首页 > 资讯新闻 > Bonk 价格预测,交易量优于 SHIB – Bonk 能否超越狗狗币和柴犬?

Bonk Price Prediction as Volume Outperforms SHIB – Can Bonk Overtake Dogecoin and Shiba Inu?

Bonk 价格预测,交易量优于 SHIB – Bonk 能否超越狗狗币和柴犬?

发布: 2024/01/29 21:32 阅读: 821



Bonk 价格预测,交易量优于 SHIB – Bonk 能否超越狗狗币和柴犬?

The Bonk price has dropped by 6% in the past 24 hours, with the meme token falling to $0.00001171 on a day when the wider market drops by a less dramatic 0.5%.

Bonk 价格在过去 24 小时内下跌了 6%,Meme 代币跌至 0.00001171 美元,而当天大盘下跌幅度较小,为 0.5%。

BONK remains up by 7.5% in the past week, yet it has declined by 17.5% in the last 30 days, with January having been a largely negative month for the coin.

BONK 过去一周仍上涨 7.5%,但在过去 30 天内下跌了 17.5%,1 月份对该币来说基本上是负面的。

However, it continues to sit on a 1,000% gain in the last 12 months, and with its trading volume often outperforming that of its rival Shiba Inu (SHIB), it’s likely to experience further rallies soon.

然而,它在过去 12 个月中继续保持 1,000% 的涨幅,并且其交易量往往超过其竞争对手 Shiba Inu (SHIB),它可能很快就会经历进一步的反弹。

Bonk Price Prediction as Volume Outperforms SHIB – Can Bonk Overtake Dogecoin and Shiba Inu?

Bonk 价格预测,交易量优于 SHIB – Bonk 能否超越狗狗币和柴犬?

Bonk’s chart continues to look pretty flat, with its indicators struggling to recover from more than a month of overselling and stagnation.


For instance, BONK’s 30-day average has been declining slightly over the past couple of weeks, and has failed to rise since January.


Source: TradingView


This is a clear sign of a loss of momentum, with the coin’s relative strength index (purple) telling us something very similar.


Indeed, the RSI remains below 50 and is struggling to rise any higher, suggesting a lack of interest from buyers at the moment.

事实上,RSI 仍低于 50,并且正在努力上涨,表明目前买家缺乏兴趣。

BONK’s volume supports this view, since while the coin has traded more heavily than SHIB and DOGE in recent months, its volume currently stands at only $75 million.

BONK 的交易量支持了这一观点,因为尽管近几个月该代币的交易量超过了 SHIB 和 DOGE,但其交易量目前仅为 7500 万美元。

This is minuscule in comparison to major tokens (e.g. Bitcoin, Ethereum Solana), and it also represents an 85% decline compared to how heavily BONK traded in mid-January.

与主要代币(例如比特币、以太坊 Solana)相比,这一数字微不足道,而且与 1 月中旬 BONK 的交易量相比也下降了 85%。

One reason for BONK’s underperformance in recent weeks is that whales seem to have forgotten about the coin, with no big buys happening since earlier in the month.

BONK 最近几周表现不佳的原因之一是鲸鱼似乎已经忘记了这种代币,自本月初以来没有发生大笔购买。

There is one whale who continues to hold onto about $3.5 million of the coin, yet other than this, not much has happened in the past couple of weeks.

有一只鲸鱼继续持有价值约 350 万美元的代币,但除此之外,过去几周没有发生太多事情。

It seems that many traders have moved onto other meme tokens, with WEN being the latest Solana-based flavor of the month altcoin.

似乎许多交易者已经转向其他模因代币,WEN 是本月最新的基于 Solana 的山寨币。

$BONK is to 2023, $WEN is to 2024

$BONK 到 2023 年,$WEN 到 2024 年

{drop mic} pic.twitter.com/qfqiBa7mTi

{放下麦克风} pic.twitter.com/qfqiBa7mTi

— moh.0X (@0x_moh_) January 28, 2024

— moh.0X (@0x_moh_) 2024 年 1 月 28 日

Having said that, the market as a whole is also flatlining right now, so a return to bullishness may help the Bonk price recover.


The Bitcoin halving in April could lift prices across the board, for example, with BONK potentially able to return to $0.000030 by the end of spring.

例如,4 月份的比特币减半可能会全面提升价格,BONK 可能会在春季末恢复到 0.000030 美元。

Newer Meme Tokens for Newer Rallies

更新集会的更新 Meme 代币

For those worried that BONK’s best days may already be over, there are other newer tokens emerging that look ready to rally in the coming weeks.

对于那些担心 BONK 最好的日子可能已经结束的人来说,还有其他新的代币正在出现,它们似乎准备在未来几周内反弹。

One prime candidate for big returns is Sponge (SPONGE), an ERC-20 cryptocurrency that originally listed – and surged – in April 2023.

Sponge (SPONGE) 是获得高回报的主要候选者之一,它是一种 ERC-20 加密货币,最初于 2023 年 4 月上市并飙升。

Yet now it’s in the process of launching the second version of its coin, which comes with a new staking model and will also serve as the native token for an exciting new play-to-earn game.


10 exchanges not enough? #SpongeV2 will be listed on BIGGER AND BETTER exchanges!

10次​​交换还不够? #SpongeV2 将在更大更好的交易所上市!

You’re not ready for what’s coming next #SpongeV2 #MemeCoin #Presale pic.twitter.com/LdXRYu65Z8

你还没有准备好迎接接下来的事情#SpongeV2 #MemeCoin #Presale pic.twitter.com/LdXRYu65Z8

— $SPONGE (@spongeoneth) January 23, 2024

- $SPONGE (@spongeoneth) 2024 年 1 月 23 日

The new game will be a multiplayer racer, enabling players to compete against each other to see who can rank the highest on a global leaderboard.


It will have a free and also a paid version, with those who rank the highest receiving SPONGE V2 as a reward,

它将有免费和付费版本,排名最高的人将获得 SPONGE V2 作为奖励,

Holders of SPONGE V1 can claim V2 tokens by visiting the official Sponge website and staking their older version, while non-holders can simply buy SPONGE V2 outright.

SPONGE V1 的持有者可以通过访问 Sponge 官方网站并质押其旧版本来领取 V2 代币,而非持有者则可以直接购买 SPONGE V2。

And once they’ve claimed their V2 tokens, they will have them staked until the new coin is officially launched, with holders earning a higher rate if they leave their tokens locked up for longer.

一旦他们领取了 V2 代币,他们就会将其抵押,直到新代币正式推出,如果持有者将代币锁定更长时间,他们将获得更高的利率。

Taken with Sponge’s appeal as a meme token and its already-strong following, SPONGE V2 could really rally hard once it goes live in the next few weeks.

考虑到 Sponge 作为 meme 代币的吸引力及其已经强大的追随者,SPONGE V2 一旦在未来几周内上线,可能会真正强劲反弹。

Buy Sponge V2 Here

在这里购买 Sponge V2


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