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Barry Silbert deletes old tweets amid GBTC selloff

Barry Silbert 在 GBTC 抛售期间删除了旧推文

发布: 2024/01/16 06:17 阅读: 958



Barry Silbert 在 GBTC 抛售期间删除了旧推文

Under-fire Digital Currency Group founder Barry Silbert has apparently deleted a raft of his old tweets.


According to his X (formerly Twitter) account, Silbert signed up in October 2011, however, at the time of writing, his timeline shows no tweets or replies older than January 5 this year.

根据他的 X(前 Twitter)帐户,Silbert 于 2011 年 10 月注册,然而,在撰写本文时,他的时间线显示没有早于今年 1 月 5 日的推文或回复。

Luckily for die-hard Silbert fans, X user Pledditor has screenshotted some of his “greatest hits.”

对于 Silbert 的铁杆粉丝来说幸运的是,X 用户 Pledditor 截取了他的一些“最热门歌曲”的截图。

Read more: Former DCG advisor Larry Summers on list of Jeffrey Epstein’s ‘Harvard friends’

阅读更多:前 DCG 顾问拉里·萨默斯 (Larry Summers) 被列入杰弗里·爱泼斯坦 (Jeffrey Epstein) 的“哈佛朋友”名单

Among the messages saved by Pledditor is a classic in which Silbert brands himself a “complete and total professional failure,” and one in which he advises Dogecoin holders to convert it to bitcoin.

在 Pledditor 保存的信息中,有一条经典信息,其中西尔伯特将自己称为“彻底的职业失败”,并建议狗狗币持有者将其转换为比特币。

It’s not clear what prompted Silbert’s Social Media cull but he’s currently taking Social Media flak after nearly $580 million in outflows from Grayscale’s Bitcoin Trust (GBTC) late last week was blamed for a dip in Bitcoin’s price. GBTC converted into an ETF late last week.

目前尚不清楚是什么促使 Silbert 剔除社交媒体,但他目前正受到社交媒体的严厉批评,因为上周晚些时候,Grayscale 的比特币信托基金 (GBTC) 资金流出近 5.8 亿美元,被认为是比特币价格下跌的原因。 GBTC 于上周晚些时候转换为 ETF。

Bitcoin hit a two-year high of more than $49,000 on Thursday, however by Friday it had once again dipped below $43,000.

比特币周四触及超过 49,000 美元的两年高点,但到周五再次跌破 43,000 美元。

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有小费吗?给我们发送电子邮件或 ProtonMail。如需了解更多消息灵通的新闻,请在 X、Instagram、Bluesky 和 ​​Google 新闻上关注我们,或订阅我们的 YouTube 频道。

Source: https://thebittimes.com/barry-silbert-deletes-old-tweets-amid-gbtc-selloff-tbt76662.html



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