首页 > 资讯新闻 > 币安币价格下跌 1.37% 至 207.86 美元:2023 年 9 月 25 日的主要要点

Binance Coin's 1.37% Price Drop to $207.86: Key Takeaways for September 25, 2023

币安币价格下跌 1.37% 至 207.86 美元:2023 年 9 月 25 日的主要要点

发布: 2023/09/26 10:36 阅读: 891

原文作者:BTC Peers


币安币价格下跌 1.37% 至 207.86 美元:2023 年 9 月 25 日的主要要点

Binance Coin (BNB) saw a 1.37% price decline over the past 24 hours, with its value decreasing from $210.69 down to $207.86 as of September 25, 2023. This drop brings Binance Coin's market capitalization to $34.76 billion, making it the 5th largest cryptocurrency by market cap.

截至 2023 年 9 月 25 日,币安币 (BNB) 的价格在过去 24 小时内下跌 1.37%,其价值从 210.69 美元跌至 207.86 美元。这一下跌使币安币的市值达到 347.6 亿美元,成为第五大加密货币按市值。

In this report, we will analyze Binance Coin's latest price movements and trading volumes, identify key support and resistance levels, and uncover insights into factors impacting BNB's price. We will also provide a prediction on where Binance Coin could be headed over the next few months based on technical analysis of the data.

在本报告中,我们将分析币安币的最新价格走势和交易量,确定关键支撑位和阻力位,并揭示影响 BNB 价格的因素。我们还将根据数据的技术分析来预测币安币在未来几个月的发展方向。

Summarizing Yesterday's Binance Coin Trading Activity


Taking a look at the 24-hour trading statistics, Binance Coin saw a trading volume of $259.27 million. This trading volume indicates decent liquidity and interest in BNB over the past day.

从24小时交易统计来看,币安币交易量为2.5927亿美元。这一交易量表明过去一天 BNB 具有良好的流动性和兴趣。

Analyzing the percentage changes over different timeframes provides further context on the price drop. Over the past hour, BNB has fallen a minor 0.30%. Zooming out further, the 1.37% drop over 24 hours aligns with the overall short-term downtrend BNB has been on since reaching 2022 highs in August.

分析不同时间范围内的百分比变化提供了有关价格下跌的进一步背景。过去一小时,BNB 小幅下跌 0.30%。进一步缩小范围,24 小时内 1.37% 的跌幅与 BNB 自 8 月份触及 2022 年高点以来的整体短期下跌趋势一致。

Binance Coin's losses accelerate as we expand the timeframe even further. Over the past week, BNB is down 5.36%. Over the past month, losses total 3.93%. And for 2022 year-to-date, BNB remains down a substantial 35.62% as part of the broader crypto bear market.

随着我们进一步延长时间范围,币安币的损失会加速。过去一周,BNB 下跌 5.36%。过去一个月,损失总计3.93%。 2022 年迄今,作为更广泛的加密货币熊市的一部分,BNB 仍大幅下跌 35.62%。

Now that we've summarized the latest BNB price action and trading activity, let's analyze some key support and resistance levels.

现在我们已经总结了最新的 BNB 价格走势和交易活动,让我们分析一些关键的支撑位和阻力位。

Binance Coin Support and Resistance Levels


Looking at Binance Coin's 1-day candle chart, we can identify some key support and resistance levels that have formed based on recent price activity:

查看币安币的 1 天蜡烛图,我们可以识别根据近期价格活动形成的一些关键支撑位和阻力位:

  • Strong resistance at $215 - $220 range, with BNB rejected multiple times over the past week when testing this zone.
  • 215 美元至 220 美元范围内的强阻力,过去一周 BNB 在测试该区域时多次被拒绝。

  • Initial support at $205 - $210 range, which aligns with the 21-day moving average and prior swing lows. This is the first area of expected buyer support on further declines.
  • 初步支撑位于 205 美元至 210 美元区间,与 21 日移动平均线和之前的波动低点一致。这是进一步下跌时预期买家支持的第一个领域。

  • Strong support at $180 - $190 zone, which marked 2022 lows and is a key area to defend in any further broad crypto selloff.
  • 180 美元至 190 美元区域的强劲支撑,该区域标志着 2022 年的低点,也是在任何进一步广泛的加密货币抛售中捍卫的关键区域。

With Binance Coin currently trading just above initial support at $207.86, bulls will want to see BNB hold this area and build a base before attempting to push back above resistance. A break below $205 and especially $180 could open the doors for significantly more downside.

