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In Bitcoin’s Footsteps: Ordinals (ORDI) and Cosmic Kittens (CKIT) Compete for Closest Correlation

追随比特币的脚步:Ordinals (ORDI) 和 Cosmic Kittens (CKIT) 争夺最密切的相关性

发布: 2024/06/28 21:48 阅读: 867



追随比特币的脚步:Ordinals (ORDI) 和 Cosmic Kittens (CKIT) 争夺最密切的相关性

In a fascinating development within the cryptocurrency market, two promising tokens, Ordi (ORDI) and Cosmic Kittens (CKIT), are vying for the title of closest correlation with Bitcoin (BTC). The rivalry between these digital assets has captured the attention of traders and investors, raising questions about their potential impact on the broader market.

在加密货币市场的一个令人着迷的发展中,两种有前途的代币 Ordi (ORDI) 和 Cosmic Kittens (CKIT) 正在争夺与比特币 (BTC) 最相关的头衔。这些数字资产之间的竞争吸引了交易者和投资者的注意力,引发了人们对其对更广泛市场的潜在影响的质疑。

Currently preparing for presale, analysts believe Cosmic Kittens (CKIT) can follow Bitcoin’s positive price trends. If this prediction holds, then CKIT could be a winner in the next bull run compared to the likes of Ordi (ORDI).

目前正在准备预售,分析师认为 Cosmic Kittens (CKIT) 可以跟随比特币的积极价格趋势。如果这一预测成立,那么与 Ordi (ORDI) 等公司相比,CKIT 可能会成为下一次牛市的赢家。

Ordi (ORDI) Fights Off Bears Amid Bitcoin Tailwinds

Ordi (ORDI) 在比特币顺风中击退空头

For the uninitiated, Ordi (ORDI) is a crypto project that initially surged on the back of Bitcoin’s (BTC) latest pump. The token price skyrocketed as speculative mania took hold, with Ordi (ORDI) investors piling in hopes of seeing even more gains.

对于外行来说,Ordi (ORDI) 是一个加密项目,最初是在比特币 (BTC) 最新上涨的推动下飙升的。随着投机狂热的蔓延,代币价格飙升,Ordi (ORDI) 投资者纷纷涌入,希望看到更多收益。

However, the rally has proven unsustainable as Ordi (ORDI) now faces a bearish reversal. The token has plummeted over 50% from its all-time high as the euphoria bubble pops. ORDI’s struggles coincided with a wider crypto market pullback at the end of February before Bitcoin reasserted its dominance in March. Analysts warn that a further downslide could be in store if investor confidence keeps reducing.

然而,事实证明,这一涨势是不可持续的,因为 Ordi (ORDI) 现在面临看跌逆转。随着欣快泡沫的破裂,该代币已从历史高点暴跌 50% 以上。 ORDI 的困境与 2 月底更广泛的加密货币市场回调同时发生,之后比特币在 3 月份重新确立了其主导地位。分析师警告称,如果投资者信心持续下降,股市可能会进一步下跌。

ORDI experienced a short-lived bounce back in March, with its price reaching an impressive $63. However, the token’s price has since fallen to $36.11 and may drop below its 2024 all-time low of $34.16, making it increasingly clear that Ordi (ORDI) may have been overhyped during the recent Bitcoin-driven shakeout.

ORDI 在 3 月份经历了短暂的反弹,其价格达到了令人印象深刻的 63 美元。然而,该代币的价格此后已跌至 36.11 美元,并可能跌破 2024 年历史低点 34.16 美元,越来越明显的是,在最近比特币驱动的震荡中,Ordi (ORDI) 可能被过度炒作了。

That said, the future of Ordinals (ORDI) remains bright. Analysts believe that ORDI can crawl back to its post-February highs of $59.69 if it can sustain momentum throughout Q3 and Q4. However, investors looking for a crypto asset that could mimic Bitcoin’s (BTC) historic price movements are turning to Cosmic Kittens (CKIT) for an answer.

尽管如此,Ordinals (ORDI) 的未来仍然光明。分析师认为,如果 ORDI 能够在整个第三季度和第四季度保持增长势头,它可能会回到 2 月份后的高点 59.69 美元。然而,寻找可以模仿比特币 (BTC) 历史价格走势的加密资产的投资者正在向 Cosmic Kittens (CKIT) 寻求答案。

Purchase The CKIT Token

购买 CKIT 代币

Cosmic Kittens (CKIT) Gaming Token Could Mirror Bitcoin-Like Growth

Cosmic Kittens (CKIT) 游戏代币可以反映类似比特币的增长

As a blockchain-based game melding NFTs with “pet” mechanics, Cosmic Kittens (CKIT) represents new crypto frontiers centered around gaming culture and play-to-earn models.

作为一款将 NFT 与“宠物”机制融合在一起的基于区块链的游戏,Cosmic Kittens (CKIT) 代表了以游戏文化和玩赚钱模式为中心的新加密货币前沿。

What intrigues analysts is CKIT’s potential to become this cycle’s top token investment, channeling the rabid demand that propelled Dogecoin and other dog-themed tokens to billions in market capital. If Cosmic Kittens (CKIT) can capture even a fraction of that virality, analysts believe it could deliver Dogecoin (DOGE)-esque gains that compete with Bitcoin’s rallies.

