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Bonk (BONK) Experiences Remarkable Price Movement

Bonk (BONK) 经历显着的价格变动

发布: 2023/12/28 06:50 阅读: 745



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您还可以在 COINTURK NEWS 上阅读此新闻:Bonk (BONK) 经历显着的价格变动

Solana network’s meme coin Bonk (BONK) experienced an incredible price movement as we approached the final months of 2023, witnessing multiple price surges that paved the way for gains of up to 10,000% over the last 52 weeks.

随着 2023 年最后几个月的临近,Solana 网络的模因币 Bonk (BONK) 经历了令人难以置信的价格波动,见证了多次价格飙升,为过去 52 周内高达 10,000% 的涨幅铺平了道路。

Current Status of Bonk


Nevertheless, even after being listed on Coinbase (NASDAQ: COIN), considered the largest cryptocurrency exchange by public status, it briefly surpassed Dogecoin (DOGE) in the ranking of most traded meme coins. However, it continues to lag behind other cryptocurrencies.

然而,即使在被认为是公共地位最大的加密货币交易所 Coinbase(纳斯达克股票代码:COIN)上市后,它在交易量最大的模因币排名中也短暂超过了狗狗币(DOGE)。然而,它仍然落后于其他加密货币。

A meme coin launched on the Solana (SOL) blockchain, BONK also benefited from the hype created by an 800% rise in SOL over the past year. Additionally, the recent sales boom of the Solana Saga smartphone and the subsequent BONK airdrops have led to an increase in demand for the meme coin.

BONK 是在 Solana (SOL) 区块链上推出的 meme 代币,它也受益于 SOL 在过去一年上涨 800% 带来的炒作。此外,最近 Solana Saga 智能手机的销售热潮以及随后的 BONK 空投导致了对 meme 币的需求增加。

Everyone is curious about the future direction of BONK, and CoinCodex’s artificial intelligence (AI) algorithms have stepped in. A prediction has arrived regarding the price level Bonk could reach amid the upcoming New Year’s excitement.

每个人都对 BONK 的未来走向感到好奇,CoinCodex 的人工智能 (AI) 算法介入了。在即将到来的新年兴奋中,关于 Bonk 的价格水平的预测已经到来。

AI Prediction for BONK

BONK 的 AI 预测

According to the AI algorithms consulted by CoinCodex, based on data provided on December 27th, Bonk is expected to maintain a mostly stable price level at the beginning of 2024 despite potential significant fluctuations.

根据 CoinCodex 咨询的人工智能算法,根据 12 月 27 日提供的数据,尽管可能出现大幅波动,但预计 Bonk 的价格水平将在 2024 年初保持基本稳定的水平。

The AI predicts that Bonk will experience a 3.53% decrease by January 1st, trading at $0.00001619. The algorithm also suggests that the meme coin will continue to trade at a similar level over the next month, reaching a price of $0.00001647 within 30 days, slightly above its price at the time of writing. Notably, Bonk’s price changes have been marked by 16 green days in the last 30 days.

AI 预测 Bonk 到 1 月 1 日将下跌 3.53%,交易价格为 0.00001619 美元。该算法还表明,Meme 代币将在下个月继续以类似水平进行交易,在 30 天内达到 0.00001647 美元的价格,略高于撰写本文时的价格。值得注意的是,Bonk 的价格变化在过去 30 天内有 16 个绿日。

BONK Price Analysis


It appears that 2023 has been an incredible year for Bonk. There was a slight increase at the beginning of the year, followed by a period of minor pullback, after which the meme coin maintained its stagnation until an incredible surge at the end of October.

2023 年对于 Bonk 来说似乎是不可思议的一年。年初有小幅上涨,随后经历了一段小幅回调,此后 Meme 币一直保持停滞状态,直到 10 月底出现令人难以置信的飙升。

Since the initial rise at the beginning of 2023, the incredible rally, which highlighted an astonishing 13,000% increase compared to its price 52 weeks ago, was supported by high levels of fluctuation.

自 2023 年初首次上涨以来,令人难以置信的反弹受到了高水平波动的支撑,与 52 周前的价格相比,涨幅高达 13,000%。

Looking at the recent price performance, we again see significant volatility. In the last 30 days, Bonk’s price increased by 305.04%. In contrast, the meme coin’s price fell by 28% in the last week. The decline in the last 24 hours was 16.69%, with the price trading at $0.00001535 at the time of writing.

看看最近的价格表现,我们再次看到大幅波动。过去30天内,Bonk的价格上涨了305.04%。相比之下,Meme 币的价格上周下跌了 28%。过去 24 小时内跌幅为 16.69%,截至发稿时价格为 0.00001535 美元。

The post first appeared on COINTURK NEWS: Bonk (BONK) Experiences Remarkable Price Movement

该帖子首次出现在 COINTURK 新闻上:Bonk (BONK) 经历了显着的价格波动


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