首页 > 资讯新闻 > BlockDAG 的预售势头势不可挡:在 MATIC 和 PEPE 的挣扎中,主网上线前目标达到 1 亿美元

BlockDAG's Presale Momentum Unstoppable: Aiming for $100M Before Mainnet Launch Amid MATIC and PEPE Struggles

BlockDAG 的预售势头势不可挡:在 MATIC 和 PEPE 的挣扎中,主网上线前目标达到 1 亿美元

发布: 2024/07/02 09:03 阅读: 988



BlockDAG 的预售势头势不可挡:在 MATIC 和 PEPE 的挣扎中,主网上线前目标达到 1 亿美元

As the cryptocurrency market navigates significant transformations, BlockDAG has emerged as a beacon of growth, surpassing daily presale gains of $500k and raising over $54.9 million to date.

随着加密货币市场经历重大转型,BlockDAG 已成为增长的灯塔,每日预售收益超过 50 万美元,迄今为止筹集了超过 5,490 万美元。

Amidst the profitability crisis faced by Polygon's MATIC and the bearish predictions for Pepe, BlockDAG continues to thrive. Its 19th presale batch has seen a coin price of $0.014 with an upcoming batch scheduled for $0.015. The presale campaign has garnered robust social media activity and key endorsements from leading crypto influencers.

在 Polygon 的 MATIC 面临盈利危机和 Pepe 的悲观预测的情况下,BlockDAG 继续蓬勃发展。第 19 批预售的代币价格为 0.014 美元,即将到来的预售批次价格为 0.015 美元。预售活动获得了强劲的社交媒体活动和领先的加密货币影响者的重要认可。

MATIC's Profitability Dilemma:

MATIC 的盈利困境:

Polygon's recent financial struggles have raised concerns among investors. Despite the strength of its ecosystem, market fluctuations have heightened anxieties, necessitating strategic shifts to regain financial footing. Investors are closely monitoring Polygon's response to these challenges.

Polygon 最近的财务困境引起了投资者的担忧。尽管其生态系统很强大,但市场波动加剧了人们的担忧,需要进行战略转变以重新获得财务基础。投资者正在密切关注 Polygon 对这些挑战的反应。

Pepe's Price Prediction: Navigating Bearish Trends:


Market analysts predict a further 13% decline in Pepe's value, underscoring the importance of vigilant monitoring and anticipation of recovery signs. Investors should exercise caution amidst ongoing volatility and token market positioning challenges.

市场分析师预测佩佩的身价将进一步下跌 13%,这凸显了警惕监测和预测复苏迹象的重要性。在持续的波动和代币市场定位挑战中,投资者应保持谨慎。

BlockDAG's Presale Success: Breaking Records and Setting Standards:

BlockDAG 的预售成功:打破记录并设定标准:

BlockDAG's presale continues to shatter records, now at over $54.9 million. With 11.8 billion coins sold and over 8250 miners engaged, it has showcased its robust appeal. Social media platforms like Twitter (34k followers) and Telegram (50k members) have been strategic in boosting visibility.

BlockDAG 的预售继续打破记录,目前已超过 5490 万美元。它已售出 118 亿枚代币,吸引了超过 8250 名矿工参与,展示了其强大的吸引力。 Twitter(34,000 名粉丝)和 Telegram(50,000 名会员)等社交媒体平台在提高知名度方面发挥了战略作用。

Prominent crypto influencers on YouTube have heralded BlockDAG as a potential game-changer, contributing to a rapidly growing community eager to take part in what many see as a historic presale event.

YouTube 上的知名加密货币影响者将 BlockDAG 视为潜在的游戏规则改变者,为渴望参与许多人视为历史性预售活动的快速增长的社区做出了贡献。

The excitement is further amplified by the ongoing BDAG $2 million giveaway, set to conclude in 50 days. Participants can win part of a substantial prize pool by engaging with the platform, completing tasks, and inviting friends. Holding at least $100 worth of BDAG increases the chances of winning.

BDAG 正在进行的 200 万美元赠品活动将在 50 天内结束,这进一步放大了人们的兴奋感。参与者可以通过参与平台、完成任务和邀请好友来赢得部分丰厚奖品。持有至少价值 100 美元的 BDAG 会增加获胜的机会。

Contrasting with the cautious and challenging environments faced by MATIC and PEPE, BlockDAG's success story is redefining the standards of crypto presales. Its rapid ascent to over $54.9 million not only strengthens its market presence but also positions it confidently towards achieving a $100 million goal before its mainnet launch.

与 MATIC 和 PEPE 面临的谨慎和充满挑战的环境相比,BlockDAG 的成功故事正在重新定义加密货币预售的标准。它的迅速攀升至超过 5490 万美元不仅增强了其市场影响力,而且使其充满信心地在主网启动之前实现 1 亿美元的目标。

Energized further by the $2 million giveaway, BlockDAG's innovative approach is attracting increased investor interest, marking it as a pioneering force ready to set new benchmarks in the cryptocurrency industry.

受 200 万美元赠品的进一步激励,BlockDAG 的创新方法吸引了越来越多的投资者兴趣,标志着它成为准备在加密货币行业树立新基准的先锋力量。


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