币)都是利空的。

Not only has the asset been making lower highs, leading to a steady downtrend, but there has also been a significant drop in its trading volume over this time. This coupled with the lower lows and the endless sea of red on the chart, Santana believes that this has all the makings of a crash. Looking at the expectations for the said crash, the crypto analyst expects that the price will go from above $0.09 to as low as $0.07. In this case, a 25% crash will be the case.

该资产不仅创下较低的高点,导致稳定的下降趋势,而且在此期间其交易量也大幅下降。再加上图表上较低的低点和无尽的红色海洋,桑塔纳认为这具备了崩盘的所有因素。考虑到对上述崩盘的预期,加密货币分析师预计价格将从 0.09 美元以上降至 0.07 美元。在这种情况下,就会出现 25% 的崩溃情况。

However, it is not all bearish as the analyst expects a quick recovery following this crash. “ It is very slow now but it will speed up. We will get a major drop, BOOM! Flash crash and then a long-drawn-out recovery on the way up,” Santana said.

然而,这并不全是看跌,因为分析师预计这次崩盘后将迅速复苏。 “现在速度很慢,但会加快。我们将获得大幅下降,BOOM!闪电崩盘,然后在上涨过程中经历漫长的复苏,”桑塔纳说。

DOGE Failing To Hold Up On The Charts

DOGE 未能在图表上保持稳定

Dogecoin’s less-than-excellent performance has continued to threaten its position on the list of largest cryptocurrencies by market cap. After failing to move, it has fallen behind assets such as Solana and Avalanche, both of which have seen at least a 500% increase so far this year.

狗狗币不太出色的表现继续威胁其在市值最大的加密货币名单中的地位。在未能采取行动后,它已经落后于 Solana 和 Avalanche 等资产,这两家公司今年迄今的涨幅至少为 500%。

Currently, Dogecoin is the 10th-largest cryptocurrency in the market with a market cap of $13.2 billion. But even then, it is continuing to lose dominance in the market as coins like Tron’s TRX and Polkadot’s DOT continue to creep up.

目前,狗狗币是市场上第十大加密货币,市值为 132 亿美元。但即便如此,随着 Tron 的 TRX 和 Polkadot 的 DOT 等代币的不断崛起,它在市场上的主导地位仍在继续丧失。

Both of these digital assets are around $3 billion shy of overtaking Dogecoin. DOT’s market cap is currently sitting at $11 billion while TRX is at $9.7 billion. If Santana’s analysis proves true and DOGE records a 25% crash, then it could fall out of the top 10 cryptocurrencies by market cap for the first time in over a year.

这两种数字资产距离超越狗狗币还差 30 亿美元左右。 DOT 的市值目前为 110 亿美元,而 TRX 的市值为 97 亿美元。如果 Santana 的分析属实,并且 DOGE 暴跌 25%,那么它可能会在一年多的时间里首次跌出市值排名前 10 的加密货币。


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