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Battle Tested and Reliable Cryptocurrencies – Stellar, Dogecoin and Pomerdoge

经过实战考验和可靠的加密货币 - Stellar、Dogecoin和Pomerdoge

发布: 2023/08/15 15:00 阅读: 242



Cryptocurrencies that are battle tested and reliable means that they’ve survived a bear market at some point. With many cryptocurrencies falling during harsh times, rarely do any manage to recover. However, Stellar (XLM), Dogecoin (DOGE), and Pomerdoge (POMD) did survive and are some of the most reliable altcoins out there. We will dive into each one individually to see how far they can climb.

经过战斗考验且可靠的加密货币意味着它们在某个时候已经度过了熊市。由于许多加密货币在困难时期下跌,很少有能够恢复的。然而,Stellar (XLM)、Dogecoin (DOGE) 和 Pomerdoge (POMD) 确实幸存下来,并且是最可靠的山寨币之一。我们将分别深入研究每个人,看看他们能爬多远。



  • The Stellar crypto to reach $0.17
  • Stellar 加密货币将达到 0.17 美元

  • The Dogecoin altcoin can reach  $0.098
  • 狗狗币山寨币可达 0.098 美元

  • Pomerdoge (POMD) to spike by 17x
  • Pomerdoge (POMD) 飙升 17 倍

Click Here To Find Out More About The Pomerdoge (POMD) Presale

单击此处了解有关 Pomerdoge (POMD) 预售的更多信息

Stellar (XLM) Future Outlook


Stellar (XLM) traded at a value of $0.139183. During the past week, the cryptocurrency saw its low point at $0.133853, with its high point at $0.145009. In addition, it had a market cap of $3,808,799,279, with a trading volume of $81,270,684. 

Stellar (XLM) 的交易价格为 0.139183 美元。过去一周,该加密货币的低点为 0.133853 美元,高点为 0.145009 美元。此外,其市值为 3,808,799,279 美元,交易量为 81,270,684 美元。

During the past 30 days, the Stellar crypto grew in value by 43.2%, even during times of a market downtrend. As a result, many have begun eyeing the altcoin for high-term returns. According to the Stellar price prediction, it can surge to $0.17 by the end of the year. 

在过去 30 天内,即使在市场下跌趋势期间,Stellar 加密货币的价值也增长了 43.2%。因此,许多人开始关注山寨币的长期回报。根据Stellar价格预测,到年底可能飙升至0.17美元。

Dogecoin (DOGE) Price Prediction

狗狗币 (DOGE) 价格预测

The Dogecoin (DOGE) cryptocurrency, on the other hand, traded at $0.075468. During the past week, it saw its low point at $0.072760, with its high point of value at $0.076628. Moreover, the Dogecoin crypto had a market cap of $10,610,548,488 and a 24-hour trading volume of $293,619,044. 

另一方面,狗狗币(DOGE)加密货币的交易价格为 0.075468 美元。过去一周,其最低价为 0.072760 美元,最高价为 0.076628 美元。此外,狗狗币加密货币的市值为 10,610,548,488 美元,24 小时交易量为 293,619,044 美元。

According to its on-chart data, it grew in value by 16.6% in the past 30 days and by 1.5% in the past week. With this in mind, according to the Dogecoin price prediction, it can climb to $0.098 by the end of 2023.

根据其图表数据,过去 30 天其价值增长了 16.6%,过去一周增长了 1.5%。考虑到这一点,根据狗狗币的价格预测,到 2023 年底它可能会攀升至 0.098 美元。

Pomerdoge (POMD) Expected to Surge In Value

Pomerdoge (POMD) 预计价值飙升

Aside from Stellar and Dogecoin, however, another cryptocurrency that is expected to see a surge in value is Pomerdoge (POMD). Unlike other meme-coins, this altcoin features an entire ecosystem that can provide value to its users around the world.

然而,除了恒星币和狗狗币之外,另一种预计价值会飙升的加密货币是 Pomerdoge (POMD)。与其他模因币不同,这种山寨币具有完整的生态系统,可以为世界各地的用户提供价值。

From the Pomergame Play-to-Earn (P2E) virtual world to the Pomerplace, and NFT collection, there is a lot to do. Through Pomergame, anyone can create a Pomer character and explore the virtual world whilst also gathering items of value. 

从 Pomergame Play-to-Earn (P2E) 虚拟世界到 Pomerplace 和 NFT 收藏,有很多事情要做。通过 Pomergame,任何人都可以创建 Pomer 角色并探索虚拟世界,同时收集有价值的物品。

Then, upon reaching Gold Status, they unlock the marketplace in which they can buy, sell or trade anything they want to. The Pomerplace even features an arena where players can battle. The project has been audited and is 100% secure according to SOLIDProof and Cyberscope. 

然后,在达到黄金状态后,他们就可以解锁市场,在其中可以购买、出售或交易任何他们想要的东西。波默普拉斯甚至还设有一个供玩家战斗的竞技场。根据 SOLIDProof 和 Cyber​​scope,该项目已经过审核并且 100% 安全。

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Unibot:交易智能让您的成功率提高 7 倍!

Discover the edge in crypto trading with Unibot – a user-friendly Telegram bot that boasts a 35% profitability rate amongst users, seven times higher than the average trader (only 5% of traders are profitable)!

Experience top-notch features like decentralized copytrading, DEX-based limit orders, and protection against MEV bots.
Click to connect with Unibot

使用 Unibot 探索加密货币交易的优势——这是一款用户友好的 Telegram 机器人,在用户中拥有 35% 的盈利率,比普通交易者高出七倍(只有 5% 的交易者盈利)!体验一流的功能,例如去中心化跟单交易、基于 DEX 的限价订单以及针对 MEV 机器人的防护。点击连接Unibot!

The 7,777 NFT collection, however, is only accessible to presale buyers of POMD. Moreover, POMD trades at just $0.008 during the presale and will surge in value by 17x at launch. Pomerdoge is a potential blue-chip token that should not be missed by those eyeing battle tested and reliable cryptocurrencies.

然而,7,777 个 NFT 系列仅适用于 POMD 的预售买家。此外,POMD 在预售期间的交易价格仅为 0.008 美元,而在发布时其价值将飙升 17 倍。 Pomerdoge 是一种潜在的蓝筹代币,那些关注经过实战考验的可靠加密货币的人不应错过。

Find out more about the Pomerdoge (POMD) Presale Today

了解有关 Pomerdoge (POMD) 今日预售的更多信息

Website: https://pomerdoge.com/ Telegram Community: https://t.me/pomerdoge

网站:https://pomerdoge.com/ Telegram 社区:https://t.me/pomerdoge

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经过战斗考验的可靠加密货币——Stellar、Dogecoin 和 Pomerdoge 首先出现在 CaptainAltcoin 上。


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