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Brace for strong DOGE surge; Here’s why

为 DOGE 的强劲飙升做好准备;原因如下

发布: 2024/03/02 20:04 阅读: 255



Dogecoin (DOGE), the leading meme cryptocurrency by market capitalization, is poised to emerge as one of the top-performing digital assets in 2024 after days of continued gains closely aligning with bullish sentiments prevailing in the overall market.

狗狗币 (DOGE) 是市值领先的模因加密货币,经过几天的持续上涨,与整个市场普遍存在的看涨情绪密切相关,它有望在 2024 年成为表现最好的数字资产之一。

DOGE currently displays the potential of a sustained bullish breakout, supported by technical indicators. Notably, the token has recently witnessed a bullish cross between the 50-week Moving Average (MA) and the 100-week Moving Average, indicating a potential uptrend.

在技​​术指标的支持下,DOGE 目前显示出持续看涨突破的潜力。值得注意的是,该代币最近见证了 50 周移动平均线 (MA) 和 100 周移动平均线之间的看涨交叉,表明潜在的上升趋势。

Regarding the next price action, cryptocurrency analyst CredibleCrypto, on March 1, observed that DOGE could be preparing to sustain its gains after the token reclaimed lost lows. 

关于下一步的价格走势,加密货币分析师 CredibleCrypto 于 3 月 1 日观察到,在该代币收复失地的低点后,DOGE 可能正准备维持其涨势。

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In a previous Analysis, CredibleCrypto pointed out a possible continuation of the current uptrend if the price rises above a local low of around $0.12. In this case, the Analysis considers the $0.12 position as the key to supporting DOGE in search of new highs. 

在之前的分析中,CredibleCrypto 指出,如果价格升至 0.12 美元左右的局部低点之上,当前的上涨趋势可能会持续。在这种情况下,分析认为 0.12 美元的位置是支持 DOGE 寻找新高的关键。

Having reclaimed the lows, the analysts projected that the move could signal a potential increase in buying pressure and a continuation of the uptrend, potentially targeting the $0.16 mark.

收复低点后,分析师预计此举可能预示着买盘压力可能增加,上升趋势将持续,目标可能是 0.16 美元大关。

Impact of history on DOGE’s price 


Elsewhere, crypto trading expert TradingShot, in a TradingView Analysis on February 29, also projected a highly optimistic outlook for Dogecoin, supported by technical indicators and historical trends. 

此外,在技术指标和历史趋势的支持下,加密货币交易专家 TradingShot 在 2 月 29 日的 TradingView 分析中也对狗狗币的前景做出了高度乐观的预测。

The expert noted that Dogecoin’s consistent adherence to ‘Accumulation Phase’ boundaries and formation of MA50 and MA100 have historically triggered rapid rallies. The analysis highlighted that the current timeframe, less than three weeks from completing 1050 days since the all-time high, historically marks the start of the parabolic rally Phase.

专家指出,狗狗币一贯遵循“积累阶段”边界以及 MA50 和 MA100 的形成,历来引发了快速反弹。分析强调,目前的时间范围距离历史高点结束 1050 天还不到三周,历史上标志着抛物线反弹阶段的开始。

In this context, TradingShot expressed a strong bullish sentiment, setting a target at the 0.786 Fibonacci level of the channel up ($2.000), considered a fair price target with a potential surge to $6.000 in case of market overextension.

在此背景下,TradingShot 表达了强烈的看涨情绪,将目标设定为上升通道的 0.786 斐波那契水平(2.000 美元),该目标被认为是一个合理的价格目标,如果市场过度扩张,该目标可能会飙升至 6.000 美元。

While Dogecoin is currently experiencing a bullish trend, the sustainability of this momentum is uncertain, given the significant whale activity. Notably, Whale Alert data on February 28 reported a substantial transfer of over 80 million Dogecoin to Binance.

虽然狗狗币目前正经历看涨趋势,但考虑到鲸鱼的大量活动,这种势头的可持续性尚不确定。值得注意的是,2 月 28 日的 Whale Alert 数据显示,超过 8000 万狗狗币大量转移到币安。

This movement could potentially indicate an intention to sell. The current gains may present an opportunity for profit-taking, potentially negating recent positive market developments.


DOGE price analysis 


By press time, Dogecoin was trading at $0.14 with double-digit gains of about 18% on the daily chart. On the weekly chart, the meme coin is up almost 70%. 

截至发稿时,狗狗币的交易价格为 0.14 美元,日线图上的两位数涨幅约为 18%。在周线图上,Meme 币上涨了近 70%。

As analysts project sustained gains, the recent price movements of DOGE evoke memories of 2021 when it delivered substantial performance, significantly impacting early investors’ portfolios. If the market rally continues, investor focus will be on the coin’s ability to hit $1. 

由于分析师预计 DOGE 将持续上涨,近期的价格走势让人想起 2021 年,当时它表现强劲,对早期投资者的投资组合产生了重大影响。如果市场继续上涨,投资者的注意力将集中在该代币能否达到 1 美元。

<strong>Disclaimer:strong> The content on this site should not be considered investment advice. Investing is speculative. When investing, your capital is at risk.

免责声明:强> 本网站内容不应被视为投资建议。投资是投机性的。投资时,您的资本面临风险。

Source: https://thebittimes.com/brace-for-strong-doge-surge-here-s-why-tbt81367.html



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