首页 > 资讯新闻 > 当预售价格升至 0.0125 美元时,Memeinator 的看涨潜力有多大?

What is the bullish potential for Memeinator as the price rises to $0.0125 in presale?

当预售价格升至 0.0125 美元时,Memeinator 的看涨潜力有多大?

发布: 2023/11/03 18:29 阅读: 308



  • Memeinator aims to dominate by destroying weak meme cryptocurrencies.

    Memeinator 的目标是通过摧毁弱 Meme 加密货币来占据主导地位。

  • Memeinator has entered stage 5 of the presale as the price rose to $0.0125.

    Memeinator 已进入预售第五阶段,价格升至 0.0125 美元。

  • MMTR could rise 10x in 2024 and 50x in 2025 on increased speculation and demand.

    由于投机和需求增加,MMTR 可能在 2024 年上涨 10 倍,在 2025 年上涨 50 倍。

With 5 of 29 stages completed, Memeinator has shown no signs of stopping its fire presale. Over $1.128 million has been raised through stage 5, helping the token rise to $0.0125. The price is now set to rise to $0.0133 in the next stage, delivering substantial returns to presale buyers. After its 29-stage presale, Memeinator will have returned 132% ROI to early investors. The post-listing gains are projected to be huge, owing to Memeinator’s value proposition.

Memeinator 的 29 个阶段中的 5 个阶段已完成,预售火热尚未停止。通过第 5 阶段已筹集超过 112.8 万美元,帮助代币上涨至 0.0125 美元。目前,下一阶段价格将上涨至 0.0133 美元,为预售买家带来丰厚回报。经过 29 阶段预售后,Memeinator 将为早期投资者带来 132% 的投资回报率。由于 Memeinator 的价值主张,预计上市后收益将是巨大的。

“Meme killer” Memeinator role in meme space

Memeinator 在 Meme 空间中的角色

Think of big names in the meme investment landscape. Dogecoin, Shiba Inu, and PEPE are notable examples that have made a killing for investors. This hasn’t always been the case for other meme projects, which have suffered a natural death. Investors of the low-quality memes have sustained losses, raising scrutiny over their value.

想想模因投资领域的大人物。狗狗币、柴犬币和 PEPE 都是让投资者大赚一笔的著名例子。其他模因项目的情况并非总是如此,它们已经自然死亡。低质量模因的投资者蒙受了损失,引发了对其价值的审查。

Memeinator dubs as a “meme killer,” promising to take on non-original peers. Boasting cutting-edge AI technology, Memeinator will crawl the web and social forums. The aim is to eliminate low-quality memes. The AI use underlines Memeinator’s commitment to quality, helping investors invest in memes with high ROI. 

Memeinator 被称为“模因杀手”,承诺与非原创同行较量。 Memeinator 拥有尖端的人工智能技术,将抓取网络和社交论坛。目的是消除低质量的模因。人工智能的使用凸显了 Memeinator 对质量的承诺,帮助投资者投资于具有高投资回报率的 meme。

Memeinator also has an ambition of its own. The project aims to tap into meme mania and speculations to generate interest and demand. The project team will invest heavily in branding and marketing to become a sensation. The marketing will ensure everyone is talking about Memeinator, helping it claim a $1 billion market cap.

Memeinator 也有自己的野心。该项目旨在利用迷因狂热和投机来产生兴趣和需求。项目团队将在品牌和营销方面投入巨资,以引起轰动。此次营销将确保每个人都在谈论 Memeinator,帮助其获得 10 亿美元的市值。

Is Memeinator a good investment?

Memeinator 是一项好的投资吗?

Regarding meme investment, very few projects would be up for grabs. As such, sustainability separates the top meme tokens from the rest. Take the example of Dogecoin. The project has existed for a decade and has been tapped for payments on numerous outlets. This makes Dogecoin a potential sustainable meme project.


Memeinator is launching now, and it may be inconsiderate to evaluate it on the same parameters as Dogecoin. However, we know that AI is nearly a buzzword in 2023. It represents the future in many industries, including blockchain. By tapping into AI, Memeinator will attain sustainability through enhanced use cases in the meme space. The use could increase speculation on the token and allow its price to skyrocket.

Memeinator 现在正在推出,用与狗狗币相同的参数来评估它可能是不明智的。然而,我们知道,人工智能在 2023 年几乎是一个流行词。它代表了包括区块链在内的许多行业的未来。通过利用人工智能,Memeinator 将通过增强 meme 领域的用例来实现可持续发展。这种使用可能会增加对该代币的投机并使其价格飙升。

The investment value of Memeinator is also enhanced by its use case in other Web 3.0 areas. Along with its promise of destruction, Memeinator will let its users participate in taking rival weak memes. The project will launch a game where players take on enemy memes in chaotic crushing and shootings. The game feature adds to the utility of Memeinator and helps in the token’s price discovery.

Memeinator 在其他 Web 3.0 领域的用例也增强了其投资价值。除了承诺进行破坏之外,Memeinator 还将让其用户参与获取竞争对手的弱模因。该项目将推出一款游戏,玩家可以在混乱的碾压和射击中对抗敌人模因。游戏功能增加了 Memeinator 的实用性,并有助于代币的价格发现。

Passive income opportunities are also an attractive point for Memeinator investors. MMTR buyers will have an opportunity to commit some tokens to the project for regular rewards. Presale buyers will also earn exclusive NFTs that entitle them to potential gains and future perks.

被动收入机会也是 Memeinator 投资者的一大吸引力。 MMTR 买家将有机会向该项目投入一些代币以获得定期奖励。预售买家还将获得独家 NFT,使他们能够获得潜在收益和未来福利。

Memeinator prediction in 2024, 2025

Memeinator 2024、2025 年预测

Memeinator will be listed on the best exchanges once the presale ends. Since the presale is in its initial stages, the token listing could occur in 2024. This is when increased speculations could unlock the token price.

预售结束后,Memeinator 将在最佳交易所上市。由于预售尚处于初始阶段,代币上市可能会在 2024 年进行。届时,更多的投机可能会释放代币价格。

Once listed, MMTR prices could rise by four-digit percentages in 2024. The projection reflects the frenzy that Memeinator has generated since launching the presale. 

一旦上市,MMTR 价格可能会在 2024 年上涨四位数。这一预测反映了 Memeinator 自启动预售以来所产生的狂热。

In 2025, the price of Memeinator could increase based on its organic use. Memeinator will have officially begun taking shitcoins and is on its way to gaining the top meme position. New meme replicants that Memeinator seeks to launch could also unlock its future potential. In 2025 and beyond, the potential for Memeinator is a gain of up to 50x.

到 2025 年,Memeinator 的价格可能会根据其有机用途而上涨。 Memeinator 将正式开始接受垃圾币,并有望获得最高的 Meme 位置。 Memeinator 寻求推出的新模因复制品也可以释放其未来的潜力。到 2025 年及以后,Memeinator 的潜力将增长高达 50 倍。

Source: https://thebittimes.com/what-is-the-bullish-potential-for-memeinator-as-the-price-rises-to-0-0125-in-presale-tbt68921.html



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