由于币安币目前的交易价格略高于初始支撑位 207.86 美元,多头希望看到 BNB 守住该区域并建立基础,然后再尝试将其推回阻力位上方。跌破 205 美元,尤其是 180 美元可能会为进一步下跌打开大门。

Evaluating Factors Impacting Binance Coin's Price Action


When analyzing the potential drivers behind Binance Coin's recent price weakness, a few key factors stand out:


  • Broader crypto market downtrend - The overall crypto market cap is down 60% in 2022, weighing on BNB's price as part of this broad-based selloff. Macro environment concerns and risk-off sentiment have hit crypto valuations hard.
  • 更广泛的加密货币市场下跌趋势 - 2022 年加密货币整体市值将下降 60%,作为这种广泛抛售的一部分,对 BNB 的价格造成压力。宏观环境担忧和避险情绪严重打击了加密货币的估值。

  • Regulatory uncertainties - Ongoing regulatory pressure and legal issues facing Binance have created uncertainty, which contributes to investors being hesitant to buy BNB. Any negative regulatory developments could further pressure BNB's price.
  • 监管不确定性 - 币安面临的持续监管压力和法律问题带来了不确定性,导致投资者对购买 BNB 犹豫不决。任何负面的监管进展都可能进一步给 BNB 的价格带来压力。

  • Competition from rival platforms - Alternative smart contract platforms like Ethereum, Solana, Cardano, and Polkadot are competing for developer/user adoption, which could limit upside potential for BNB if Binance Chain loses ground.
  • 来自竞争对手平台的竞争——以太坊、Solana、Cardano 和 Polkadot 等替代智能合约平台正在争夺开发者/用户的采用,如果币安链失利,这可能会限制 BNB 的上行潜力。

While current market conditions pose challenges for Binance Coin, there are also some positive developments to monitor:


  • Burning of BNB tokens - Binance's quarterly BNB token burning removes tokens from circulation and helps offset selling pressure. The next burn is scheduled for mid-October.
  • BNB 代币销毁——币安每季度进行的 BNB 代币销毁将代币从流通中移除,有助于抵消抛售压力。下一次燃烧计划于十月中旬进行。

  • Increasing utility for BNB token - More use cases for BNB continue to be added, including NFT purchases, gaming, metaverse projects, and more. Rising utility could support long-term demand.
  • BNB 代币的实用性不断增加 - BNB 的更多用例不断增加,包括 NFT 购买、游戏、元界项目等。实用性的上升可以支持长期需求。

  • Potential for altcoin rallies - If macro conditions improve in 2023, Binance Coin could benefit from rotations back into altcoins that significantly outperform Bitcoin.
  • 山寨币反弹的潜力 - 如果 2023 年宏观环境有所改善,币安币可能会受益于回归表现明显优于比特币的山寨币。

Price Prediction for Binance Coin for the Next 6-12 Months

币安币未来 6-12 个月的价格预测

Given the confluence of technical and fundamental factors analyzed above, my prediction is that Binance Coin will trade rangebound between $150 and $250 over the next 6-12 months. Here is the rationale behind this outlook:

综合上述技术和基本面因素分析,我的预测是币安币在未来 6-12 个月内将在 150 美元至 250 美元之间波动。以下是这种观点背后的理由:

  • Lingering macro uncertainty will make it difficult for BNB to sustain major rallies until inflation is tamed and equities/crypto sentiment improves. This will limit upside potential.
  • 挥之不去的宏观不确定性将使 BNB 难以维持大幅反弹,直到通胀得到抑制且股市/加密货币情绪改善。这将限制上行潜力。

