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Breaking: Bitstamp Resumes XRP Trading After Temporary Suspension

突发:Bitstamp 在暂时暂停后恢复 XRP 交易

发布: 2023/10/10 20:16 阅读: 531



Just 1 hour after Bitstamp Exchange revealed that it experienced a temporary issue with XRP trading, it announced the resumption of the trading of the coin.

资料来源:Adobe / Dennizn 在 Bitstamp Exchange 透露 XRP 交易遇到暂时问题后仅 1 小时,它就宣布恢复该代币的交易。

On October 10 at 18:24 (UTC), Bitstamp acknowledged an issue that arose on Monday. While specific details about the nature of the issue were not initially provided, Bitstamp assured its community that a specialized team was actively working on a resolution. The announcement of the glitch led to visible frustration among users, with some speculating unconfirmed issues with Dogecoin (DOGE) trading pairs.

10 月 10 日 18:24(世界标准时间),Bitstamp 承认周一出现的问题。虽然最初没有提供有关问题性质的具体细节,但 Bitstamp 向社区保证,一个专门团队正在积极制定解决方案。该故障的公布导致用户明显感到沮丧,一些人猜测狗狗币(DOGE)交易对存在未经证实的问题。

After an hour, Bitstamp successfully resolved the issues, allowing for the resumption of XRP trading. The exchange explained that it had to take the step of "cancel[ling] all open orders on affected XRP markets" when the glitch was discovered around 18:00 (UTC). Users affected by this cancellation were encouraged to resubmit their orders.

一小时后,Bitstamp 成功解决了问题,XRP 交易得以恢复。该交易所解释说,当 18:00(世界标准时间)左右发现故障时,它必须采取“取消受影响 XRP 市场上所有未平仓订单”的步骤。我们鼓励受此次取消影响的用户重新提交订单。

Interestingly, during the period when the issue occurred, Bitstamp users reported a significant, unusual drop in XRP's price on the platform, with XRP purportedly plummeting to $0.4587 at around 09:00 (UTC).

有趣的是,在问题发生期间,Bitstamp 用户报告称,该平台上的 XRP 价格出现了异常显着的下跌,据称 XRP 在 09:00(世界标准时间)左右暴跌至 0.4587 美元。

Bitstamp Continues Strong Support for XRP, Enhancing Services and Partnering with Ripple for Cross-Border Payments

Bitstamp has indeed shown significant support for XRP, being among the prominent exchanges to re-list the coin in July following Judge Analisa Torres' declaration that it is not a security. Since then, Bitstamp has introduced various XRP-focused products, including the launch of 2% APY on XRP lending in August. Over time, the exchange has further enhanced the XRP lending yield for 30-day periods to serve its clientele better.

Bitstamp 继续大力支持 XRP,增强服务并与 Ripple 合作进行跨境支付 Bitstamp 确实对 XRP 表现出了大力支持,在法官 Analisa Torres 宣布 XRP 不是加密货币后,Bitstamp 成为 7 月重新上线 XRP 的知名交易所之一。安全。此后,Bitstamp 推出了各种以 XRP 为重点的产品,包括 8 月份推出了 2% APY 的 XRP 借贷。随着时间的推移,该交易所进一步提高了 30 天期限的 XRP 借贷收益率,以更好地服务客户。

According to a report from Whales Alert, Bitso, a distinguished Mexican crypto exchange, and recognized crypto unicorn, received two distinct transactions involving 20,400,000 XRP and 30,400,000 XRP. Meanwhile, Bitstamp, an exchange operating within the European Union, witnessed transactions of 26,800,000 XRP and 29,300,000 XRP. Both exchanges hold a prominent position within the crypto space and maintain a close partnership with Ripple, particularly within the framework of XRP-based cross-border payments.

根据 Whales Alert 的报告,墨西哥著名加密货币交易所 Bitso 和公认的加密独角兽公司收到了两笔不同的交易,涉及 20,400,000 XRP 和 30,400,000 XRP。与此同时,欧盟境内运营的交易所 Bitstamp 的交易量为 26,800,000 XRP 和 29,300,000 XRP。两家交易所在加密货币领域都占有重要地位,并与 Ripple 保持着密切的合作伙伴关系,特别是在基于 XRP 的跨境支付框架内。

This partnership speculation took an interesting turn as Whale Alert reported yet another significant XRP transfer. On October 9, a staggering 30,300,000 XRP, equivalent to approximately $15,214,882 USD, was moved from an unknown wallet to Bitstamp.

随着 Whale Alert 报道了另一笔重大 XRP 转移,这种合作关系的猜测发生了有趣的转变。 10 月 9 日,数额惊人的 30,300,000 XRP(约合 15,214,882 美元)从一个未知钱包转移到 Bitstamp。

This additional transaction adds to the intrigue surrounding Ripple's interactions with Bitstamp and strengthens the belief that Ripple's cross-border payment solutions continue to rely on the XRP ecosystem.

这笔额外交易增加了 Ripple 与 Bitstamp 互动的吸引力,并强化了 Ripple 跨境支付解决方案继续依赖 XRP 生态系统的信念。

Additionally, Bithomp, an analytics platform specializing in XRP, has provided data affirming a connection between the sending wallets and Ripple. This connection carries significant weight, considering the substantial sums being transferred and the collaborative history shared between the entities involved.

此外,专门研究 XRP 的分析平台 Bithomp 提供的数据证实了发送钱包和 Ripple 之间的联系。考虑到所转移的大量资金以及所涉及实体之间共享的协作历史,这种联系具有重要意义。

Bitso and Bitstamp have played crucial roles as partners with Ripple in its cross-border payment system, previously known as On-Demand Liquidity (ODL). Recently, Ripple took a strategic step by rebranding ODL to "Ripple Payments."

Bitso 和 Bitstamp 作为 Ripple 的合作伙伴在其跨境支付系统(以前称为按需流动性(ODL))中发挥了至关重要的作用。最近,Ripple 采取了战略举措,将 ODL 更名为“Ripple Payments”。

These significant XRP transactions underscore the continued collaboration between Ripple and its partner exchanges, Bitso and Bitstamp, in the facilitation of seamless cross-border payments utilizing the power of XRP.

这些重要的 XRP 交易凸显了 Ripple 与其合作伙伴交易所 Bitso 和 Bitstamp 之间的持续合作,利用 XRP 的力量促进无缝跨境支付。




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