首页 > 资讯新闻 > 在预售中购买这款多链 Meme 代币的最后机会,在发布时可能获得 1000 倍的收益

Last Chance to Buy This Multi-Chain Meme Coin in Presale for Potential 1000x Gain at Launch

在预售中购买这款多链 Meme 代币的最后机会,在发布时可能获得 1000 倍的收益

发布: 2024/05/13 01:03 阅读: 249



在预售中购买这款多链 Meme 代币的最后机会,在发布时可能获得 1000 倍的收益

Lately, early and regular investors are really into meme coins, and the newest one making waves is Dogeverse (DOGEVERSE).


Meme coins are getting attention again after Bitcoin’s halving event caused a drop. Dogeverse, a new meme coin, has raised over $15 million from investors even before being listed on any exchange.

在比特币减半事件导致下跌后,Meme币再次受到关注。 Dogeverse 是一种新的模因币,在在任何交易所上市之前就已经从投资者那里筹集了超过 1500 万美元。

This new cryptocurrency, inspired by Dogecoin’s viral success, appears ready to not only copy but potentially surpass its predecessor’s remarkable growth.


This has excited crypto fans who speculate whether it could become the next big thing.


New cross-chain meme coin enters final stage of presale


In May, Dogeverse (DOGEVERSE), a new meme coin, has become the talk of the town among crypto traders. With its initial coin offering (ICO) having garnered over $15 million, traders are speculating whether Dogeverse could replicate the success of tokens like Dogecoin.

5 月,新的模因币 Dogeverse (DOGEVERSE) 已成为加密货币交易者的热门话题。随着其首次代币发行 (ICO) 筹集了超过 1500 万美元,交易员们正在猜测 Dogeverse 是否可以复制 Dogecoin 等代币的成功。

Traders have been eager to get in early and secure tokens at the favorable price of $0.00031. However, as the ICO window nears its end, this opportunity to accumulate $DOGEVERSE is dwindling. Potential investors can visit our guide on how to buy Dogeverse tokens .

交易者一直渴望以 0.00031 美元的优惠价格尽早获得代币。然而,随着 ICO 窗口接近尾声,积累 $DOGEVERSE 的机会正在减少。潜在投资者可以访问我们关于如何购买 Dogeverse 代币的指南。

The project’s roadmap indicates plans for $DOGEVERSE to be listed on decentralized exchanges (DEXs) in the near future. Moreover, there are indications from the development team that they have even bigger plans, including potential listings on centralized exchanges (CEXs) down the line.

该项目的路线图表明 $DOGEVERSE 计划在不久的将来在去中心化交易所(DEX)上市。此外,开发团队有迹象表明他们还有更大的计划,包括未来可能在中心化交易所(CEX)上市。

The anticipation surrounding $DOGEVERSE’s debut is palpable, fueled further by its presale structure, which allocates 15% of the token supply to early buyers, totaling a substantial 30 billion $DOGEVERSE tokens.

人们对 $DOGEVERSE 首次亮相的预期是显而易见的,其预售结构进一步推动了这一预期,该结构将 15% 的代币供应分配给早期买家,总计 300 亿美元的 $DOGEVERSE 代币。

Additionally, the team has reserved 10% of the token supply for liquidity provisions on DEXs. This strategic move could position Dogeverse to achieve an unprecedented level of liquidity for a meme coin launch.

此外,该团队还预留了 10% 的代币供应量,用于 DEX 的流动性供应。这一战略举措可能会使 Dogverse 为模因币的发行实现前所未有的流动性水平。

With its meticulously planned tokenomics and ambitious exchange listing objectives, Dogeverse is leaving no stone unturned in its quest to outshine its meme coin counterparts. You can explore the potential future of Dogeverse through our $DOGEVERSE price prediction.

凭借其精心策划的代币经济和雄心勃勃的交易所上市目标,Dogeverse 正在不遗余力地追求超越其模因币同行。您可以通过我们的 $DOGEVERSE 价格预测来探索 Dogverse 的潜在未来。

Dogeverse multi-chain approach and staking rewards

Dogeverse 多链方法和质押奖励

What exactly sets Dogeverse apart and fuels its immense excitement? The primary driver behind Dogeverse’s buzz is its multi-chain strategy. Unlike typical meme coins confined to a single blockchain, Dogeverse emphasizes comprehensive interoperability. It’s set to launch across six different chains, including Ethereum, Solana, and Base.

