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This Cardano (ADA) Resistance Level Is Extremely Important: Here's Why


发布: 2023/09/09 09:30 阅读: 510



Cardano's price journey has been akin to a slow-burning candle, gradually illuminating its path toward a 21-day moving average. Currently priced at $0.2579, ADA seems to be flirting with this crucial resistance level. But here's the kicker: while the trading volume is showing an uptick, it is still not enough to break the shackles of a long-standing trend of dwindling liquidity.

卡尔达诺的价格走势就像一支缓慢燃烧的蜡烛,逐渐照亮其走向21日移动平均线的道路。 ADA 目前的价格为 0.2579 美元,似乎正在接近这一关键阻力位。但问题在于:虽然交易量呈现上升趋势,但仍不足以打破长期存在的流动性减少趋势的束缚。

The trading volume's gradual ascent is like a shy introvert finally deciding to speak up in a room full of extroverts. It is a good sign, but let's not get carried away. The broader picture still paints a picture of falling trading volume and liquidity. This trend has been as stubborn as a mule, and chances are, it is not going anywhere soon.


Source: TradingView


Now, why is this important? Well, trading volume and liquidity are like the lifeblood of any asset. Low levels can make the asset susceptible to price manipulation and extreme volatility. In Cardano's case, the low trading volume could act as a roadblock, preventing it from breaking past the 21-day moving average with conviction.

现在,为什么这很重要?嗯,交易量和流动性就像任何资产的命脉。低水平可能会使资产容易受到价格操纵和极端波动的影响。就卡尔达诺而言,低交易量可能会成为障碍,阻止其坚定突破 21 天移动平均线。

So, what's next for ADA? The current price of $0.2579 is a whisper away from the 21-day moving average. If it manages to break past this level, it could signal a short-term bullish trend. However, the elephant in the room remains the low trading volume and liquidity. Unless there is a significant surge in these metrics, ADA might find it challenging to maintain any bullish momentum.

那么,ADA 的下一步是什么?目前的价格为 0.2579 美元,距离 21 日移动平均线仅一步之遥。如果成功突破这一水平,则可能预示着短期看涨趋势。然而,房间里的大象仍然是低交易量和流动性。除非这些指标大幅飙升,否则 ADA 可能会发现维持看涨势头具有挑战性。

Dogecoin is in trouble


Dogecoin now finds itself in a peculiar situation. The coin's volatility, once its main allure, has dwindled to levels comparable to more fundamentally robust assets like Solana, Cardano and even XRP. This shift is testing the patience of investors who once revealed Dogecoin's wild price swings.

狗狗币现在发现自己处于一个特殊的境地。该代币的波动性曾经是其主要吸引力,但现在已降至与 Solana、Cardano 甚至 XRP 等基本面更稳健的资产相当的水平。这种转变正在考验投资者的耐心,他们曾经揭露了狗狗币的剧烈价格波动。

As of the latest data, Dogecoin is trading at approximately $0.0636. The lack of price movement is a far cry from the coin's heyday, when it was the go-to for those seeking quick, albeit risky, returns. Now, the coin's volatility is nearly indistinguishable from that of assets that offer more than just meme value. These assets, like Solana and Cardano, bring to the table a range of use cases and technological innovations, making them more than just speculative bets.

截至最新数据,狗狗币的交易价格约为 0.0636 美元。价格波动的缺乏与代币的鼎盛时期相去甚远,当时它是那些寻求快速但有风险的回报的人的首选。现在,该代币的波动性与那些不仅仅提供模因价值的资产的波动性几乎没有区别。 Solana 和 Cardano 等资产带来了一系列用例和技术创新,使其不仅仅是投机性赌注。

So, what's causing this stagnation in Dogecoin's volatility? One theory is that the initial excitement and speculative fervor have waned due to unpleasant market conditions. Investors are now more discerning, opting for assets that offer real-world utility or are backed by robust technology rather than meme assets.


This low-volatility phase for Dogecoin is a double-edged sword. On one hand, it makes the asset less risky and more palatable for conservative investors. On the other hand, it strips Dogecoin of its primary appeal: the potential for staggering returns on investment. 


Solana shows mixed dynamics

Solana 表现出复杂的动态

Solana's recent market behavior has been, for lack of a better term, underwhelming. The digital asset has been stuck in a "crab" market, moving sideways with no clear direction. This stagnation follows the dreaded death cross, a technical indicator that often signals a bearish trend. Add to that a noticeable drop in trading volume, and you've got a recipe for investor anxiety.

由于缺乏更好的术语,Solana 最近的市场行为表现平平。数字资产一直陷入“螃蟹”市场,横盘整理,没有明确的方向。这种停滞是在可怕的死亡交叉之后出现的,死亡交叉是一种经常预示看跌趋势的技术指标。再加上交易量的明显下降,投资者就会感到焦虑。

As of now, Solana is priced at $19.88, but what's more intriguing is the convergence of its moving averages. When moving averages converge, it is like the calm before the storm; a massive surge in volatility is often on the horizon. This could be the jolt Solana needs to break free from its current market doldrums.

截至目前,Solana 的价格为 19.88 美元,但更有趣的是其移动平均线的收敛性。当均线收敛时,就像暴风雨前的平静;波动性的大幅上升往往即将出现。这可能是 Solana 摆脱当前市场低迷所需的震动。

Why does this matter? Well, in a market that is as dynamic as cryptocurrency, volatility is not just expected; it is desired. It is the lifeblood that fuels trading strategies and keeps investors on their toes. A sudden spike in volatility could mean significant price swings, providing ample opportunities for traders to profit.


However, it is crucial to approach this with a balanced perspective. Converging moving averages can signal both upward and downward price movements. Given Solana's recent lackluster performance, a downward spiral is just as likely as a moonshot. So, if you are thinking of jumping in, make sure you are prepared for any outcome.

然而,以平衡的视角来看待这个问题至关重要。收敛移动平均线可以预示价格的上涨和下跌走势。鉴于 Solana 最近表现不佳,螺旋式下滑的可能性就像登月计划一样。因此,如果您正在考虑加入,请确保您为任何结果做好准备。


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