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Biggest Crypto Gainers Today on DEXTools – BDOGE, BOLT, NGL

今天 DEXTools 上最大的加密货币赢家 — BDOGE、BOLT、NGL

发布: 2023/10/05 04:16 阅读: 705



Blue chip cryptocurrencies are mixed, with Bitcoin (BTC) flat just above $27,500 and Ether (ETH) about 1% lower, having recently slipped under $1,650.

Traders are still monitoring the broader macro picture after strong US data on Monday and Tuesday pertaining to the manufacturing sector and labor market sent long-dated US yields to fresh multi-decade highs.

That spike in yields, which saw the US 10-year hit its highest since 2007 near 4.9%, has largely put a halt to what had been a promising start to the month for Bitcoin, which briefly rallied as high as the $28,600s on Monday.

However, Bitcoin remains up on the month, with the latest US jobs data from payroll firm ADP showing monthly private sector job gains at their weakest since 2020, muddying the picture regarding the health of the US labor market slightly.

Friday’s official jobs report will clarify things, but if it also shows job gains at their weakest since 2020, that would probably underpin cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin, as it would probably trigger a reversal lower in yields.

Ahead of Friday’s data, things are set to be quiet in broader macro and crypto markets.

That means traders will continue turning to the shitcoin/meme coin market in the hunt for volatility and short-term gains.

Here are some of the top-performing low-cap coins as per DEXTools.


A new Dogecoin copycat shitcoin called Big DOGE ($BDOGE) that launched on Tuesday has seen a solid pump in the last two days.

As per DEXTools, it was last up more than 400% in the last 24 hours, making it the best-performing shitcoin.

Its market cap was last just below $400,000, with around $100,000 in liquidity, around 350 holders and 24 hour trading volumes of $1.8 million.

The token’s contract only has one alert, as per DEXTools’ security audit, but unlocked liquidity means it could still be a scam.

The price action is also concerning, with having pulled lower by over 90% versus its earlier session highs in the $0.05 area (it was last trading just under $0.004).

BoltBot ($BOLT)

A coin called BoltBot ($BOLT) that is the native token for a “lightning fast” Telegram trading bot has pumped in the last 24 hours, gaining 120% as per DEXTools.

That’s a decent rally, but has only been driven by trading volumes of around $25,000 in the last 24 hours, suggesting the move higher lacks conviction and market liquidity remains very weak.

$BOLT last had a market cap of around $200,000, locked liquidity of around $70,000, over 1,250 holders.

The token has a 5% buy-and-sell tax, as well as an anti-whale mechanism, so investors should be careful.

Gold Fever ($NGL)

The native token of a crypto game called Gold Fever, $NGL, has seen a healthy 75% pump from the record lows it hit earlier this week.

$NGL has seen a huge decline from the all-time highs it hit in late 2021 around $12 per token, and was last around $0.023.

But it has still been able to cling on to a market cap of around $4 million, with over 1,700 holders, around $70,000 in liquidity and around $65,000 in 24-hour trading volumes.

Whether this is the start of a longer-term recovery remains to be seen.

Crypto Alternatives to Consider

Shitcoins are very risky, given most have no real value proposition.

For those looking for an even better probability of near-term gains, an alternative high-risk-high-reward investment strategy to consider is getting involved in crypto presales.

This is where investors buy the tokens of up-start crypto projects to help fund their development.

These tokens are nearly always sold cheaply, and there is a long history of presales delivering huge exponential gains to early investors.

Many of these projects have fantastic teams behind them and a great vision to deliver a revolutionary crypto application/platform.

If an investor can identify such projects, the risk/reward of their presale investment is very good.

The team at Cryptonews spends a lot of time combing through presale projects to help investors out.

Here is a list of 15 of what the project deems as the best crypto presales of 2023.

See the 15 Cryptocurrencies

Disclaimer: Crypto is a high-risk asset class. This article is provided for informational purposes and does not constitute investment advice. You could lose all of your capital.

