首页 > 资讯新闻 > Bitcoin Spark 以 5,000 美元赠品庆祝成功。狗狗币怎么样?

Bitcoin Spark Celebrates Success With a $5,000 Giveaway. What About Dogecoin?

Bitcoin Spark 以 5,000 美元赠品庆祝成功。狗狗币怎么样?

发布: 2023/09/28 00:08 阅读: 690



Giveaways are an effective way to lure investors into a new crypto project. Those promotional events help crypto projects cultivate healthy communities and simultaneously incentivize early crypto adoption before the actual project launches. The more effective crypto giveaways are, the more investors get interested and the more valuable the platform becomes. The fame drives a lot of inflow investments from enterprising investors, leading to a massive surge in value for the corresponding digital asset related to the platform of the DeFi project. Bitcoin Spark recently hosted an event that allowed investors to win $5,000 awarded in BTCS tokens, the platform’s native digital currency.

赠品是吸引投资者进入新加密货币项目的有效方式。这些促销活动有助于加密货币项目培育健康的社区,同时在实际项目启动之前激励早期加密货币的采用。加密赠品越有效,投资者的兴趣就越多,平台就越有价值。知名度带动大量有进取心的投资者流入投资,导致与 DeFi 项目平台相关的相应数字资产价值大幅飙升。 Bitcoin Spark 最近举办了一场活动,投资者可以赢得价值 5,000 美元的 BTCS 代币奖励,BTCS 代币是该平台的原生数字货币。

What is Dogecoin?


Dogecoin is a decentralized crypto platform that was started as a meme by Billy Markus and Jackson Palmer. Dogecoin was developed to mimic Bitcoin with a proof-of-work consensus mechanism and a mining infrastructure for network participants. Unlike Bitcoin, Dogecoin has an infinite supply of coins, making it a decentralized inflationary crypto asset. The inflationary aspect of Dogecoin has put off many investors since this feature fails to meet the purpose of cryptography, which is to provide an antithesis to the current monetary systems. When all factors remain constant, dogecoin miners will continue to mint new tokens, causing the underlying DOGE price to fall sharply. This impact is seen in fiat currencies that are being printed by governments worldwide, causing their underlying value to decrease with time. That is why Dogecoin investors are looking at Bitcoin Spark.

狗狗币是一个去中心化的加密平台,由比利·马库斯和杰克逊·帕尔默作为模因创立。狗狗币的开发是为了模仿比特币,具有工作量证明共识机制和网络参与者的挖矿基础设施。与比特币不同,狗狗币拥有无限的代币供应,使其成为一种去中心化的通胀加密资产。狗狗币的通货膨胀方面让许多投资者望而却步,因为这一功能无法满足密码学的目的,即与当前货币体系形成对立。当所有因素保持不变时,狗狗币矿工将继续铸造新的代币,导致底层 DOGE 价格大幅下跌。这种影响体现在世界各国政府印刷的法定货币上,导致其潜在价值随着时间的推移而下降。这就是狗狗币投资者关注比特币 Spark 的原因。

Bitcoin Spark’s $5,000 giveaway success

Bitcoin Spark 的 5,000 美元赠品大获成功

Bitcoin Spark is a new DeFi project that is luring investors and whales to invest in the platform. The project recently hosted a Claw Machine Game with a life-changing opportunity for investors to earn exclusive rewards and bonuses that could be worth much more in the future. The total amount to be worn was $6,100, which was to be given away in BTCS tokens at the then-market price set by the prevailing ICO phase. 

Bitcoin Spark 是一个新的 DeFi 项目,正在吸引投资者和鲸鱼投资该平台。该项目最近举办了一场抓娃娃机游戏,为投资者提供了一个改变生活的机会,让他们获得独家奖励和奖金,这些奖励和奖金在未来可能价值更高。佩戴的总金额为 6,100 美元,将以 BTCS 代币的形式按照当前 ICO 阶段确定的市场价格赠送。

The game was simple to enter, and all users had to do was purchase BTCS tokens worth $100 or more, and for every $100, the user got one coin to be used in the game. The more coins users got from the platform, the more attempts they could have made, thus increasing their chances of winning. 

游戏进入简单,用户只需购买价值 100 美元或以上的 BTCS 代币,每 100 美元用户即可获得一枚代币用于游戏。用户从平台获得的硬币越多,他们可以进行的尝试就越多,从而增加获胜的机会。

Participants also had the opportunity to redeem their coins. All they had to do was forward their TXN number that was issued at the time of purchase to Bitcoin Spark’s support staff on Telegram or the Website’s official live chat. The winner was destined for a $5,000 reward, while the first runners-up got $1,000. The second runner-up got $100. The winners already got their rewards and can redeem them for Tether (USDT) at the rate of 25% of the face value.

参与者还有机会兑换他们的硬币。他们所要做的就是通过 Telegram 或网站的官方实时聊天将购买时发放的 TXN 号码转发给 Bitcoin Spark 的支持人员。获胜者将获得 5,000 美元的奖励,亚军将获得 1,000 美元的奖励。季军获得100美元。获奖者已获得奖励,可以按照面值的25%兑换Tether(USDT)。

The game was powered by an online stopwatch and an independent server that ensured that no one was discriminated against and that each draw was subjected to equal chances of winning without hesitation. Bitcoin Spark’s ongoing ICO event has raised over 2 million dollars, and three auditing firms have scrutinized its smart contract. The ICO intends to distribute 4 million tokens to anyone who takes part in the ICO event and buys BTCS tokens at a discounted price depending on the underlying ICO phase. For instance, the current sixth phase’s sales amount to BTCS tokens retailing for $2.75 per token.

该游戏由在线秒表和独立服务器提供支持,确保没有人受到歧视,并且每次抽奖都有平等的获胜机会,毫不犹豫。 Bitcoin Spark 正在进行的 ICO 活动已筹集了超过 200 万美元,三个审计公司已经对其智能合约进行了审查。 ICO 打算向任何参加 ICO 活动并根据基础 ICO 阶段以折扣价购买 BTCS 代币的人分发 400 万个代币。例如,当前第六阶段的 BTCS 代币销售金额为每个代币 2.75 美元。

Learn more about Bitcoin Spark on:

了解有关比特币 Spark 的更多信息:

Website: https://bitcoinspark.org/ 


Buy BTCS: https://network.bitcoinspark.org/register

购买 BTCS:https://network.bitcoinspark.org/register

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