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Bitcoin Ordinals hosts N64 emulator in preservation effort

Bitcoin Ordinals 托管 N64 模拟器以进行保护

发布: 2024/02/23 11:05 阅读: 847



Bitcoin Ordinals 托管 N64 模拟器以进行保护

Bitcoin network now hosts an emulator for the Nintendo 64 (N64), one of the most iconic home video game consoles of the 1990s. This development is part of the “Pizza Ninjas” project, spearheaded by Ninjalerts, a company renowned for its Bitcoin Ordinals portfolio tracker. Trevor Owens, CEO of Ninjalerts, announced that their developers successfully inscribed the N64 emulator using the Bitcoin Ordinals protocol, marking a significant step in their campaign to preserve classic video games.

比特币网络现在拥有任天堂 64 (N64) 的模拟器,任天堂 64 是 20 世纪 90 年代最具标志性的家庭视频游戏机之一。这一开发是“Pizza Ninjas”项目的一部分,该项目由 Ninjalerts 牵头,该公司以比特币 Ordinals 投资组合跟踪器而闻名。 Ninjalerts 首席执行官 Trevor Owens 宣布,他们的开发人员成功使用比特币 Ordinals 协议刻录了 N64 模拟器,这标志着他们在保护经典视频游戏的运动中迈出了重要一步。

The initiative aims to safeguard “critically endangered games” by leveraging the blockchain‘s immutable nature. Owens emphasized the project’s legality, noting that only the public domain games are inscribed on the blockchain. This approach ensures that the project navigates the complex landscape of copyright laws while contributing to the preservation of gaming history. The effort is about nostalgia and raising awareness and technical standards within the Bitcoin Ordinals projects, as demonstrated by their previous success in inscribing a Super Nintendo Entertainment System (SNES) emulator earlier in the year.

该倡议旨在利用区块链的不可变性来保护“极度濒危的游戏”。欧文斯强调了该项目的合法性,并指出只有公共领域的游戏才会被记录在区块链上。这种方法确保该项目能够应对复杂的版权法,同时为保护游戏历史做出贡献。这项工作是为了怀旧并提高 Bitcoin Ordinals 项目的意识和技术标准,正如他们在今年早些时候成功地刻录超级任天堂娱乐系统(SNES)模拟器所证明的那样。

Ninjalerts preserves classic games on Bitcoin

The Ninjalerts team’s endeavor to inscribe classic game emulators on the Bitcoin network is a pioneering effort to use blockchain technology to preserve digital artifacts. By focusing on games that have entered the public domain, Ninjalerts aims to circumvent copyright issues that often accompany discussions about digital preservation. Owens reassured the community of their commitment to legality, highlighting the importance of advancing dialogues with preservationists to identify and legally preserve endangered games.

Ninjalerts 在比特币上保存经典游戏 Ninjalerts 团队致力于在比特币网络上刻录经典游戏模拟器,这是使用区块链技术保存数字文物的开创性努力。通过专注于进入公共领域的游戏,Ninjalerts 旨在规避数字保存讨论中经常出现的版权问题。欧文斯向社会保证他们对合法性的承诺,强调与保护主义者推进对话以识别和合法保护濒临灭绝的游戏的重要性。

This initiative follows in the footsteps of another significant blockchain-based preservation effort when a pseudonymous developer inscribed the classic first-person shooter game Doom on the Dogecoin blockchain. These developments underscore a growing trend of using blockchain technology for financial transactions and preserving cultural heritage. Owens expressed optimism about continuing this trend, emphasizing the importance of legal compliance and community engagement in these endeavors.


The future of cultural preservation on blockchain

The inscription of the N64 emulator on the Bitcoin network represents more than a technical achievement; it symbolizes a new frontier in the preservation of cultural history. With nearly 90% of classic games released before 2010 at risk of being lost, initiatives like those undertaken by Ninjalerts are crucial for safeguarding our digital heritage. Owens compared video games to other forms of cultural expression, such as film and music, underscoring their significance in the broader tapestry of human history.

区块链文化保护的未来N64模拟器在比特币网络上的铭文代表的不仅仅是一项技术成就;它象征着保护文化历史的新领域。由于 2010 年之前发布的近 90% 的经典游戏面临丢失的风险,Ninjalerts 采取的举措对于保护我们的数字遗产至关重要。欧文斯将电子游戏与电影和音乐等其他文化表现形式进行了比较,强调了它们在更广泛的人类历史中的重要性。

The immutable nature of blockchain technology offers a unique solution to the challenges of digital preservation. Once data is inscribed on the blockchain, it becomes nearly impossible to alter or remove, providing a permanent record of cultural artifacts that might otherwise be lost to time. This characteristic makes Bitcoin an attractive platform for projects that preserve cultural history despite potential challenges from intellectual property holders.


As blockchain technology continues to evolve, its application in fields beyond finance, such as cultural preservation, highlights its potential to impact various aspects of society. The efforts of Ninjalerts and others in the community to inscribe classic games on the blockchain not only protect these digital treasures but also invite a broader conversation about the role of technology in preserving our collective history. With the successful inscription of the N64 emulator, the Bitcoin network takes a significant step forward in becoming a digital archive of human creativity and innovation, ensuring that classic video games are preserved for future generations to enjoy and study.

随着区块链技术的不断发展,其在金融以外领域(例如文化保护)的应用凸显了其影响社会各个方面的潜力。 Ninjalerts 和社区中的其他人将经典游戏刻在区块链上的努力不仅保护了这些数字宝藏,还引发了关于技术在保护我们集体历史方面的作用的更广泛的对话。随着N64模拟器的成功登记,比特币网络在成为人类创造力和创新的数字档案馆方面向前迈出了重要一步,确保经典视频游戏得以保存,供子孙后代欣赏和研究。


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