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Battle Of The Blockchains: Solana vs Ethereum Altcoins

区块链之战:Solana 与以太坊山寨币

发布: 2024/07/12 00:07 阅读: 767

原文作者:Crypto Daily™


区块链之战:Solana 与以太坊山寨币

Solana Altcoins Surge as Ethereum Rivals Struggle

随着以太坊竞争对手的挣扎,Solana 山寨币飙升

In the realm of cryptocurrencies, the battle for supremacy continues, with Solana altcoins standing their ground against Ethereum contenders.

在加密货币领域,霸权之战仍在继续,Solana 山寨币在与以太坊竞争者的竞争中站稳了脚跟。

Ethereum Altcoins Under Pressure


The volatility of the crypto market has taken a toll on Ethereum altcoins, particularly Shiba Inu (SHIB) and Pepe (PEPE). While Pepe still shows some resilience, Shiba Inu has faced consistent downward pressure.

加密货币市场的波动对以太坊山寨币造成了影响,特别是 Shiba Inu (SHIB) 和 Pepe (PEPE)。虽然佩佩仍然表现出一定的韧性,但柴犬却面临着持续的下行压力。

Solana Altcoins Skyrocket

Solana 山寨币飙升

In contrast, Solana altcoins, such as Angry Pepe Fork, Popcat, and Dogwifhat, have exhibited impressive gains. The recent launch of a Solana ETF by VanEck and 21Shares has provided a boost to the Solana ecosystem, benefiting these coins.

相比之下,Solana 山寨币,如 Angry Pepe Fork、Popcat 和 Dogwifhat,则表现出了令人印象深刻的涨幅。 VanEck 和 21Shares 最近推出的 Solana ETF 推动了 Solana 生态系统的发展,使这些代币受益。

Shiba Inu's Struggles


Shiba Inu, one of Ethereum's largest altcoins, remains subdued despite the market's recovery. Price data suggests bearishness on weekly and monthly charts. However, there is some optimism, with TraderDaink predicting a potential rise to $0.0000400.

尽管市场复苏,但以太坊最大的山寨币之一柴犬仍然低迷。价格数据在周线和月线图表上显示看跌。然而,存在一些乐观情绪,TraderDaink 预测价格可能上涨至 0.0000400 美元。

Pepe's Resilience


Despite utility limitations, Pepe has outperformed most altcoins in 2023. After a slow start, its price surged to $0.00001718 in May. Although losses have been incurred, Pepe maintains bullishness on biweekly and YTD charts. WhaleInsider reports whale accumulation, indicating continued optimism among investors.

尽管存在效用限制,Pepe 在 2023 年的表现仍优于大多数山寨币。在起步缓慢后,其价格在 5 月份飙升至 0.00001718 美元。尽管出现了损失,佩佩仍对双周图和年初至今图表保持看涨态度。 WhaleInsider 报告鲸鱼积累,表明投资者持续乐观。

Angry Pepe Fork: Solana's Rising Star


While Ethereum coins face challenges, Angry Pepe Fork has emerged as a dominant force in Solana. As a meme coin based on Solana, it has built a strong community focused on enhancing the MemeFi sector.

尽管以太币面临挑战,但 Angry Pepe Fork 已成为 Solana 的主导力量。作为基于 Solana 的 Meme 币,它建立了一个专注于增强 MemeFi 领域的强大社区。

Angry Pepe Fork is currently in the presale stage, priced at $0.014. Market analysts predict a 200% surge in the coming months, urging investors to act quickly.

Angry Pepe Fork 目前处于预售阶段,售价 0.014 美元。市场分析师预测未来几个月将飙升 200%,敦促投资者迅速采取行动。

Unique features such as the "Conquer To Earn" mechanism and a staking protocol foster community engagement and provide attractive returns. The project has raised over $180k in presale funding, indicating strong interest.

“征服赚钱”机制和质押协议等独特功能可促进社区参与并提供有吸引力的回报。该项目已筹集超过 18 万美元的预售资金,表明了浓厚的兴趣。

Popcat's Continued Success

Popcat 的持续成功

Popcat reigns supreme as the top memecoin on Solana. It has maintained a positive trend despite the downturn in other coins. Analysts estimate a potential rise to $1 if the momentum continues.

Popcat 作为 Solana 上的顶级 memecoin 占据着至高无上的地位。尽管其他代币低迷,但它仍保持积极趋势。分析师估计,如果这种势头持续下去,价格可能会上涨至 1 美元。

Dogwifhat's Bullish Return

Dogwifhat 的看涨回报

Dogwifhat, known for its rapid ascent and subsequent drop, has regained momentum. It exhibits gains of 16.1% weekly and 7.5% biweekly, signaling a resurgence of bullish sentiment.

以快速上升和随后下降而闻名的 Dogwifhat 已恢复势头。该指数每周上涨 16.1%,每两周上涨 7.5%,表明看涨情绪复苏。



Solana altcoins, led by Angry Pepe Fork, are seizing the moment in this crypto battle. They have overcome recent challenges and have the potential for further growth. Ethereum altcoins, such as Shiba Inu and Pepe, are facing resistance but remain contenders to watch. Among these coins, Angry Pepe Fork stands out with its utility, lower market cap, and promising roadmap, making it a compelling investment opportunity for those seeking high-growth potential.

由 Angry Pepe Fork 领导的 Solana 山寨币正在这场加密货币之战中抓住时机。他们克服了最近的挑战,并有进一步增长的潜力。 Shiba Inu 和 Pepe 等以太坊山寨币正面临阻力,但仍然是值得关注的竞争者。在这些代币中,Angry Pepe Fork 以其实用性、较低的市值和有前途的路线图脱颖而出,对于那些寻求高增长潜力的人来说是一个引人注目的投资机会。


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