首页 > 资讯新闻 > BlockDAG 以 5250 万美元预售获胜,随着 HBAR 下跌和 Pepe 上涨,预测到 2030 年将达到 30 美元

BlockDAG Wins With $52.5M Presale, Driven By Forecast To Hit $30 by 2030 As HBAR Sinks & Pepe Upswings

BlockDAG 以 5250 万美元预售获胜,随着 HBAR 下跌和 Pepe 上涨,预测到 2030 年将达到 30 美元

发布: 2024/06/21 20:04 阅读: 335

原文作者:Crypto News Land


BlockDAG 以 5250 万美元预售获胜,随着 HBAR 下跌和 Pepe 上涨,预测到 2030 年将达到 30 美元

BlockDAG Emerges Amid Crypto Market Turbulence

BlockDAG 在加密货币市场动荡中应运而生

The cryptocurrency market has witnessed significant volatility lately, with HBAR experiencing a sharp decline while Pepe, a meme coin, defies expectations and surges upward. Amidst this chaos, BlockDAG has emerged as a beacon of potential, amassing an impressive $52.5 million in its presale.

近期加密货币市场波动较大,HBAR 大幅下跌,而 Meme 币 Pepe 却不负众望,飙升。在这场混乱中,BlockDAG 成为了潜力的灯塔,预售金额高达 5250 万美元。

HBAR's Value Takes a Hit

HBAR 的价值受到打击

HBAR's value recently plunged by approximately 35%, erasing earlier gains that had exceeded 100%. This fall was triggered by false rumors regarding BlackRock's involvement with the Hedera network, which were subsequently dispelled by CoinGecko. The Hedera Foundation later clarified that tokens from BlackRock's ICS US Treasury money market fund had been tokenized on Hedera through collaborations with Ownera and Archax.

HBAR 的价值最近暴跌约 35%,抹去了之前超过 100% 的涨幅。这次下跌是由有关 BlackRock 参与 Hedera 网络的虚假谣言引发的,该谣言随后被 CoinGecko 消除。 Hedera 基金会后来澄清,贝莱德 ICS 美国财政部货币市场基金的代币已通过与 Ownera 和 Archax 的合作在 Hedera 上代币化。

Pepe's Resilience in a Volatile Market


Despite the tumultuous crypto market, Pepe, a well-known meme coin, exhibited an 8% increase in June, defying the overall downward trend. This surge followed a bold move by Binance, which offered up to 100 million PEPE tokens through Binance Pay. While Pepe initially struggled to break the $0.000015 resistance level, its price eventually stabilized at the $0.000011 support level. Binance's promotion likely contributed to Pepe's rise, showcasing its resilience in the unpredictable realm of meme coins.

尽管加密市场动荡,但知名模因币 Pepe 在 6 月份却逆势上涨 8%,逆势上涨。这一激增是在币安采取大胆举措之后发生的,币安通过币安支付提供了多达 1 亿个 PEPE 代币。虽然 Pepe 最初难以突破 0.000015 美元的阻力位,但其价格最终稳定在 0.000011 美元的支撑位。币安的推广可能促进了 Pepe 的崛起,展示了其在不可预测的模因币领域的韧性。

BlockDAG's Keynote Strengthens Market Position

BlockDAG 的主题演讲巩固了市场地位

BlockDAG's impactful second keynote has significantly enhanced its market standing and signaled a promising future for its valuation. Industry experts anticipate BDAG's value to reach $10 by 2025, potentially yielding $200 daily mining profits through the X1 app. They predict a further increase to $20 by 2027 and a threefold increase to $30 by 2030, translating to possible daily earnings of $600. These optimistic forecasts have attracted considerable investor interest, particularly given the remarkable success of BlockDAG's presale, which has now surpassed $52.5 million.

BlockDAG 极具影响力的第二次主题演讲显着提升了其市场地位,并预示着其估值的光明前景。行业专家预计 BDAG 的价值到 2025 年将达到 10 美元,通过 X1 应用程序每天可能产生 200 美元的挖矿利润。他们预计到 2027 年将进一步增加到 20 美元,到 2030 年将增加三倍,达到 30 美元,也就是说每日收入可能达到 600 美元。这些乐观的预测吸引了相当大的投资者兴趣,特别是考虑到 BlockDAG 的预售取得了巨大成功,目前预售金额已超过 5250 万美元。

Advanced Technology and Global Marketing


The keynote unveiled advanced technology that combines Proof-of-Work and Directed Acyclic Graph mechanisms, enhancing transaction scalability and security. BlockDAG is currently generating $500k daily, with projections to reach $5 million daily before the presale concludes in four months, just ahead of the mainnet launch. This impressive growth underscores the momentum behind BlockDAG's mission to transform blockchain technology.

主题演讲揭示了结合工作量证明和有向无环图机制的先进技术,增强了交易的可扩展性和安全性。 BlockDAG 目前每天的收入为 50 万美元,预计在四个月内预售结束(即主网启动之前)之前,每日收入将达到 500 万美元。这一令人印象深刻的增长凸显了 BlockDAG 变革区块链技术使命背后的动力。

Additionally, BlockDAG's global marketing initiatives, including prominent displays at Tokyo's Shibuya Crossing, the Las Vegas Sphere, and London's Piccadilly Circus, are boosting market confidence. The "Moon Keynote 2" theme highlights BlockDAG's bold and innovative marketing strategies.

此外,BlockDAG 的全球营销举措,包括在东京涩谷十字路口、拉斯维加斯球体和伦敦皮卡迪利广场的重要展示,正在提振市场信心。 “月亮主题演讲2”主题凸显了BlockDAG大胆创新的营销策略。

Endorsements from reputable publications such as Cointelegraph, Forbes, and Bloomberg have also elevated BlockDAG's profile and credibility. With the presale approaching $52.5 million, distributing over 11.7 billion BDAG coins, and generating an additional $3.3 million from over 8006 miners sold, early investors are justifiably enthusiastic.

Cointelegraph、福布斯和彭博社等知名出版物的认可也提升了 BlockDAG 的形象和可信度。随着预售接近 5250 万美元,分发了超过 117 亿枚 BDAG 代币,并从出售的 8006 多个矿机中额外获得了 330 万美元,早期投资者的热情是理所当然的。



Despite the ups and downs of the crypto market, BlockDAG has emerged as a standout with promising growth prospects and ambitious global plans. Its groundbreaking technology, combined with its strong market presence, makes it an attractive investment opportunity. As BlockDAG leads the way in top crypto presales with a price of $0.0122 per BDAG in batch 18, the future looks bright.

尽管加密货币市场起伏不定,BlockDAG 仍凭借广阔的增长前景和雄心勃勃的全球计划脱颖而出,脱颖而出。其突破性的技术加上强大的市场影响力,使其成为一个有吸引力的投资机会。由于 BlockDAG 在顶级加密货币预售中处于领先地位,第 18 批中每个 BDAG 的价格为 0.0122 美元,因此未来看起来很光明。

Participate in BlockDAG Presale


Website: https://blockdag.network
Presale: https://purchase.blockdag.network
Telegram: https://t.me/blockDAGnetworkOfficial
Discord: https://discord.gg/Q7BxghMVyu



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