首页 > 资讯新闻 > Bonk 价格预测 BONK 飙升,表现优于狗狗币 – BONK 是新的 DOGE吗?

Bonk Price Prediction as BONK Skyrockets, Outperforming Dogecoin – Is BONK the New DOGE?

Bonk 价格预测 BONK 飙升,表现优于狗狗币 – BONK 是新的 DOGE吗?

发布: 2024/01/12 21:38 阅读: 720



Bonk 价格预测 BONK 飙升,表现优于狗狗币 – BONK 是新的 DOGE吗?

The Bonk price has dropped to $0.00001525 today, marking a 3% loss as the market also suffers a corrective dip in the past 24 hours.

Bonk 价格今天已跌至 0.00001525 美元,跌幅为 3%,因为市场在过去 24 小时内也经历了调整性下跌。

However, this dip has done little to reverse the very impressive gains BONK has made in recent days, with the meme coin actually up by 37.5% in the past week.

然而,这种下跌并没有扭转 BONK 最近几天取得的令人印象深刻的涨幅,meme 币在过去一周实际上上涨了 37.5%。

It’s also up 50% in the last 30 days and by 1,400% in the past year, making it one of the best-performing top-100 coins of 2023.

它还在过去 30 天内上涨了 50%,在过去一年中上涨了 1,400%,使其成为 2023 年表现最好的前 100 名代币之一。

And with its momentum remaining strong, it’s likely to continue seeing gains in the next few weeks, and to continue outperforming over meme coins.


Bonk Price Prediction as BONK Skyrockets, Outperforming Dogecoin – Is BONK the New DOGE?

Bonk 价格预测 BONK 飙升,表现优于狗狗币 – BONK 是新的 DOGE吗?

BONK’s chart and indicators show an increase in momentum in the past couple of days, yet also leave plenty of room for further gains in the short- and medium-term.


Its 30-day average (yellow) has begun climbing again after hitting a trough in the previous week, with its climb further beyond the 200-day average (blue) suggesting that Bonk remains firmly within a growth phase.

其 30 天平均线(黄色)在上周触底后再次开始攀升,其涨幅进一步超过 200 天平均线(蓝色),表明 Bonk 仍处于增长阶段。

Source: TradingChart


At the same time, the altcoin’s RSI (purple) had neared 60 in the past couple of days, although it’s struggling a little now, meaning hat it’s not entirely clear whether more gains are coming or more losses.

与此同时,山寨币的 RSI(紫色)在过去几天接近 60,尽管现在有点挣扎,这意味着尚不完全清楚是否会带来更多收益或更多损失。

Still, it’s worth noting that Bonk’s support level (green) has protected the token from serious dips over the past week or so, so any falls today are likely to be contained.

不过,值得注意的是,Bonk 的支撑位(绿色)保护了该代币在过去一周左右的时间内免受严重下跌,因此今天的任何下跌都可能得到遏制。

BONK’s trading volume also remains elevated in comparison to recent weeks, at just over $300 million, compared to only $100 million at the start of 2024.

与最近几周相比,BONK 的交易量也保持在较高水平,略高于 3 亿美元,而 2024 年初仅为 1 亿美元。

This suggests that whales remain interested in the token, with recent data highlighting some big buys from larger traders in recent weeks.


This smart trader who made ~$6.9M on $BONK spent 386 $SOL($40K) to buy 3.29B $BONK again today!

这位在 $BONK 上赚了约 $6.9M 的聪明交易者今天再次花费 386 $SOL($40K) 购买了 3.29B $BONK!

He accumulated 371.4B $BONK in 9 months at a cost of only 6,998 $SOL($276K) and sold half of the $BONK during the $BONK surge for 50,139 $SOL($5.2M).https://t.co/pOFRD2ndI8 pic.twitter.com/lkgGm13G0e

他在 9 个月内以 6,998 $SOL($276K) 的成本积累了 371.4B $BONK,并在 $BONK 飙升期间以 50,139 $SOL($5.2M) 的价格出售了一半的 $BONK。https://t.co/ pOFRD2ndI8 pic.twitter.com/lkgGm13G0e

— Lookonchain (@lookonchain) January 9, 2024

— Lookonchain (@lookonchain) 2024 年 1 月 9 日

As such, BONK could easily continue rising in the next few weeks, especially with the market becoming more bullish in the wake of the SEC’s approval of several Bitcoin ETFs.

