首页 > 资讯新闻 > 由于 DOGE 仍停滞不前,BONK 失去了前几天的涨幅——专家认为反叛的中本聪将成为下一个爆炸的模因

BONK Sheds Gains Of Previous Days As DOGE Remains Stagnant – Experts Believe Rebel Satoshi To Be The Next Meme To Blow Up

由于 DOGE 仍停滞不前,BONK 失去了前几天的涨幅——专家认为反叛的中本聪将成为下一个爆炸的模因

发布: 2024/02/25 17:34 阅读: 295





  • BONK has plunged 13% over the past week, but experts foresee bulls taking over.
  • 过去一周,BONK 暴跌 13%,但专家预计多头将接手。

  • Dogecoin has shed 2% over the past week, and experts expect bears to persist.
  • 狗狗币过去一周下跌了 2%,专家预计空头将持续存在。

  • Rebel Satoshi emerges as the best meme coin to buy after surging 140% thus far.
  • 迄今为止,Rebel Satoshi 已飙升 140%,成为最值得购买的模因币。

The crypto market has taken a drastic turn and started bleeding following weeks of bullish trading. As a result, meme coins like Bonk (BONK) and Dogecoin (DOGE) have performed variably. Meanwhile, Rebel Satoshi ($RBLZ), an emerging meme coin, has positioned itself as the next big thing after surging 140% during its ongoing public presale.

经过数周的看涨交易后,加密货币市场发生了巨大的转变并开始出血。因此,像 Bonk (BONK) 和 Dogecoin (DOGE) 这样的模因币表现参差不齐。与此同时,Rebel Satoshi ($RBLZ),一种新兴的模因币,在其持续的公开预售期间飙升 140% 后,将自己定位为下一个大事件。

Which is the best cryptocurrency to buy BONK, Dogecoin, or Rebel Satoshi? Read on to find out!

购买 BONK、狗狗币或 Rebel Satoshi 哪种加密货币最好?请仔细阅读,找出答案!

BONK Plummets 13% in a Week: What’s In Store for 2024?

BONK 一周暴跌 13%:2024 年会发生什么?

BONK has performed deplorably over the past week after securing significant gains in February. On February 14, BONK was changing hands at around $0.00001337. BONK jumped on February 15 due to the news of Mad Skulls converting 30% of its USDC to BONK and staked it on the BONK Inu platform for BONK rewards. 

BONK 在 2 月份大幅上涨后,过去一周表现不佳。 2 月 14 日,BONK 的易手价格约为 0.00001337 美元。 2 月 15 日,由于有消息传出 Mad Skulls 将其 30% 的 USDC 转换为 BONK 并质押到 BONK Inu 平台以获得 BONK 奖励,BONK 的价格出现上涨。

After a steady downfall, BONK traded as low as $0.00001128 on February 21 before stabilizing at around $0.00001164. This price means BONK has dumped 12.93% in a week. This performance has left investors asking, will BONK continue its downtrend, or will things look up?

在稳步下跌之后,BONK 于 2 月 21 日最低交易至 0.00001128 美元,随后稳定在 0.00001164 美元左右。这个价格意味着BONK一周内已经下跌了12.93%。这种表现让投资者不禁要问,BONK会继续下跌还是会好转?

Transform Hundreds Into Millions With the Magic of Memecoins – think $BONK, but bigger!

借助 Memecoins 的魔力,将数亿变成数百万 – 想想 $BONK,但规模更大!

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The key? Getting in early, especially during the IDO phase. Get in on NuggetRush now! This innovative memecoin blends play-to-earn gaming with real-world gold mining. Join soon to take advantage of the current ICO prices!

钥匙?尽早介入,尤其是在 IDO 阶段。立即加入 NuggetRush!这种创新的模因币将边玩边赚钱的游戏与现实世界的金矿开采融为一体。尽快加入,享受当前 ICO 价格!

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Per experts, BONK will continue attracting investors due to its staking feature. To be precise, experts expect BONK to climb as high as $0.00002200 by the end of 2024. This forecast makes BONK a top crypto to buy!

专家表示,BONK因其质押功能将继续吸引投资者。准确地说,专家预计 BONK 到 2024 年底将攀升至 0.00002200 美元。这一预测使 BONK 成为最值得购买的加密货币!

Dogecoin Stagnates Above $0.080: Will Bulls Take Over?

狗狗币停滞在 0.080 美元以上:多头会接管吗?

Dogecoin has performed poorly over the past seven days. On February 14, DOGE was hovering at around $0.086. After trading around this level for days, DOGE gained steam on February 20 due to whale activity. Specifically, DOGE experienced 1,100 whale transactions involving over $100,000 within 24 hours. 

