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30% of Bitcoin Supply Unmoved for Over 5 Years

30% 的比特币供应量五年多没有动过

发布: 2024/07/06 01:07 阅读: 468



30% 的比特币供应量五年多没有动过

In a groundbreaking revelation about Bitcoin, over 30% of its supply has remained unmoved for more than five years, emphasizing the unwavering commitment of long-term holders. This data, derived from Unspent Transaction Outputs (UTXOs) of first-generation blockchains like Bitcoin, offers valuable insights into user behavior and fund management.

关于比特币的一项开创性的披露显示,超过 30% 的比特币供应量在五年多的时间里一直保持不变,这凸显了长期持有者坚定不移的承诺。这些数据源自比特币等第一代区块链的未花费交易输出(UTXO),为用户行为和资金管理提供了宝贵的见解。

Many first-generation blockchains, including Bitcoin, utilize UTXOs to track users' funds. By studying UTXOs, we can gauge the duration that holders maintain their funds before spending them. This accounting approach has revealed that a substantial portion of Bitcoin has remained unmoved for extended periods.

许多第一代区块链,包括比特币,都利用 UTXO 来跟踪用户的资金。通过研究 UTXO,我们可以衡量持有者在花费资金之前保留资金的持续时间。这种会计方法表明,很大一部分比特币在很长一段时间内保持不变。

While some unmoved Bitcoin may represent lost funds, a significant fraction likely belongs to dedicated long-term holders. Despite market volatility, this enduring commitment to holding Bitcoin reflects the deep conviction in its future potential among its core supporters.


In the backdrop of a general market downturn, many meme coins have showcased resilience, retaining a significant proportion of profitable holders. A recent analysis highlights the percentage of profitable holders across various meme coins, demonstrating a remarkable durability within this segment of the cryptocurrency market.


$MOG and Pepe ($PEPE) have emerged as leaders in the meme coin space, boasting the highest percentage of profitable holders. Despite market challenges, these meme coins have maintained strong profitability rates for investors.

$MOG 和 Pepe ($PEPE) 已成为模因币领域的领导者,拥有最高比例的盈利持有者。尽管面临市场挑战,这些模因币仍为投资者保持了强劲的盈利率。

Beloved classics like Dogecoin ($DOGE) and Shiba Inu ($SHIB) have also shown considerable resilience. Both $DOGE and $SHIB have a sizable number of holders who remain profitable, attesting to the enduring popularity and investor confidence in these established meme coins.

狗狗币 ($DOGE) 和柴犬 ($SHIB) 等深受喜爱的经典货币也表现出了相当大的韧性。 $DOGE 和 $SHIB 都有相当数量的持有者保持盈利,这证明了这些已建立的模因代币的持久受欢迎程度和投资者的信心。

The stability exhibited by long-term Bitcoin holders and the resilience of meme coin investors in maintaining profitability underscore the multifaceted and dynamic nature of the cryptocurrency market. Despite fluctuations and downturns, there remains a robust foundation of devoted believers and profitable participants within the crypto ecosystem.



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