首页 > 资讯新闻 > 分析师价格预测:BNB和狗狗币将复苏,新项目将飙升280%

Analyst Price Prediction: BNB and Dogecoin To Recover, New Project To Surge 280%


发布: 2023/10/19 16:15 阅读: 388



Binance celebrated its 25th quarterly burn where it burnt 2.14 million BNB tokens. Investors are sceptical that this could affect BNB’s price. Dogecoin’s price is still on the decline as the DOGE community hopes for Elon Musk’s X platform to adopt the meme coin. Meanwhile, a new crypto project, Everlodge, has caught the attention of analysts in the past few weeks.

币安庆祝其第 25 个季度销毁,销毁了 214 万个 BNB 代币。投资者怀疑这是否会影响 BNB 的价格。狗狗币的价格仍在下跌,因为 DOGE 社区希望埃隆·马斯克的 X 平台采用这种模因币。与此同时,一个新的加密项目 Everlodge 在过去几周引起了分析师的关注。

Everlodge (ELDG) Forays Into the Vacation Rental Market

Everlodge (ELDG) 进军度假租赁市场

According to research, the global tourism sector has become a booming market since the Covid-19 pandemic. Statistical data shows that the number of hotels and resorts worldwide is over 700,000. However, only a few people have enough money to invest in such properties.

研究显示,自 Covid-19 大流行以来,全球旅游业已成为一个蓬勃发展的市场。统计数据显示,全球酒店及度假村数量超过70万家。然而,只有少数人有足够的钱来投资此类房产。

Fortunately, Everlodge is here to level the playing field for every investor. Everlodge is an upcoming Web3 platform designed to solve challenges in real estate. People will be able to buy and sell real estate properties cheaply by using the fractionalization of Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs).

幸运的是,Everlodge 为每位投资者提供公平的竞争环境。 Everlodge 是一个即将推出的 Web3 平台,旨在解决房地产领域的挑战。人们将能够通过使用不可替代代币(NFT)的碎片化来廉价地买卖房地产。

NFT fractionalization entails dividing a full NFT representing a real estate property into fractions that people can buy with as little as $100. These NFTs have real value and can be used as collateral for loans. In the meantime, Everlodge is in the fifth presale stage.

NFT 碎片化需要将代表房地产的完整 NFT 分成人们可以用 100 美元购买的碎片。这些 NFT 具有实际价值,可以用作贷款的抵押品。与此同时,Everlodge已进入预售第五阶段。

Its ELDG token is up for grabs at just $0.02. Those who buy the Everlodge token will enjoy passive income, discounts, governance rights, and a chance to win a free vacation to the Maldives. Analysts have forecasted that ELDG’s value will go up by 280% by December.

其 ELDG 代币售价仅为 0.02 美元。购买 Everlodge 代币的人将享受被动收入、折扣、治理权,并有机会赢得马尔代夫免费度假。分析师预测,到 12 月,ELDG 的价值将上涨 280%。

What is Next for BNB (BNB) Price After Token Burns?

代币销毁后,BNB (BNB) 价格接下来会怎样?

Binance Coin (BNB) is making waves in the cryptocurrency sector as it burns 2.14 million BNB tokens. This burn strategy is part of the platform’s strategy to reduce the supply of BNB and increase its price. Following the burn, the price of BNB rose by 3%, to touch $213.

币安币(BNB)在加密货币领域掀起波澜,销毁了 214 万枚 BNB 代币。这种销毁策略是平台减少 BNB 供应并提高其价格策略的一部分。销毁后,BNB 价格上涨 3%,触及 213 美元。

In addition, the token has managed to maintain a 3.3% gain on the weekly chart. Looking at the price chart, the BNB coin is currently bouncing between $205.23 and $222.43. Firstly, there is an initial support level of $195.97, which acts like a safety net. Additionally, there is a stronger support at $178.77.

此外,该代币在周线图上还成功保持了 3.3% 的涨幅。从价格图表来看,BNB 代币目前在 205.23 美元至 222.43 美元之间反弹。首先,初始支撑位为 195.97 美元,它起到了安全网的作用。此外,178.77 美元有更强的支撑。

Also, network activity on the BNB Chain has been on the rise. The network recently released the Greenfield mainnet. The aim of this storage network is to transform Web3 data usage and ownership. Crypto analysts remain bullish on the BNB coin and predict a price pump to $230 in the coming weeks.

此外,BNB 链上的网络活动一直在增加。该网络最近发布了 Greenfield 主网。该存储网络的目标是改变 Web3 数据的使用和所有权。加密货币分析师仍然看好 BNB 代币,并预测未来几周价格将上涨至 230 美元。

What is Happening To Dogecoin (DOGE)?


Dogecoin (DOGE), the famous meme coin has been stuck in a tight trading range in the past few months. Dogecoin’s price has struggled to go above $0.06 for the last two months. This lack of progress comes at a time of uncertainty in the wider cryptocurrency market.

狗狗币(DOGE)是著名的模因币,在过去几个月里一直处于狭窄的交易区间。过去两个月,狗狗币的价格一直难以突破 0.06 美元。这种缺乏进展的情况发生在更广泛的加密货币市场充满不确定性的时期。

Additionally, Dogecoin’s daily transaction volume has dropped, showing a lack of user interest in the coin. The price of Dogecoin has fallen from $0.06011 on October 16th to $0.058986 on October 18th.


Also, development on the Dogecoin network has plunged in the past months. Nevertheless, crypto analysts are still bullish on the price of Dogecoin given its latest listing on BitTrade. They have forecasted Dogecoin’s price to rise to $0.0723 when market condition improves.

此外,狗狗币网络的发展在过去几个月里急剧下降。尽管如此,鉴于狗狗币最近在 BitTrade 上市,加密货币分析师仍然看好狗狗币的价格。他们预测,当市场状况改善时,狗狗币的价格将上涨至 0.0723 美元。


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Continue Reading: https://en.coin-turk.com/analyst-price-prediction-bnb-and-dogecoin-to-recover-new-project-to-surge-280/



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