首页 > 资讯新闻 > Charles Hoskinson 确认了新的 Cardano 节点,而 DeFi 代币的情绪上升,这些代币也将随之上升

Charles Hoskinson Confirmed New Cardano Node, While Sentiment In DeFi Coins Rises These Tokens Will Follow

Charles Hoskinson 确认了新的 Cardano 节点,而 DeFi 代币的情绪上升,这些代币也将随之上升

发布: 2024/06/14 20:02 阅读: 313



Charles Hoskinson 确认了新的 Cardano 节点,而 DeFi 代币的情绪上升,这些代币也将随之上升

Cardano has gained mainline media attention as its Founder, Charles Hoskinson, recently announced the upcoming release of a new Cardano node. This is not just any node however, as it will introduce the highly-anticipated Chang Hard Fork and Voltaire era. As a result, sentiment in DeFi projects is currently massive, and today we will look at the top 5 coins that can dominate the charts, including Angry Pepe Fork (APORK), The Graph (GRT), Uniswap (UNI), THORChain (RUNE) and Aave (AAVE).

卡尔达诺因其创始人查尔斯·霍斯金森 (Charles Hoskinson) 最近宣布即将发布新的卡尔达诺节点而受到主流媒体的关注。然而,这不仅仅是一个节点,因为它将引入备受期待的 Chang 硬分叉和伏尔泰时代。因此,目前 DeFi 项目的人气很高,今天我们来看看能够主宰排行榜的前 5 个币种,包括 Angry Pepe Fork (APORK)、The Graph (GRT)、Uniswap (UNI)、THORChain (RUNE) ) 和 Aave (AAVE)。

Top 5 DeFi Coins to Accumulate As the Industry Undergoes Major Developments and Node Additions

随着行业的重大发展和节点的增加,前 5 名 DeFi 代币将不断积累

The Decentralized Finance (DeFi) market continues to experience explosive growth, brimming with innovative projects and investment opportunities. However, with hundreds of DeFi coins vying for attention, selecting the most promising options can be a daunting task.

去中心化金融(DeFi)市场持续爆发式增长,充满创新项目和投资机会。然而,随着数百种 DeFi 代币争夺关注,选择最有前途的选项可能是一项艰巨的任务。

We have meticulously curated a list of 5 top DeFi coins demonstrating exceptional potential for the anticipated 2024 bull market. This selection represents a diverse range of DeFi applications and protocols, positioned to capitalize on the burgeoning landscape. By the end, we will see why these are among the best DeFi coins.

我们精心挑选了 5 种顶级 DeFi 代币,这些代币在预期的 2024 年牛市中展现了非凡的潜力。此选择代表了各种 DeFi 应用程序和协议,旨在充分利用新兴领域。最后,我们将了解为什么这些是最好的 DeFi 代币之一。

Angry Pepe Fork (APORK) Emerges as One of the Best DeFi Coins With the Conquer to Earn Model

Angry Pepe Fork(APORK)凭借“征服赚钱”模式成为最佳 DeFi 代币之一

Angry Pepe Fork (APORK)'s presale has reached a monumental momentum due to the groundbreaking Conquer to Earn model. This gamified staking system transcends traditional staking, fundamentally reshaping user participation as everyone can contribute to the project's success.

凭借突破性的“征服赚钱”模式,《Angry Pepe Fork》(APORK)的预售达到了巨大的势头。这种游戏化的质押系统超越了传统的质押,从根本上重塑了用户的参与,因为每个人都可以为项目的成功做出贡献。

Specifically, APORK offers a spectrum of staking opportunities, in which anyone can choose to stake their crypto for 30 days, 60 days or 90 days, and this caters towards diverse risk tolerances and investment objectives. Additionally, the flexibility positions APORK as a leader within the staking sphere, and progressively higher rewards incentivize longer lock-in periods, fostering deeper user engagement and potentially substantial long-term returns. Unlike many inflationary cryptocurrencies, APORK boasts a capped supply of 1.9 billion tokens, promoting long-term value appreciation.

