首页 > 资讯新闻 > BitMEX 的 Arthur Hayes 表示 Aptos 将颠覆 Solana

Aptos Set to Flip Solana, Says BitMEX’s Arthur Hayes

BitMEX 的 Arthur Hayes 表示 Aptos 将颠覆 Solana

发布: 2024/06/18 01:07 阅读: 415

原文作者:The Crypto Times


BitMEX 的 Arthur Hayes 表示 Aptos 将颠覆 Solana

Solana vs. Aptos: A Potential Shift in Layer 1 Competition

Solana 与 Aptos:Layer 1 竞争的潜在转变

Solana has experienced significant growth and adoption, but BitMEX founder Arthur Hayes believes a shift may occur in the competition among Layer 1 (L1) blockchain networks.

Solana 经历了显着的增长和采用,但 BitMEX 创始人 Arthur Hayes 认为,第 1 层 (L1) 区块链网络之间的竞争可能会发生转变。

In an interview, Hayes, now CIO of Maelstrom, discussed his views on the crypto market landscape. He highlighted the risk of a major crypto custodian collapse due to a hack, potentially ending the current bull cycle.

在接受采访时,现任 Maelstrom 首席信息官的 Hayes 讨论了他对加密货币市场格局的看法。他强调了由于黑客攻击而导致主要加密货币托管机构崩溃的风险,这可能会结束当前的牛市周期。

Hayes also predicted that Aptos could surpass Solana in the L1 blockchain competition within the next few years. "Aptos flips Solana in the layer-1 game. I'll put that out there," he stated.

Hayes还预测,未来几年Aptos可能在L1区块链竞争中超越Solana。 “阿普托斯在第一层比赛中击败了索拉纳。我会把它放在那里,”他说。

Solana has faced challenges like network outages and the FTX collapse since its launch in 2020. Despite these setbacks, it has gained traction in decentralized finance (DeFi) and other sectors.

自 2020 年推出以来,Solana 面临着网络中断和 FTX 崩溃等挑战。尽管遇到这些挫折,但它在去中心化金融(DeFi)和其他领域获得了关注。

Aptos, on the other hand, is a decentralized network aiming to excel in DeFi, Web3 gaming, and other industries. The support from the Aptos Foundation and its resilience have fostered optimism within the community.

另一方面,Aptos 是一个去中心化网络,旨在在 DeFi、Web3 游戏和其他行业中脱颖而出。 Aptos 基金会的支持及其复原力培养了社区内的乐观情绪。

Hayes also commented on the meme coin space, predicting the possibility of a Dogecoin exchange-traded fund (ETF) this year. While he believes in Dogecoin's future, he remains skeptical about most other meme coins.


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