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Bitcoin Demand Soars and Dogecoin’s Uncertain Future


发布: 2024/01/10 06:01 阅读: 325



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您还可以在 COINTURK NEWS 上阅读此新闻:比特币需求飙升和狗狗币的不确定未来

Bitcoin continues to see high demand, successfully breaking the $47,000 mark even before an official ETF approval. New peaks could be on the horizon. However, investors are first awaiting the official ETF approval expected within 24 hours. Subsequently, the main focus will be on the trading volumes of ETFs on exchanges. What about Dogecoin?

比特币的需求持续高涨,甚至在 ETF 获得官方批准之前就已成功突破 47,000 美元大关。新的高峰可能即将出现。不过,投资者首先等待 ETF 预计在 24 小时内获得官方批准。随后,主要关注点将是交易所ETF的交易量。狗狗币呢?

The Future of Dogecoin


DOGE, the largest meme coin by market value, is battling several challenges. It has lost the support of Elon Musk. Additionally, the developers of DOGE have not made successful strides in building their promised ecosystem. Thirdly, it has to contend with a multitude of new competitors.

DOGE 是市值最大的模因币,它正在应对多项挑战。它已经失去了埃隆·马斯克的支持。此外,DOGE 的开发人员在构建其承诺的生态系统方面尚未取得成功。第三,它必须与众多新竞争对手抗衡。

The loss of Elon Musk’s support and the rising interest in alternative meme coins could mean continued tough times for DOGE. Of course, the relentless selling by miners, a fourth major problem, must also be taken into account.

埃隆·马斯克(Elon Musk)失去支持以及人们对另类迷因币的兴趣日益浓厚,可能意味着DOGE将继续面临艰难时期。当然,第四大问题——矿工的疯狂抛售也必须考虑在内。

With alternatives having the potential to grow 10x, 20x, or more, it seems unlikely that Dogecoin will return to the hype days of Elon Musk’s SNL Show. If this scenario holds, even the best days for DOGE may struggle to reach the $0.3 levels. Therefore, investors may continue to favor alternatives with this perspective.

由于替代品有潜力增长 10 倍、20 倍或更多,狗狗币似乎不太可能回到埃隆·马斯克 (Elon Musk) SNL 秀的炒作时代。如果这种情况成立,即使 DOGE 最好的日子也可能很难达到 0.3 美元的水平。因此,投资者可能会继续青睐从这个角度来看的替代品。

DOGE Price Prediction


Although DOGE peaked at $0.108 on December 11, the DOGE price has since fallen to $0.074. The intense focus on BTC and the risk of selling the news have accelerated profit-taking in altcoins. As we mentioned on Sunday, this selling pressure in altcoins is likely to continue until the ETF hype subsides.

尽管 DOGE 在 12 月 11 日达到峰值 0.108 美元,但此后 DOGE 价格已跌至 0.074 美元。对比特币的强烈关注以及抛售消息的风险加速了山寨币的获利了结。正如我们周日提到的,山寨币的抛售压力可能会持续下去,直到 ETF 炒作消退。

The daily chart sends a bearish RSI signal for DOGE. However, the six-hour short-term chart shows a bullish divergence. If a double bottom and bullish divergence occur, the DOGE price could increase by 13% and surpass the decreasing resistance trend line at $0.089.

日线图向 DOGE 发出看跌 RSI 信号。然而,六小时短期图表显示看涨背离。如果出现双底和看涨背离,DOGE 价格可能会上涨 13%,并超过 0.089 美元的下降阻力趋势线。

If it fails to do so, closing below $0.074 could help Dogecoin fall to $0.067. Combining fundamental and technical analysis, a continued negative trend followed by a move towards the $0.108 ceiling seems possible.

如果未能做到这一点,收盘价低于 0.074 美元可能会帮助狗狗币跌至 0.067 美元。结合基本面和技术分析,似乎有可能出现持续的负面趋势,然后迈向 0.108 美元的上限。

However, the risks mentioned in the first section are significant in the long term.


The post first appeared on COINTURK NEWS: Bitcoin Demand Soars and Dogecoin’s Uncertain Future

该帖子首次出现在 COINTURK 新闻上:比特币需求猛增,狗狗币的未来不确定


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