狗狗币在过去 7 天表现不佳。 2 月 14 日,DOGE 徘徊在 0.086 美元附近。在连续几天在该水平附近交易后,由于鲸鱼活动,DOGE 在 2 月 20 日上涨。具体来说,DOGE 在 24 小时内发生了 1,100 笔鲸鱼交易,涉及金额超过 10 万美元。

This surge in whale activity saw DOGE surge as high as $0.91 on February 20. However, DOGE started pulling back soon afterward before stabilizing at around $0.084 as of February 21. This price means DOGE has shed a meager 2.32% in a week, practically trading sideways.

鲸鱼活动的激增导致 DOGE 在 2 月 20 日飙升至 0.91 美元。然而,DOGE 很快开始回调,截至 2 月 21 日稳定在 0.084 美元左右。这个价格意味着 DOGE 在一周内下跌了微薄的 2.32%,几乎处于交易状态。侧身。

This subpar performance has left investors asking, is DOGE a good crypto to buy for significant profits in 2024? According to experts, Dogecoin will continue plunging as the competition among meme coins intensifies. To this end, experts set the end-of-February prediction at $0.076.

这种低于标准的表现让投资者不禁要问,DOGE 是一个值得在 2024 年购买并获得可观利润的好加密货币吗?专家表示,随着模因币之间的竞争加剧,狗狗币将继续暴跌。为此,专家将2月底的预测定为0.076美元。



Rebel Satoshi Takes The Throne After Surging 140% During Its Presale!

反叛中本聪预售期间飙升 140%,登上王位!

Rebel Satoshi has emerged as the go-to meme coin for crypto enthusiasts after putting up a laudable performance during its public presale. Investors are eyeing Rebel Satoshi because of its courageous mission to unite the silent majority, raise a $100 million market cap for its $RBLZ token, and take on centralized crypto entities. 

Rebel Satoshi 在公开预售期间表现出色,现已成为加密货币爱好者的首选模因币。投资者之所以关注 Rebel Satoshi,是因为其勇敢的使命是团结沉默的大多数,为其 $RBLZ 代币筹集 1 亿美元的市值,并挑战中心化的加密实体。

Additionally, investors are joining the Rebel Satoshi presale to purchase the limited amount of remaining $RBLZ tokens. Investors are rushing to buy $RBLZ because it offers complete access to the Rebel Satoshi ecosystem, which comprises a P2E game, an NFT marketplace, and a staking program. 

此外,投资者正在加入 Rebel Satoshi 预售,购买有限数量的剩余 $RBLZ 代币。投资者争先恐后地购买 $RBLZ,因为它提供了对 Rebel Satoshi 生态系统的完整访问权限,该生态系统包括 P2E 游戏、NFT 市场和质押计划。

By February, $RBLZ’s price had increased to $0.024 after Rebel Satoshi started Recusants Round 5 of its presale. By jumping to $0.024, $RBLZ has offered Early Bird Round investors a 140% ROI, which is set to increase to 150% when $RBLZ climbs to its listing price of $0.025 at the end of Rebel Satoshi’s presale on February 29.

到 2 月份,Rebel Satoshi 开始 Recusants 第五轮预售后,$RBLZ 的价格已上涨至 0.024 美元。通过跃升至 0.024 美元,$RBLZ 为早鸟轮投资者提供了 140% 的投资回报率,当 2 月 29 日 Rebel Satoshi 预售结束时 $RBLZ 的上市价格攀升至 0.025 美元时,投资回报率将增加至 150%。

Notably, Recusants Round 5 investors will enjoy a 4.17% ROI when $RBLZ hits $0.025. On top of this, experts foresee $RBLZ pumping significantly after it gets listed on leading DEXs on March 4. This projected growth makes $RBLZ the best crypto to invest in.

值得注意的是,当 $RBLZ 达到 0.025 美元时,Recusants 第 5 轮投资者将享受 4.17% 的投资回报率。除此之外,专家预计 $RBLZ 于 3 月 4 日在领先的 DEX 上市后将大幅上涨。这种预期的增长使 $RBLZ 成为最值得投资的加密货币。

For the latest updates and more information, be sure to visit the official Rebel Satoshi Presale Website or contact Rebel Red via Telegram

如需最新更新和更多信息,请务必访问 Rebel Satoshi 官方预售网站或通过 Telegram 联系 Rebel Red

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The post BONK Sheds Gains Of Previous Days As DOGE Remains Stagnant – Experts Believe Rebel Satoshi  To Be The Next Meme To Blow Up appeared first on CaptainAltcoin.

BONK 失去了前几天的涨幅,因为 DOGE 仍然停滞不前 - 专家认为叛逆中本聪将成为下一个爆炸的模因首先出现在 CaptainAltcoin 上。


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