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Binance’s Most Searched Tokens Show Shifts in Crypto Trends


发布: 2024/05/23 22:05 阅读: 517




The most searched tokens on Binance offer a mix of meme hype and leading blue-chip assets. Traders were interested in Bitcoin (BTC) and Ethereum (ETH), as well as in protocol tokens like TRON and NEAR. The third biggest category was meme tokens, with Pepe (PEPE) taking the lead.

币安上搜索次数最多的代币提供了模因炒作和领先的蓝筹资产的组合。交易者对比特币 (BTC) 和以太坊 (ETH) 以及 TRON 和 NEAR 等协议代币感兴趣。第三大类别是 meme 代币,其中 Pepe (PEPE) 处于领先地位。

New data shows that the searches reflect recent market trends, including the PEPE all-time high and the launch of Notcoin (NOT) tokens.

新数据显示,搜索反映了近期的市场趋势,包括 PEPE 历史新高和 Notcoin (NOT) 代币的推出。

The new status among the top searched tokens is a change of fortune, especially for PEPE. Due to volatility, PEPE was put on a monitoring list in February, with the potential for a delisting. PEPE no longer has a Monitoring tag after boosting trading volumes since the start of 2024.

搜索量最高的代币中的新地位是命运的改变,尤其是对于 PEPE 来说。由于波动性,PEPE于2月份被列入监控名单,并有退市的可能。自 2024 年初以来交易量增加后,PEPE 不再具有监控标签。

Some of the new tokens are also highly dependent on their Binance pairing, which accounts for the bulk of their trading volumes. The inflow of investors in one trading pair can cause more dramatic price rallies.


The recent most-searched list is a market snapshot reflecting the current trend. In the past, booming tokens have been included briefly and forgotten. On Binance, leading coins are still the most widely traded, with BTC, ETH, and Solana (SOL) having the highest volumes.

最近搜索次数最多的列表是反映当前趋势的市场快照。过去,蓬勃发展的代币曾被短暂纳入并被遗忘。在币安上,领先的代币仍然是交易最广泛的,其中 BTC、ETH 和 Solana (SOL) 的交易量最高。

Binance Expects New Token Listing Wave


Binance lists more than 350 tokens in various tiers, with some limitations. The exchange provides decentralized liquidity pairs and the option to trade smaller niche assets using PancakeSwap.

币安列出了 350 多种不同级别的代币,但存在一些限制。该交易所提供去中心化的流动性对以及使用 PancakeSwap 交易较小利基资产的选项。

The Binance centralized exchange has also hinted at expanding its listings. Not all tokens achieve the same high profile or exposure, but Binance has helped build multiple brands.


Binance modified its listing criteria to discourage projects with significant treasuries and early VC buyers, possibly resulting in a delay for the new listing wave.


Binance is also regrouping after its co-founder and CEO Changpeng “CZ” Zhao received a four-month sentence for violating US money-laundering laws.


The market makes its rules stricter, and many minor projects strive to be listed.


Will Binance Add One More Meme Asset?

币安会增加一项 Meme 资产吗?

After Binance specifies its new low-float token rules, meme coins fit precisely. There are no treasuries or allocations for all meme tokens, as the community fully distributes them.

在币安指定新的低流通代币规则后,模因币就完全适合了。所有 meme 代币都没有金库或分配,因为社区完全分配它们。

Binance carries the new crop of meme tokens that appeared in the past two years, in addition to the original Dogecoin (DOGE).


Now, another campaign is rising to list DOG, an unfamiliar type of asset. DOG is a meme asset but also the most successful Bitcoin Rune so far, achieving outstanding gains similar to those of other meme tokens. Binance has not given any hints of listing Runes, which traded at rock-bottom prices until a few weeks ago and were seen as a novelty.

现在,另一场活动正在兴起,将 DOG 列为一种不熟悉的资产。 DOG 是一种 meme 资产,也是迄今为止最成功的比特币符文,取得了与其他 meme 代币相似的出色收益。币安尚未给出任何上市符文的暗示,直到几周前,符文的交易价格才处于最低水平,并被视为新鲜事物。

Binance has not explicitly promised to list Runes, but has posted educational content on this new token type. Binance’s portfolio has followed trends, but when will they deal with Ordinals, Runes, or RGB assets?

币安尚未明确承诺列出符文,但已发布有关这种新代币类型的教育内容。币安的投资组合紧随潮流,但他们什么时候会处理序数、符文或 RGB 资产呢?

Runes has already reached a market cap above $1B, accelerating the talk of more listings.

Runes 的市值已经超过 10 亿美元,加速了更多上市的讨论。

Volatile Tokens on Binance Still Hold $4B Capitalization

币安上的波动性代币仍持有 40 亿美元的资本

While Binance often expands its listing, it also has a long list of highly volatile tokens on a monitoring list.


The list includes the FTT token of the now-defunct FTX exchange, but also formerly hot assets that fell out of favor. A Binance listing will not guarantee liquidity or interest, and some of the new hot assets may be short-lived.

该清单包括现已解散的 FTX 交易所的 FTT 代币,但也包括曾经失宠的热门资产。币安上市并不能保证流动性或利息,而且一些新的热门资产可能是短暂的。

Cryptopolitan reporting by Hristina Vasileva

克里斯蒂娜·瓦西列娃 (Hristina Vasieva) 的《密码城》报道


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