首页 > 资讯新闻 > BONK 上涨,而狗狗币 (DOGE) 仍停滞不前 – 投资者预计 Memecoin 的下一个重大举措将针对反叛中本聪

BONK Pumps While Dogecoin (DOGE) Remains Stagnant – Investors Expect the Next Big Memecoin Move on Rebel Satoshi

BONK 上涨,而狗狗币 (DOGE) 仍停滞不前 – 投资者预计 Memecoin 的下一个重大举措将针对反叛中本聪

发布: 2024/02/17 16:33 阅读: 428





  • BONK surged 24% in a week, and experts foresee massive growth in February.
  • BONK一周内飙升24%,专家预计2月份将出现大幅增长。

  • Dogecoin gained a meager 2% in a week, and experts expect bears to take over.
  • 狗狗币一周内仅上涨了 2%,专家预计空头将接管。

  • Rebel Satoshi rivals top meme coins after jumping 140% during its presale. 
  • Rebel Satoshi 在预售期间飙升 140%,可与顶级模因币相媲美。

The meme coin arena has experienced noteworthy shifts over the past week. Specifically, Bonk (BONK) has put up a stellar performance, and Dogecoin (DOGE) has traded sideways. Meanwhile, Rebel Satoshi ($RBLZ) has emerged as a tenacious rival after securing approximately $1.8 million during its presale. Which is the best cryptocurrency to buy, BONK, Dogecoin, or Rebel Satoshi? Let’s find out!

过去一周,迷因币领域经历了值得注意的变化。具体来说,Bonk (BONK) 表现出色,而狗狗币 (DOGE) 则横盘整理。与此同时,Rebel Satoshi ($RBLZ) 在预售期间获得约 180 万美元后,已成为顽强的竞争对手。 BONK、狗狗币还是叛逆中本聪,哪一个是最值得购买的加密货币?让我们来看看吧!

BONK Rakes in 24% in a Week: Will Bulls Keep Charging?


BONK has performed desirably over the past seven days. On February 7, BONK was hovering around $0.00001001. After recording marginal gains for two days, BONK shot up on February 9 after Bitcoin (BTC) surpassed $47,000 and triggered a marketwide rally. However, BONK got a boost after Armada launched BONK Rewards on February 10. 

BONK在过去7天内表现理想。 2月7日,BONK徘徊在0.00001001美元附近。在连续两天小幅上涨后,BONK 于 2 月 9 日比特币 (BTC) 突破 47,000 美元并引发全市场反弹后飙升。然而,在 Armada 于 2 月 10 日推出 BONK 奖励后,BONK 得到了提振。

Notably, Armada’s BONK Rewards program lets BONK HODLers lock their BONK to earn rewards from BONK Eco products like BonkBot, SVB, and BONKswap. This development saw BONK climb as high as $0.00001409 on February 12. However, the buzz about this news faded, and BONK experienced a downward correction.

值得注意的是,Armada 的 BONK 奖励计划允许 BONK HODLers 锁定他们的 BONK,以从 BonkBot、SVB 和 BONKswap 等 BONK Eco 产品中获得奖励。这一进展导致 BONK 在 2 月 12 日攀升至 0.00001409 美元的高位。然而,有关此消息的热议逐渐消退,BONK 经历了向下调整。

By February 14, BONK had stabilized at around $0.00001251. This price means BONK has gained 24.98% in a week. So, is BONK a good crypto to buy? According to experts, BONK will gain steam and climb to $0.00001400 by the end of February. Experts base this forecast on BONK jumping after BONK offered The Barrows a 450 million BONK grant on February 13.

截至 2 月 14 日,BONK 已稳定在 0.00001251 美元左右。这个价格意味着BONK一周内上涨了24.98%。那么,BONK 是一个值得购买的加密货币吗?据专家预测,BONK 将在 2 月底增长势头并攀升至 0.00001400 美元。专家们的这一预测是基于 BONK 在 2 月 13 日向 The Barrows 提供 4.5 亿 BONK 赠款后 BONK 的跳跃式增长。

Dogecoin Gains 2% in a Week: What’s Coming Next?

狗狗币一周上涨 2%:接下来会发生什么?

Dogecoin has underperformed over the past seven days. On February 7, DOGE was changing hands at around $0.079. Like BONK, DOGE gained momentum due to the Bitcoin-triggered rally. Moreover, the news of Elon Musk saying SpaceX’s Dragon spacecraft will enable astronauts to travel further from the Earth than they have in 50 years also affected Dogecoin (DOGE). 

狗狗币在过去 7 天表现不佳。 2 月 7 日,DOGE 以 0.079 美元左右易手。与 BONK 一样,DOGE 也因比特币引发的上涨而获得动力。此外,埃隆·马斯克称 SpaceX 的龙飞船将使宇航员能够比 50 年来距离地球更远的距离的消息也影响到了狗狗币(DOGE)。

Historically, the DOGE fanbase has always reacted bullishly to news involving Elon Musk, a renowned DOGE proponent. This time was no different as DOGE surged as high as $0.083 on February 11. However, DOGE began pulling back. By February 14, DOGE had stabilized at around $0.081. This price means DOGE has gained a meager 2.53% in a week. 

