首页 > 资讯新闻 > 亚瑟·海斯 (Arthur Hayes) 支持索拉纳 (Solana); Reddit 用户探索狗狗币竞争对手

Arthur Hayes backs Solana; Redditors exploring Dogecoin rival

亚瑟·海斯 (Arthur Hayes) 支持索拉纳 (Solana); Reddit 用户探索狗狗币竞争对手

发布: 2024/01/18 20:31 阅读: 706



亚瑟·海斯 (Arthur Hayes) 支持索拉纳 (Solana); Reddit 用户探索狗狗币竞争对手

Disclosure: This article does not represent investment advice. The content and materials featured on this page are for educational purposes only.


In crypto, where prices rapidly fluctuate, two digital assets are in the spotlight – Solana (SOL) and Rebel Satoshi (RBLZ). 

在价格快速波动的加密货币领域,两种数字资产备受关注——Solana (SOL) 和 Rebel Satoshi (RBLZ)。

Hayes is Firm on Solana amidst market volatility

海耶斯在市场波动中坚定看好 Solana

Solana is a top 10 coin by market capitalization. 

Solana 是市值排名前 10 的代币。

Arthur Hayes, a co-founder of BitMEX and CIO at MaelstromFund, has been vocal about Solana.

BitMEX 联合创始人兼 MaelstromFund 首席信息官 Arthur Hayes 一直对 Solana 直言不讳。

Despite market volatility, Solana has been resilient, rebounding from below $90 to over $100. 

尽管市场波动,Solana 仍然保持弹性,从 90 美元以下反弹至 100 美元以上。

A seasoned crypto expert, Hayes remains optimistic about Solana’s potential, predicting further price appreciation. His confidence has amplified the bullish sentiment surrounding the coin.

作为一名经验丰富的加密货币专家,Hayes 对 Solana 的潜力仍然持乐观态度,并预测价格将进一步升值。他的信心放大了围绕代币的看涨情绪。

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您可能还喜欢:Arthur Hayes 预计银行业巨头将超越 Tether 的稳定币主导地位

However, a recent CoinShares report has introduced a note of caution. It revealed a significant outflow of funds from Solana, totaling $5.3 million. 

然而,CoinShares 最近的一份报告提出了警告。据透露,Solana 资金大量外流,总计 530 万美元。

This contrasts sharply with a $113 million inflow into Bitcoin, raising questions.

这与比特币 1.13 亿美元的流入形成鲜明对比,引发了疑问。

The market’s interpretation of these signals varies, with some adopting a cautious approach and others embracing Hayes’ optimistic outlook.


Redditors backing Rebel Satoshi

Reddit 用户支持反叛中本聪

The Reddit community has been exploring Rebel Satoshi, a Dogecoin rival.

Reddit 社区一直在探索狗狗币的竞争对手 Rebel Satoshi。

Rebel Satoshi has gained momentum with its Monarchs Round 4 presale, offering tokens at $0.0224. 

Rebel Satoshi 在 Monarchs 第 4 轮预售中势头强劲,代币价格为 0.0224 美元。

Over 103 million RBLZ tokens have been sold. 

已售出超过 1.03 亿枚 RBLZ 代币。

You might also like: After Solana and XRP rally, investors are exploring Rebel Satoshi 

您可能还喜欢:在 Solana 和 XRP 反弹之后,投资者正在探索 Rebel Satoshi

This community-driven token, driven by the aspiration of reaching $100 million in market capitalization, has been rising in prominence.

这种由社区驱动的代币,在市值达到 1 亿美元的愿望的推动下,知名度不断上升。

The project encourages community members to participate in staking and receive rewards.


Rebel Meme Hall of Fame 


Rebel Satoshi introduces the Rebel Meme Hall of Fame as an added incentive, allowing participants to shine in recognition of their contribution. 

Rebel Satoshi 引入了 Rebel Meme 名人堂作为额外的激励措施,让参与者能够发光发热以表彰他们的贡献。

Investors can also explore unique assets, including Rebel Satoshi, Rac Catesby, Thomas “The Owl,” BW Wintour, and Red Wintour, each endowed with distinct features and roles.

投资者还可以探索独特的资产,包括 Rebel Satoshi、Rac Catesby、Thomas“The Owl”、BW Wintour 和 Red Wintour,每个资产都具有独特的特征和角色。

You might also like: XRP bullish, investors turn to EOS and Rebel Satoshi 

您可能还喜欢:XRP 看涨,投资者转向 EOS 和 Rebel Satoshi

For those considering altcoins to buy in these uncertain times, Rebel Satoshi can be an. Built on Ethereum, it offers investors a safe haven. 

对于那些考虑在当前不确定时期购买山寨币的人来说,Rebel Satoshi 可能是一个选择。它建立在以太坊之上,为投资者提供了一个安全的避风港。

Rebel Satoshi’s smart contracts have been audited by the top auditing firm Source Hat. 

Rebel Satoshi 的智能合约已经过顶级审计公司 Source Hat 的审计。



Solana’s resilience and Rebel Satoshi’s rise provide contrasting yet intriguing narratives. 


Arthur Hayes’ unwavering faith in Solana adds credibility, while Rebel Satoshi’s community-driven approach and unique offerings capture the attention of Reddit enthusiasts. 

Arthur Hayes 对 Solana 坚定不移的信心增加了可信度,而 Rebel Satoshi 的社区驱动方法和独特的产品吸引了 Reddit 爱好者的注意。

As altcoins dominate discussions, these two entities stand out, navigating the volatile crypto seas with distinct strategies and ambitions.


Investors looking for altcoins to buy can explore the Rebel Satoshi presale. So far, over 103 million RBLZ have been sold.

想要购买山寨币的投资者可以探索 Rebel Satoshi 预售。迄今为止,RBLZ 已售出超过 1.03 亿枚。

Read more: Dogecoin trends at $0.10; analysts expect Polkadot and Rebel Satoshi to rally

了解更多:狗狗币趋势为 0.10 美元;分析师预计 Polkadot 和 Rebel Satoshi 将会反弹

Disclosure: This content is provided by a third party. crypto.news does not endorse any product mentioned on this page. Users must do their own research before taking any actions related to the company.

披露:该内容由第三方提供。 crypto.news 不认可本页提及的任何产品。用户在采取与公司相关的任何行动之前必须进行自己的研究。


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