令分析师感兴趣的是 CKIT 有潜力成为本周期顶级代币投资,将推动狗狗币和其他以狗为主题的代币推向数十亿市场资本的狂热需求。如果 Cosmic Kittens (CKIT) 能够捕捉到这种病毒式传播的一小部分,分析师相信它可以带来狗狗币 (DOGE) 式的收益,与比特币的上涨相竞争。

The gameplay loop of nurturing adorable NFT kittens and the ability to earn cryptocurrency has all the ingredients for meme-fueled mania. Cosmic Kittens (CKIT) brings ample meme energy and cuteness appeal that could resonate powerfully across internet culture if adoption takes off.

培育可爱的 NFT 小猫的游戏循环和赚取加密货币的能力具备了引发迷因狂热的所有要素。 Cosmic Kittens (CKIT) 带来了充足的模因能量和可爱的吸引力,如果被采用,可能会在整个互联网文化中产生强烈的共鸣。

Participants have three main ways of earning on Cosmic Kittens (CKIT) through the project’s Rocket Rewards Program, including:

参与者通过该项目的火箭奖励计划可以通过三种主要方式在 Cosmic Kittens (CKIT) 上赚钱,包括:

- Staking CKIT to receive reward boosts that attract higher yields.
- Trading NFT characters for CKIT tokens.
- Accessing super rare NFTs like characters and galactic art pieces through Tiered Rewards.

- 质押 CKIT 以获得奖励提升,从而吸引更高的收益。- 用 NFT 角色换取 CKIT 代币。- 通过分级奖励获得超级稀有的 NFT,例如角色和银河艺术品。

Outside investors have as much potential to earn from Cosmic Kittens (CKIT) as the token’s price could soar to new heights.

随着 Cosmic Kittens (CKIT) 的价格可能飙升至新的高度,外部投资者也有很大的获利潜力。

The blockchain gaming industry is experiencing explosive growth and could reach $614.91 billion by 2030, up from $154.46 billion in 2023. Combined with a highly anticipated gaming experience, analysts are confident that the Cosmic Kittens (CKIT) token value can grow by 1,000% in the first 12 months after the presale.

区块链游戏行业正在经历爆炸性增长,到 2030 年可能会达到 6149.1 亿美元,而 2023 年为 1544.6 亿美元。结合备受期待的游戏体验,分析师相信 Cosmic Kittens (CKIT) 代币价值将在 2023 年增长 1,000%预售后的前 12 个月。

Even before its presale launch, Cosmic Kittens (CKIT) has seen an avalanche of speculative demand eerily reminiscent of meme coin frenzies. Buyers are frantically lining up to scoop up the 752,500,000 CKIT tokens (43% of total supply) allocated for presale.

甚至在预售启动之前,Cosmic Kittens (CKIT) 就已经看到了投机需求的雪崩,这让人想起模因硬币的狂热。买家正在疯狂排队抢购分配用于预售的 752,500,000 个 CKIT 代币(占总供应量的 43%)。

Tokenmonics Potential Gives Cosmic Kittens (CKIT) Bitcoin Edge

Tokenmonics 潜力赋予 Cosmic Kittens (CKIT) 比特币优势

Ordinals (ORDI) proved itself in 2024 as an altcoin with high financial potential, indicating that it could be a worthwhile investment long-term. However, its recent market decline suggests its performance was due to the Bitcoin wave in February.

Ordinals (ORDI) 于 2024 年证明了自己是一种具有较高财务潜力的山寨币,这表明它可能是一项值得长期投资。然而,其最近的市场下跌表明其表现是由于二月份的比特币浪潮所致。

Now Cosmic Kittens (CKIT) stands out as a top alternative for investors looking for profitable coin assets. Its presale will start with a launch price of $0.0055 per token. It will also offer a 20% bonus on all CKIT sales.

现在,Cosmic Kittens (CKIT) 脱颖而出,成为寻求有利可图的代币资产的投资者的首选选择。其预售将以每个代币 0.0055 美元的发行价开始。它还将为所有 CKIT 销售提供 20% 的奖金。

Cosmic Kittens P2E game has already grabbed the attention of blockchain gaming enthusiasts, while the overall market is set to reach record heights, making CKIT a very attractive investment with the potential for excellent returns during its presale. Presale entrants could be selected to purchase 700 NFTs at 0.02 ETH each, ahead of the general mint price of 0.04 ETH.

Cosmic Kittens P2E游戏已经吸引了区块链游戏爱好者的关注,而整体市场也将创下历史新高,这使得CKIT成为一项非常有吸引力的投资,在预售期间有望获得丰厚的回报。预售参与者可以选择以每张 0.02 ETH 的价格购买 700 个 NFT,高于 0.04 ETH 的一般铸币价格。

Keep a close eye on the ongoing presale with the links below:



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