首页 > 资讯新闻 > André Dragosch 表示,以太坊的表现将在 2024 年超越比特币;分析师预测 Meme Moguls 价格

André Dragosch says Ethereum will outperform Bitcoin in 2024; analysts forecast Meme Moguls prices

André Dragosch 表示,以太坊的表现将在 2024 年超越比特币;分析师预测 Meme Moguls 价格

发布: 2024/01/02 18:07 阅读: 451



André Dragosch 表示,以太坊的表现将在 2024 年超越比特币;分析师预测 Meme Moguls 价格

Disclosure: This article does not represent investment advice. The content and materials featured on this page are for educational purposes only.


The head of research at ETC Group, André Dragosch, has predicted that Ethereum will outshine Bitcoin in 2024. Another analyst said Bitcoin will rise to $130k in 2025. Meanwhile, another one said Meme Moguls could reach $0.1 in 2024.

ETC Group 研究主管 André Dragosch 预测,以太坊将在 2024 年超越比特币。另一位分析师表示,比特币将在 2025 年升至 13 万美元。与此同时,另一位分析师表示,Meme Moguls 可能在 2024 年达到 0.1 美元。

Ethereum may outperform Bitcoin in 2024

2024 年以太坊的表现可能会超过比特币

André Dragosch, the head of research at ETC Group, believes that Ethereum has a bright future. 

ETC Group 研究主管 André Dragosch 认为以太坊拥有光明的未来。

He praised Ethereum for being a trailblazer in the smart contracts platform. 


Dragosch predicts Ethereum to recover in 2024. 

Dragosch 预测以太坊将在 2024 年复苏。

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您可能还喜欢:分析师称以太坊有望升至 2,700 美元

According to Dragosch, several things affect Ethereum. 

根据 Dragosch 的说法,有几件事会影响以太坊。

One of the crucial ones is the “burn mechanism” introduced by Ethereum Improvement Proposal EIP-1559 in August 2021. 

其中关键之一是 2021 年 8 月以太坊改进提案 EIP-1559 引入的“销毁机制”。

This feature is expected to decrease ETH’s overall supply, which, according to Dragosch, could support prices.

Dragosch 表示,这一功能预计将减少 ETH 的总体供应量,这可能会支撑价格。

Dragosch said combining reduced supply and staking rewards could help Ethereum outperform Bitcoin. 

Dragosch 表示,供应量减少和质押奖励相结合可能有助于以太坊跑赢比特币。

Ethereum is currently hovering around $2,300 when writing as bulls aim for $2,500.

当多头瞄准 2,500 美元时,以太坊目前徘徊在 2,300 美元左右。

Meme Moguls to $0.1 in 2024?

Meme Moguls 到 2024 年将达到 0.1 美元?

Meme Moguls is an online platform that connects game lovers and meme enthusiasts. 

Meme Moguls 是一个连接游戏爱好者和 Meme 爱好者的在线平台。

One of its popular features is the “wealth leaderboard,” which rewards the top 20 players with cash prizes every day. 

其受欢迎的功能之一是“财富排行榜”,每天都会向前 20 名玩家奖励现金奖励。

Users can invest 20% of their virtual money in a single investment to encourage diversification. 

用户可以将虚拟货币的 20% 投入单笔投资,以鼓励多元化。

Meme Moguls also offers a virtual world, “Mogul World”, where players can mine tokens, stake them, and interact with others. 

Meme Moguls 还提供了一个虚拟世界“Mogul World”,玩家可以在其中挖掘代币、质押代币并与其他人互动。

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The platform’s native token, MGLS, is trading for $0.0025 but could reach $0.1 by 2024. 

该平台的原生代币 MGLS 的交易价格为 0.0025 美元,但到 2024 年可能会达到 0.1 美元。

Meme Moguls has raised over $1 million in the ongoing presale.

Meme Moguls 在正在进行的预售中筹集了超过 100 万美元。

Bitcoin may reach $130,000


A crypto analyst, CryptoCon, believes Bitcoin could reach $130,000 by November or December 2025. 

CryptoCon 的加密货币分析师认为,到 2025 年 11 月或 12 月,比特币的价格可能会达到 13 万美元。

However, he also thinks there might be a significant drop before it reaches that high. 


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In his view, Bitcoin may cool off by between 38% and 52%, lasting for about five to six months, ending around May 2024. 


Despite predicting this dip, CryptoCon remains optimistic about Bitcoin’s long-term growth and noted that there would be an upward surge after that.

尽管预测比特币会下跌,但 CryptoCon 仍然对比特币的长期增长持乐观态度,并指出此后将会出现大幅上涨。



Bitcoin and Ethereum are established projects. 


However, emerging players like Meme Moguls plan to offer a unique platform for trading and gaming.

然而,像 Meme Moguls 这样的新兴玩家计划提供一个独特的交易和游戏平台。

Learn more about the MGLS here:

在此处了解有关 MGLS 的更多信息:

Visit Meme Moguls | Join the Community

访问 Meme 大亨 |加入社区

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披露:该内容由第三方提供。 crypto.news 不认可本页提及的任何产品。用户在采取与公司相关的任何行动之前必须进行自己的研究。


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