究竟是什么让 Dogeverse 与众不同并激发了其巨大的兴奋感? Dogeverse 的热门背后的主要驱动力是其多链策略。与局限于单一区块链的典型模因币不同,Dogeverse 强调全面的互操作性。它将在六个不同的链上推出,包括以太坊、Solana 和 Base。

Thanks to low fees and cross-chain bridging technology like Wormhole, traders can swiftly transfer their $DOGEVERSE tokens between these diverse chains. But why is this multi-chain approach significant? Consider a $DOGEVERSE holder interested in exploring the Solana ecosystem.

得益于低廉的费用和像 Wormhole 这样的跨链桥接技术,交易者可以在这些不同的链之间快速转移他们的 $DOGEVERSE 代币。但为什么这种多链方法很重要呢?考虑一个对探索 Solana 生态系统感兴趣的 $DOGEVERSE 持有者。

[Image of a tweet from DogeVerse]

[DogeVerse 推文的图片]

With this token, transitioning from Ethereum to Solana becomes seamless, unlocking the benefits of its rapid, cost-effective environment. Similarly, accessing the Avalanche ecosystem is equally hassle-free. With $DOGEVERSE spanning multiple chains, the opportunities for ventures into realms like DeFi and NFTs become virtually limitless.

有了这个代币,从以太坊到 Solana 的过渡变得无缝,释放了其快速、经济高效的环境的优势。同样,访问 Avalanche 生态系统同样没有麻烦。随着 $DOGEVERSE 跨越多个链,进入 DeFi 和 NFT 等领域的风险投资机会几乎变得无限。

In addition to its multi-chain capabilities, Dogeverse boasts a staking protocol, enabling holders to accrue passive rewards. With annual yields reaching 63%, over 25.3 billion $DOGEVERSE tokens have already been staked. Ultimately, this amalgamation of multi-chain architecture and staking incentives positions Dogeverse ahead of much of its competition.

除了多链功能外,Dogeverse 还拥有质押协议,使持有者能够获得被动奖励。年收益率达到 63%,已有超过 253 亿美元的 DOGEVERSE 代币被质押。最终,这种多链架构和质押激励的融合使 Dogeverse 在许多竞争对手中处于领先地位。

To further reassure investors, the project has undergone a thorough audit by blockchain security experts at Coinsult. With these robust Features consolidated within one meme coin, it’s evident why Dogeverse has captured the market’s attention.

为了进一步让投资者放心,该项目已经接受了 Coinsult 区块链安全专家的彻底审核。通过将这些强大的功能整合到一枚模因币中,Dogeverse 吸引市场注意力的原因显而易见。

Is Dogeverse poised for a post-listing surge like other meme coins?

Dogeverse 是否会像其他 meme 币一样在上市后激增?

Given the recent surge in attention surrounding Dogeverse, it’s hardly surprising that crypto enthusiasts are entertaining the notion of this meme coin’s explosive growth.

鉴于最近围绕 Dogverse 的关注度激增,加密货币爱好者对这种模因硬币爆炸性增长的概念感到欣喜也就不足为奇了。

The hype surrounding Dogeverse has reached fever pitch, with influencers on platforms like YouTube throwing their support behind $DOGEVERSE and prominent publications like Cointelegraph shining a spotlight on the project.

围绕 Dogeverse 的炒作已经达到了狂热的程度,YouTube 等平台上的影响者纷纷支持 $DOGEVERSE,Cointelegraph 等知名出版物也对这个项目进行了关注。

What makes Dogeverse particularly intriguing is its array of Features, setting it apart from the majority of new meme coins. With functionalities such as staking and a cross-chain approach, Dogeverse has the potential to break free from the cycle of speculative trading that often plagues meme tokens.

Dogverse 特别令人感兴趣的是它的一系列功能,使其与大多数新的模因硬币区分开来。凭借质押和跨链方法等功能,Dogeverse 有潜力摆脱经常困扰 meme 代币的投机交易循环。

Furthermore, recent examples such as WIF and BOME demonstrate that even tokens lacking a clear use case can yield remarkable returns. Considering the real-world utilities offered by Dogeverse, the potential for growth is even more pronounced.

此外,WIF 和 BOME 等最近的例子表明,即使缺乏明确用例的代币也能产生可观的回报。考虑到 Dogeverse 提供的现实世界实用程序,增长潜力更加明显。

Whether this translates into a meteoric rise upon its debut on decentralized exchanges (DEXs) in the coming weeks remains uncertain. However, one thing is certain – Dogeverse will undoubtedly be a coin to keep a close eye on once it enters the open market.


To participate in the $DOGEVERSE token presale, visit thedogeverse.com.

要参与 $DOGEVERSE 代币预售,请访问 thedogeverse.com。



Source: https://thebittimes.com/last-chance-to-buy-this-multi-chain-meme-coin-in-presale-for-potential-1000x-gain-at-launch-tbt88140.html



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