首页 > 快讯 > AzukiDAO 更名为「Bean」,已筹集 1000 万美元资金将发行 10 亿枚 memecoin

AzukiDAO changed its name to "Bean" and has raised US$10 million in funds to issue 1 billion memecoin

AzukiDAO 更名为「Bean」,已筹集 1000 万美元资金将发行 10 亿枚 memecoin

发布: 2023/11/25 18:22 阅读: 292


AzukiDAO 更名为「Bean」,已筹集 1000 万美元资金将发行 10 亿枚 memecoin

Mars Finance News, according to Cointelegraph, AzukiDAO announced that it has changed its name to "Bean" and dropped the lawsuit against Azuki founder Zagabond over the $39 million minting incident. Azuki developers said the DAO will be renamed the memecoin project and become part of the Ethereum layer 2 Blast ecosystem. The developers also claim that Bean has also received $10 million in funding from "well-known investors" for its development and acceleration within the Blast ecosystem. Specific investors were not disclosed.

火星财经讯,据 Cointelegraph 报道,AzukiDAO 宣布已更名为“Bean”,并撤销针对 Azuki 创始人 Zagabond 的 3900 万美元铸币事件的诉讼。 Azuki 开发人员表示,DAO 将更名为 memecoin 项目,并成为以太坊第 2 层 Blast 生态系统的一部分。开发人员还声称,Bean 还从“知名投资者”那里获得了 1000 万美元的资金,用于其在 Blast 生态系统中的开发和加速。具体投资者并未透露。


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