  • Supporting factors like BNB token burning and utility growth will prevent collapse below $150 barring no outlier events like SEC enforcement action or security compromises.
  • 除非出现 SEC 执法行动或安全妥协等异常事件,否则 BNB 代币销毁和效用增长等支持因素将防止价格跌破 150 美元。

  • Technicals signal strong support at $180-$190 zone which should hold up, keeping BNB rangebound rather than breaking down further. Drop below $150 would drastically change the outlook.
  • 技术面显示 180 美元至 190 美元区域有强劲支撑,该支撑位应该能维持住,从而使 BNB 保持区间波动,而不是进一步跌破。跌破 150 美元将彻底改变前景。

  • Potential recovery rally in 2023 could propel BNB back up towards $250 resistance level, but sustainability above this zone may prove difficult given competitive and regulatory headwinds.
  • 2023 年潜在的复苏反弹可能会推动 BNB 回升至 250 美元的阻力位,但考虑到竞争和监管的不利因素,维持在该区域上方可能会很困难。

In summary, expectations are for consolidation between $150-$250 for Binance Coin, assuming no shock events cause a breakdown below $150 support. Patience will be key for BNB investors until macro conditions align for a sustained crypto recovery.

总之,假设没有冲击事件导致币安币跌破 150 美元支撑位,预计币安币将在 150 美元至 250 美元之间盘整。在宏观条件适合加密货币持续复苏之前,耐心对于 BNB 投资者来说至关重要。

Which Cryptocurrencies Have Outperformed Binance Coin in 2022?

2022 年哪些加密货币的表现优于币安币?

Major cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin and Ethereum have faced huge sell-offs in 2022, but a few standout digital assets have managed to record gains this year despite the bearish backdrop. Two cryptos that have notably outperformed Binance Coin's 35.62% year-to-date losses are ApeCoin (APE) and Dogecoin (DOGE).

比特币和以太坊等主要加密货币在 2022 年面临大幅抛售,但尽管市场看跌,但一些出色的数字资产今年仍录得涨幅。猿币 (APE) 和狗狗币 (DOGE) 是两种加密货币,其表现明显优于币安币今年迄今 35.62% 的跌幅。

ApeCoin recorded a 295% gain in 2022 thus far, surging from around $6 at the start of January to around $27 currently. The memecoin Dogecoin is up 46% year-to-date, rising from $0.17 to $0.25.

迄今为止,ApeCoin 在 2022 年上涨了 295%,从 1 月初的 6 美元左右飙升至目前的 27 美元左右。 memecoin 狗狗币今年迄今已上涨 46%,从 0.17 美元上涨至 0.25 美元。

The outperformance of ApeCoin and Dogecoin in a down market can largely be attributed to:

ApeCoin 和 Dogecoin 在低迷的市场中表现出色主要归因于:

  1. Surging interest and speculation fueled by online/social media buzz and attention. Both APE and DOGE have cultivated loyal retail investor communities.
  2. 在线/社交媒体的热议和关注推动了兴趣和猜测的激增。 APE和DOGE都培养了忠实的散户投资者群体。

  3. Major exchange listings broadening accessibility and trading liquidity. Both cryptos were listed on platforms like Coinbase, Binance, FTX this year.
  4. 主要交易所上市扩大了可及性和交易流动性。这两种加密货币今年都在 Coinbase、Binance、FTX 等平台上市。

  5. Tie-ins with popular mainstream brands/projects like Yuga Labs and Elon Musk capturing investor intrigue. This boosted the hype and perceived relevance of both APE and DOGE.
  6. 与 Yuga Labs 和 Elon Musk 等流行主流品牌/项目的搭配吸引了投资者的兴趣。这增强了 APE 和 DOGE 的炒作和相关性。

Meanwhile, Binance Coin has underperformed despite its real-world utility on the Binance Chain. This shows the current power of social-media driven momentum and speculation in the crypto sector, even while fundamentals lag behind. It highlights the risks of hype/buzz driving short-term price action.


