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Cardano ($ADA): Analyst predicts upward trend


发布: 2023/08/01 19:30 阅读: 640

原文作者:Cointribune EN


The crypto sector is a tumultuous sea, sometimes capricious, sometimes farsighted. According to renowned analyst Dan Gambardello, Cardano ($ADA) could soon be making meaningful waves.

加密行业是一片汹涌的大海,有时反复无常,有时又高瞻远瞩。著名分析师丹·甘巴德洛 (Dan Gambardello) 表示,卡尔达诺 ($ADA) 可能很快就会掀起有意义的波澜。

ADAUSDT chart by TradingView

ADAUSDT 图表由 TradingView 提供

Reaching a new zenith


Driven by the growth of its DeFi ecosystem, Cardano’s stock looks set for a meteoric rise, announces Gambardello.

Gambardello 宣布,在 DeFi 生态系统发展的推动下,Cardano 的股价有望迅速上涨。

Looking at Ethereum’s track record ($ETH), Gambardello notes a remarkable progression. Initially, Ethereum’s DeFi ecosystem had $400 million in escrow. Then, this value exploded, leading to a market capitalization of over $100 billion.

纵观以太坊的历史记录($ETH),Gambardello 注意到了显着的进步。最初,以太坊的 DeFi 生态系统有 4 亿美元的托管资金。然后,这个价值爆炸式增长,导致市值超过 1000 亿美元。

Considering this rise, he sees Cardano as having equivalent potential. With nearly $180 million already tied up, the launch pad for ADA looks set for imminent take-off.

考虑到这一增长,他认为卡尔达诺具有同等的潜力。 ADA 的启动平台已经投入了近 1.8 亿美元,看起来即将启动。

Despite a recent fall in the ranking of digital assets by market capitalization, overtaken by the frivolous Dogecoin ($DOGE), Cardano doesn’t seem to be falling behind.


Despite what some might think, Cardano is showing signs of exceptional strength. On the one hand, the significant increase in the number of decentralized applications on its network, now exceeding 20, bears witness to this dynamic. What’s more, with many more in development, Cardano’s future looks set to be filled with unprecedented vitality.

尽管有些人可能会认为,卡尔达诺正在显示出非凡的实力。一方面,其网络上的去中心化应用程序数量大幅增加,现已超过 20 个,证明了这一动态。更重要的是,随着更多的开发,卡尔达诺的未来看起来将充满前所未有的活力。

Cardano and the growing importance of ESG criteria

卡尔达诺和 ESG 标准日益重要

The crypto landscape is no longer limited to pure performance. Environmental, social and governance (ESG) criteria are gaining in importance among institutional investors and funds. Cardano stands out in this field, mentioned among the top cryptos in terms of ESG score in CCData’s ESG Benchmark report.

加密领域不再局限于纯粹的性能。环境、社会和治理(ESG)标准在机构投资者和基金中越来越重要。 Cardano 在这一领域脱颖而出,在 CCData 的 ESG 基准报告中被列为 ESG 得分最高的加密货币之一。

This report projects exponential growth in assets under management linked to ESG criteria, reaching $33.9 trillion by 2026. Against this backdrop, the importance of Cardano’s commitment to these criteria cannot be underestimated.

该报告预计,与 ESG 标准相关的管理资产将呈指数级增长,到 2026 年将达到 33.9 万亿美元。在此背景下,卡尔达诺对这些标准的承诺的重要性不容低估。

Despite recent challenges in the crypto market, Cardano has held its own in the crypto landscape. Riding the waves of the crypto market, the platform is preparing to hoist its sails for a remarkable ascent.


This is Dan Gambardello’s interpretation of Cardano’s current situation. Of course, only the evolution of the market can confirm or deny this prediction. But one thing is certain: all eyes are on Cardano, watching to see which way this rising star of the crypto sector will go. The project does not hesitate to unveil its network deployment strategy.

这是 Dan Gambardello 对卡尔达诺现状的解读。当然,只有市场的演变才能证实或否定这一预测。但有一件事是肯定的:所有人的目光都集中在卡尔达诺身上,看这颗加密货币领域的后起之秀将走向何方。该项目毫不犹豫地公布了其网络部署策略。


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