DEXTools 徽标 / 来源:DEXTools Twitter 蓝筹加密货币涨跌互现,比特币 (BTC) 持平于 27,500 美元上方,以太币 (ETH) 下跌约 1%,最近跌破 1,650 美元。周一和周二有关制造业和劳动力市场的数据将美国长期国债收益率推至数十年来的新高。美国10年期国债收益率飙升至2007年以来的最高点近4.9%,但目前已基本停止。比特币本月迎来了一个充满希望的开局,周一短暂上涨至 28,600 美元。不过,本月比特币仍然上涨,来自薪资公司 ADP 的最新美国就业数据显示私营部门就业岗位月度增长周五的官方就业报告将澄清事实,但如果它也显示就业增长处于 2020 年以来的最弱水平,这可能会支撑比特币等加密货币,因为它可能会引发收益率逆转走低。在周五的数据公布之前,更广泛的宏观和加密货币市场将保持安静。这意味着交易者将继续转向垃圾币/模因币市场,以寻求波动性和短期收益以下是根据 DEXTools 的一些表现最好的低市值代币。 Big DOGE ($BDOGE) 一种新的狗狗币山寨币,名为 Big DOGE ($BDOGE),于周二推出,在过去两天里出现了强劲的上涨。根据 DEXTools 的数据,它在过去 24 小时内上涨了 400% 以上,成为表现最好的垃圾币。其市值最近略低于 40 万美元,流动性约为 10 万美元,持有者约为 350 名,24 小时交易量为180 万美元。根据 DEXTools 的安全审计,该代币的合约只有一个警报,但未锁定的流动性意味着它仍然可能是一个骗局。价格走势也令人担忧,与 2019 年早些时候的交易高点相比,已经下跌了 90% 以上。 0.05 美元区域(最后交易价格略低于 0.004 美元)。BoltBot ($BOLT) 一种名为 BoltBot ($BOLT) 的代币,它是“闪电般快速”的 Telegram 交易机器人的原生代币,在过去 24 小时内上涨了 120根据 DEXTools 的数据,这是一次不错的反弹,但仅受到过去 24 小时内 25,000 美元左右交易量的推动,表明上涨缺乏说服力,市场流动性仍然非常疲软。$BOLT 最近的市值约为 200,000 美元,锁定流动性约 70,000 美元,持有者超过 1,250 名。该代币有 5% 的买卖税,以及反鲸鱼机制,因此投资者应小心。 Gold Fever ($NGL) 的原生代币名为 Gold Fever 的加密游戏 $NGL 较本周早些时候创下的历史低点上涨了 75%。$NGL 较 2021 年底创下的历史高点大幅下跌,约为每枚代币 12 美元,并且最后价格约为 0.023 美元。但它仍然能够保持在 400 万美元左右的市值,拥有超过 1,700 名持有者,流动性约为 70,000 美元,24 小时交易量约为 65,000 美元。这是否是更长期的开始长期复苏仍有待观察。考虑到大多数加密货币没有真正的价值主张,考虑到垃圾币的加密替代品风险很大。对于那些寻求更好的短期收益可能性的人来说,可以选择另一种高风险高回报的投资策略考虑参与加密预售。这是投资者购买新兴加密项目代币以帮助其发展的地方。这些代币几乎总是以低廉的价格出售,并且预售的悠久历史为早期投资者带来了巨大的指数收益.其中许多项目背后都有出色的团队,并且拥有提供革命性加密应用程序/平台的伟大愿景。如果投资者能够识别此类项目,那么其预售投资的风险/回报非常好。Cryptonews 的团队花费了大量资金时间梳理预售项目以帮助投资者摆脱困境。这里列出了该项目认为的 2023 年最佳加密货币预售的 15 个项目。请参阅 15 个加密货币免责声明:加密货币是一种高风险资产类别。本文仅供参考,不构成投资建议。您可能会损失所有资本。




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