How Does On-Chain Activity for Binance Coin Compare to Ethereum?


When analyzing blockchain activity and adoption metrics for major cryptocurrencies, Binance Coin generally demonstrates solid on-chain fundamentals but lags behind Ethereum in areas like active addresses, transaction count, and fees generated.


Some key blockchain activity comparisons between BNB and ETH:

BNB 和 ETH 之间的一些关键区块链活动比较:

  • Ethereum averages over 1.2 million transactions per day compared to just 80,000 for Binance Coin. This 10x difference shows far higher on-chain usage for Ethereum currently.
  • 以太坊平均每天超过 120 万笔交易,而币安币仅为 8 万笔。这个 10 倍的差异表明目前以太坊的链上使用率要高得多。

  • Total unique/active addresses sits at around 68 million for Ethereum, dwarfing the 1.5 million for Binance Coin. More users and participants favors ETH.
  • 以太坊的唯一/活跃地址总数约为 6800 万个,比币安币的 150 万个相形见绌。更多的用户和参与者青睐 ETH。

  • Daily fee generation totals under $300,000 for BNB while ETH generates over $20 million in daily fee revenue, showcasing far higher value transferal.
  • BNB 每日产生的费用总计不到 30 万美元,而 ETH 每日产生的费用收入超过 2000 万美元,显示出更高的价值转移。

  • Ethereum settled $12 billion in daily on-chain value transfer compared to just $0.4 billion for BNB, highlighting a massive gap in network value settled.
  • 以太坊每天结算的链上价值转移金额为 120 亿美元,而 BNB 的每日链上价值转移金额仅为 4 亿美元,这凸显了网络价值结算方面的巨大差距。

Overall, while Binance Coin on-chain activity is growing, Ethereum remains the clear leader by an extremely wide margin in terms of overall blockchain usage and network activity. Combined with Ethereum's first-mover advantage and pace of development, the adoption and usage gap points to ETH's more entrenched position currently as the smart contract network of choice for users and builders in the crypto economy.

总体而言,虽然币安币链上活动不断增长,但以太坊在整体区块链使用和网络活动方面仍然以极大的优势保持领先地位。结合以太坊的先发优势和发展速度,采用和使用差距表明 ETH 目前作为加密经济中用户和构建者首选的智能合约网络的地位更为牢固。



In summary, Binance Coin has faced heavy selling pressure alongside the broader crypto downturn in 2022, with BNB declining 35% year-to-date. But strong long-term support around the $180 to $190 zone should stabilize losses barring any macro shock events. For traders and investors, periods of rangebound price action and consolidation for Binance Coin could present opportunities to accumulate at reduced prices before the next major crypto recovery rally. However, risks remain tilted to the downside until the economy and investor risk appetite improves. Competitive threats also loom large, with Ethereum clearly ahead in terms of overall network adoption and on-chain activity. But with its deflationary burn mechanism and increasing utility, Binance Coin remains one of the most interesting large-cap cryptocurrencies to monitor moving forward. The coming months will be pivotal in determining whether Binance Coin can reclaim its all-time highs or will continue lagging behind rivals in this bear market cycle.

总而言之,随着 2022 年加密货币整体低迷,币安币面临着沉重的抛售压力,BNB 年初至今已下跌 35%。但 180 美元至 190 美元区域附近的强劲长期支撑应该会稳定损失,除非发生任何宏观冲击事件。对于交易者和投资者来说,币安币的区间价格走势和盘整期可能会提供在下一次加密货币重大复苏反弹之前以较低价格积累的机会。然而,在经济和投资者风险偏好改善之前,风险仍倾向于下行。竞争威胁也日益凸显,以太坊在整体网络采用率和链上活动方面明显领先。但凭借其通缩销毁机制和不断增加的实用性,币安币仍然是最值得关注的大盘加密货币之一。未来几个月将是决定币安币能否重回历史高点还是在熊市周期中继续落后于竞争对手的关键。


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