首页 > 资讯新闻 > 狗狗币的新挑战者有望超越 2021 年成为百万富翁的狗狗币 23,000% 的飙升

New Challenger to Dogecoin Poised to Surpass the 23,000% DOGE Surge That Made Millionaires in 2021

狗狗币的新挑战者有望超越 2021 年成为百万富翁的狗狗币 23,000% 的飙升

发布: 2024/02/02 22:00 阅读: 899

原文作者:CoinPedia News


The post New Challenger to Dogecoin Poised to Surpass the 23,000% DOGE Surge That Made Millionaires in 2021 appeared first on Coinpedia Fintech News

狗狗币的新挑战者有望超越 2021 年成为百万富翁的 23,000% 狗狗币激增,这篇文章首先出现在 Coinpedia 金融科技新闻上

Dogecoin’s incredible 23,000% price surge in 2021 created overnight crypto millionaires and sparked renewed mainstream interest in cryptocurrencies. Now, a promising new challenger named Pandoshi (PAMBO) aims to ignite a bull run that could dwarf even DOGE’s meteoric 2021 ascent.

狗狗币在 2021 年令人难以置信地飙升了 23,000% 的价格,一夜之间创造了加密百万富翁,并重新激发了主流对加密货币的兴趣。现在,一位名叫 Pandoshi (PAMBO) 的充满希望的新挑战者旨在点燃一场牛市,这甚至可能使 DOGE 在 2021 年的飞速上涨相形见绌。

Pandoshi’s Groundbreaking Features Position It as a Viable Contender

Pandoshi 的突破性功能使其成为有力的竞争者

Unlike the multitude of meme coins that have tried and failed to replicate Dogecoin’s success, Pandoshi differentiates itself with real utility and innovation. At the heart of its ecosystem lies PandaChain, an Ethereum layer-2 blockchain optimized for speed, scalability and low transaction costs.

与众多试图复制狗狗币成功但失败的模因币不同,Pandoshi 凭借真正的实用性和创新而脱颖而出。其生态系统的核心是 PandaChain,这是一个针对速度、可扩展性和低交易成本进行优化的以太坊第 2 层区块链。

Pandoshi also offers a suite of DeFi products tailored to enhance usability and drive adoption. Its non-custodial Pandoshi Wallet provides secure multi-chain support, while its PandoshiSwap decentralized exchange introduces additional utility for the ecosystem’s native PAMBO token.

Pandoshi 还提供了一套专为增强可用性和推动采用而量身定制的 DeFi 产品。其非托管 Pandoshi 钱包提供安全的多链支持,而其 PandoshiSwap 去中心化交易所则为生态系统的原生 PAMBO 代币引入了额外的实用性。

But Pandoshi’s most ambitious feature is undoubtedly its crypto debit cards that enable real-world spending without KYC requirements. By transcending the virtual space, Pandoshi unlocks the purchasing power of decentralized assets for millions of users globally.

但 Pandoshi 最雄心勃勃的功能无疑是其加密借记卡,无需 KYC 要求即可实现现实世界的支出。通过超越虚拟空间,Pandoshi 为全球数百万用户释放了去中心化资产的购买力。

Pandoshi recently introduced its non-custodial wallet as a demonstration of its effectiveness and commitment to the DeFi industry. The Pandoshi Wallet demonstrates the protocol’s dedication to spearheading innovation in the cryptocurrency industry by supporting both EVM and non-EVM chains. This greatly increases PAMBO’s reputation and heightens interest in its future.

Pandoshi 最近推出了其非托管钱包,以证明其有效性和对 DeFi 行业的承诺。 Pandoshi 钱包通过支持 EVM 和非 EVM 链,展示了该协议致力于引领加密货币行业创新的决心。这极大地提高了 PAMBO 的声誉并提高了人们对其未来的兴趣。

Presale Sparks Excitement as PAMBO Price Eyes Stratospheric Growth 

PAMBO 价格有望实现平流式增长,预售引发热潮

Pandoshi is currently concluding a public token sale event to fuel the development of its ecosystem. 50% of the total PAMBO supply has been allocated to presale participants, who have the chance to acquire the tokens for just $0.01 each. 

Pandoshi 目前正在结束一次公共代币销售活动,以推动其生态系统的发展。 PAMBO 总供应量的 50% 已分配给预售参与者,他们有机会以每个 0.01 美元的价格获得代币。

The presale’s affordable pricing combined with Pandoshi’s vast potential has ignited intense interest from the crypto community. Key backers anticipate meteoric growth for PAMBO as demand continues to mount ahead of exchange listings.

预售价格实惠,加上 Pandoshi 的巨大潜力,引发了加密社区的强烈兴趣。随着交易所上市前需求持续增加,主要支持者预计 PAMBO 将会迅速增长。

Once Pandoshi concludes its presale, PAMBO will become available on Uniswap and tier-1 centralized exchanges Binance and Coinbase. Listings on these high-profile centralized exchanges have the power to catalyze immense trading volumes and price spikes.  

一旦 Pandoshi 完成预售,PAMBO 将在 Uniswap 以及一级中心化交易所 Binance 和 Coinbase 上提供。这些备受瞩目的中心化交易所的上市有能力促进巨大的交易量和价格飙升。

Outpacing Dogecoin by Delivering Real-World Utility


Unlike Dogecoin, which relies heavily on hype and speculation, Pandoshi aims to drive sustainable, long-term growth by solving real problems for users. Its crypto debit cards give millions of people access to the financial system promised by Bitcoin, while features like the Pandoshi Wallet reduce barriers to decentralized finance.

与严重依赖炒作和投机的狗狗币不同,Pandoshi 的目标是通过为用户解决实际问题来推动可持续的长期增长。其加密借记卡让数百万人能够访问比特币所承诺的金融系统,而 Pandoshi 钱包等功能则减少了去中心化金融的障碍。

By expanding beyond the confines of the cryptosphere, Pandoshi holds a wider mainstream appeal than Dogecoin and other niche meme coins. Its pragmatic features have the potential to resonate with both seasoned blockchain advocates and financial service consumers disillusioned with traditional banking.

通过超越加密领域的限制,Pandoshi 比狗狗币和其他利基模因币拥有更广泛的主流吸引力。其务实的特点有可能引起经验丰富的区块链倡导者和对传统银行业务幻灭的金融服务消费者的共鸣。

Consequently, Pandoshi’s presale presents an opportunity rarely seen since Dogecoin’s earliest days. PAMBO offers ground-floor access to a project whose revolutionary technology could ultimately catalyze adoption beyond Dogecoin’s wildest ambitions. By addressing real-world needs, Pandoshi may eclipse even DOGE’s meteoric 23,000% breakout as it ushers the next billion users into decentralized finance.

因此,Pandoshi 的预售提供了自狗狗币早期以来罕见的机会。 PAMBO 提供了一个项目的底层访问权限,该项目的革命性技术最终可能会超出狗狗币最疯狂的野心。通过满足现实世界的需求,Pandoshi 甚至可能超越 DOGE 的 23,000% 突破,因为它引领下一个 10 亿用户进入去中心化金融。

Click Here To Take Part In Pandoshi Presale

点击此处参加 Pandoshi 预售

Visit the links below for more information about Pandoshi (PAMBO):
Website: https://pandoshi.com/
Whitepaper: https://docs.pandoshi.com/

有关 Pandoshi (PAMBO) 的更多信息,请访问以下链接:网站:https://pandoshi.com/Whitepaper:https://docs.pandoshi.com/


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