因此,BONK 很容易在未来几周内继续上涨,尤其是在 SEC 批准几只比特币 ETF 后市场变得更加看涨的情况下。

BONK has also benefitted from the wider growth of Solana and its ecosystem, with the SOL-based meme token seemingly gaining more usage as a result of its usability within various Solana-based apps and platforms.

BONK 还受益于 Solana 及其生态系统的更广泛增长,基于 SOL 的 meme 代币似乎因其在各种基于 Solana 的应用程序和平台中的可用性而获得了更多的使用。

The Bonk price could therefore rise to $0.000020 in the next few weeks, before reaching $0.000030 by the middle of the year.

因此,Bonk 价格可能会在未来几周内上涨至 0.000020 美元,然后在今年年中达到 0.000030 美元。

Market-Beating Gains with New Meme Coins

新 Meme 币的收益跑赢大市

The only issue with BONK is that, given it already made astronomical gains over the past 12 months, it may see only relatively more modest returns from here on out.

BONK 的唯一问题是,鉴于它在过去 12 个月中已经取得了天文数字般的收益,从现在开始它可能只会看到相对温和的回报。

Fortunately, there are a number of very strong new coins in the market right now, with one of the most promising being Sponge (SPONGE), an ERC-20 token that first listed in April 2023, rallying by over 150%.

幸运的是,目前市场上有许多非常强劲的新代币,其中最有前途的是 Sponge (SPONGE),这是一种 ERC-20 代币,于 2023 年 4 月首次上市,涨幅超过 150%。

It’s currently preparing for the launch of the second version of its coin, replacing the first version and also coming with a new staking model.


On top of this, it will also be the exclusive native token for an up-and-coming play-to-earn game, in which players can compete against each to rank highest on a global leaderboard.


Daily Staking Update!


Today, a staggering 4,705,172,778 $SPONGE tokens are staked, with a total value of $3,944,150.86!

今天,质押了惊人的 4,705,172,778 $SPONGE 代币,总价值为 3,944,150.86 美元!

Plus, our holders are enjoying an impressive 343% APY.

此外,我们的持有者还享受令人印象深刻的 343% 年化收益。

Don't miss out on these remarkable rewards! #AltSeason #SpongeV2 #Crypto pic.twitter.com/b4i7vD0uTY

不要错过这些非凡的奖励! #AltSeason #SpongeV2 #Crypto pic.twitter.com/b4i7vD0uTY

— $SPONGE (@spongeoneth) January 12, 2024

- $SPONGE (@spongeoneth) 2024 年 1 月 12 日

The announcement of Sponge V2 led to a rush among holders of V1 to stake their older tokens and claim the newer counterparts, with around 4.7 billion SPONGE currently staked.

Sponge V2 的发布导致 V1 持有者纷纷质押旧代币并索取新代币,目前质押的 SPONGE 数量约为 47 亿个。

Perhaps more impressively, stakers of the token are on course to earn a maximum 343% APY, depending on how long they keep their tokens locked up.

也许更令人印象深刻的是,代币的质押者有望获得最高 343% 的年化收益,具体取决于他们锁定代币的时间。

This shows how popular Sponge already is, with existing holders of Sponge V1 able to claim version two by heading over to the official Sponge website and staking their tokens.

这表明 Sponge 已经非常受欢迎,Sponge V1 的现有持有者可以通过访问 Sponge 官方网站并质押其代币来获取第二版。

And even investors who don’t hold any Sponge V1 can go to this website and simply buy Sponge V2 outright, putting themselves in line to make some potentially high gains once the newer token lists in the next couple of months.

即使没有持有 Sponge V1 的投资者也可以访问该网站,直接购买 Sponge V2,一旦新代币在未来几个月上市,他们就有可能获得一些潜在的高收益。

Buy Sponge V2 Here

在这里购买 Sponge V2

Disclaimer: Crypto is a high-risk asset class. This article is provided for informational purposes and does not constitute investment advice. You could lose all of your capital.



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