从历史上看,DOGE 粉丝群总是对涉及著名 DOGE 支持者埃隆·马斯克 (Elon Musk) 的消息做出乐观反应。这次也不例外,DOGE 在 2 月 11 日飙升至 0.083 美元。然而,DOGE 开始回落。到 2 月 14 日,DOGE 稳定在 0.081 美元左右。这个价格意味着DOGE在一周内上涨了微薄的2.53%。

Based on this performance, is DOGE a top crypto to invest in now? Per analysts, Dogecoin will plunge to $0.071 by the end of February. Analysts peg this prediction on Dogecoin shedding value due to the February 13 news of Elon Musk facing a new round of testimony about his purchase of X, formerly Twitter. 

基于这样的表现,DOGE 是现在最值得投资的加密货币吗?分析师称,到 2 月底,狗狗币将跌至 0.071 美元。分析师认为,由于 2 月 13 日埃隆·马斯克 (Elon Musk) 就其收购 X(前身为 Twitter)面临新一轮证词的消息,狗狗币的价值将会贬值。



Rebel Satoshi Edges Out Established Meme Coins After Jumping 140% Thus Far!

迄今为止,叛逆中本聪跃升 140%,击败了老牌 Meme 币!

Rebel Satoshi has become the center of attraction for meme coin lovers after performing impressively during its ongoing public presale. To be precise, Rebel Satoshi has secured close to $1.8 million thus far during its presale. As a result, investors have flocked to Rebel Satoshi’s rapidly growing ICO to purchase $RBLZ

叛逆中本聪在正在进行的公开预售中表现出色,已成为迷因币爱好者的焦点。准确地说,Rebel Satoshi 迄今为止在预售期间已筹集到近 180 万美元。因此,投资者纷纷涌入 Rebel Satoshi 快速增长的 ICO 购买 $RBLZ。

$RBLZ is Rebel Satoshi’s governance and membership token. To this end, crypto adopters will require $RBLZ to access the Rebel Satoshi ecosystem, which comprises a P2E game, an NFT marketplace, and a staking program. This robust ecosystem explains why investors consider Rebel Satoshi the best ICO in 2024.

$RBLZ 是 Rebel Satoshi 的治理和会员代币。为此,加密货币采用者将需要 $RBLZ 来访问 Rebel Satoshi 生态系统,该生态系统包括 P2E 游戏、NFT 市场和质押计划。这个强大的生态系统解释了为什么投资者认为 Rebel Satoshi 是 2024 年最好的 ICO。

By February, Rebel Satoshi was progressing with Recusants Round 5 of its presale, and the price of $RBLZ had climbed to $0.024. Notably, this is Rebel Satoshi’s final round. Notably, Rebel Satoshi has set $RBLZ’s listing price at $0.025, meaning Recusants Round 5 investors will get a 4.17% ROI at the end of the presale.

到 2 月份,Rebel Satoshi 的 Recusants 第五轮预售正在进行,$RBLZ 的价格已攀升至 0.024 美元。值得注意的是,这是反叛中本聪的最后一轮。值得注意的是,Rebel Satoshi 将 $RBLZ 的上市价格定为 0.025 美元,这意味着 Recusants 第 5 轮投资者将在预售结束时获得 4.17% 的投资回报率。

Thus far, $RBLZ has generated a 140% ROI for Early Bird Round investors, and this yield is set to jump to 150% when $RBLZ hits $0.025 by the end of February. Additionally, experts expect $RBLZ to soar after getting listed on top DEXs. This forecast makes $RBLZ the best cryptocurrency to buy now!

到目前为止,$RBLZ 已经为早鸟轮投资者带来了 140% 的投资回报率,当 $RBLZ 到 2 月底达到 0.025 美元时,这一收益率将跃升至 150%。此外,专家预计 RBLZ 在顶级 DEX 上市后将会飙升。这一预测使 $RBLZ 成为现在最值得购买的加密货币!

For the latest updates and more information, be sure to visit the official Rebel Satoshi Presale Website or contact Rebel Red via Telegram

如需最新更新和更多信息,请务必访问 Rebel Satoshi 官方预售网站或通过 Telegram 联系 Rebel Red

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The post BONK Pumps While Dogecoin (DOGE) Remains Stagnant – Investors Expect the Next Big Memecoin Move on Rebel Satoshi appeared first on CaptainAltcoin.

BONK 上涨而狗狗币 (DOGE) 仍停滞不前 – 投资者预计叛逆中本聪的下一个 Memecoin 大动作首先出现在 CaptainAltcoin 上。


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