具体来说,APORK 提供了一系列质押机会,任何人都可以选择将其加密货币质押 30 天、60 天或 90 天,这迎合了不同的风险承受能力和投资目标。此外,灵活性使 APORK 成为质押领域的领导者,并且逐步提高的奖励会激励更长的锁定期,从而促进更深入的用户参与和潜在的可观长期回报。与许多通货膨胀的加密货币不同,APORK 拥有 19 亿枚代币的上限,可促进长期价值升值。

Built on the high-performance Solana blockchain, APORK emphasizes utility, speed, and efficiency. The starting presale value of $0.014 presents an attractive entry point, with analysts projecting a 100x surge post-launch and major exchange listings. APORK's innovative approach positions it as a compelling investment opportunity within the current cryptocurrency landscape, positioning it as one of the top DeFi projects.

APORK 基于高性能 Solana 区块链构建,强调实用性、速度和效率。 0.014 美元的起始预售价是一个有吸引力的切入点,分析师预计在推出和在主要交易所上市后,预售价将飙升 100 倍。 APORK 的创新方法使其成为当前加密货币领域中一个引人注目的投资机会,并将其定位为顶级 DeFi 项目之一。

Visit Angry Pepe Fork Presale

参观 Angry Pepe Fork 预售

The Graph Price Up Following Recent Arbitrum Collaboration

最近与 Arbitrum 合作后图表价格上涨

The Graph (GRT) has made significant waves across social media especially as it announced a collaboration with Arbitrum. Specifically, The Graph crypto is up as its network now makes Arbitrum data accessible quickly and reliably without any compromises on decentralization.

The Graph (GRT) 在社交媒体上引起了巨大的轰动,特别是当它宣布与 Arbitrum 合作时。具体来说,The Graph 加密货币的兴起是因为其网络现在可以快速可靠地访问 Arbitrum 数据,而不会影响去中心化。

During the past week, The Graph price breached the $0.30 price barrier and at this rate is poised to see far more significant gains. According to The Graph price prediction, it can end Q4 of 2024 at $0.4992.

过去一周,The Graph 价格突破了 0.30 美元的价格障碍,按照这个速度,有望看到更显着的涨幅。根据 The Graph 价格预测,到 2024 年第四季度,其价格可能为 0.4992 美元。

Uniswap Crypto on the Rise As They Acquire Crypto: The Game

Uniswap 加密货币随着他们获取加密货币而崛起:游戏

Uniswap (UNI) saw a major ecosystem update, in which they acquired Crypto: The Game. They are now supported by the full force of the Uniswap Labs and will utilize this to make Season 3 one of the best in its history, which could drive the demand for the Uniswap crypto further.

Uniswap (UNI) 经历了一次重大的生态系统更新,他们收购了 Crypto: The Game。他们现在得到了 Uniswap 实验室的全力支持,并将利用这一点使第三季成为其历史上最好的季节之一,这可能会进一步推动对 Uniswap 加密货币的需求。

As for the Uniswap price performance, the crypto increased to $11 in the past week, and at this rate it is poised to see far more significant gains. According to the Uniswap price prediction by Q4 of 2024 it can reach $15.77.

至于 Uniswap 的价格表现,加密货币在过去一周上涨至 11 美元,按照这个速度,它有望看到更显着的涨幅。根据 Uniswap 的价格预测,到 2024 年第四季度,其价格将达到 15.77 美元。

THORChain (RUNE) to Surge to $6.81

THORChain (RUNE) 飙升至 6.81 美元

THORChain (RUNE) is also at an uptrend, especially as the Trade Assets feature went live on its network. Specifically, anyone can mint trade assets with no slippage, and then trade with lower fees, or redeem back to Layer-1 by only paying for gas. This could result in the spike of THORChain crypto usage, driving its demand further.

THORChain (RUNE) 也处于上升趋势,特别是随着贸易资产功能在其网络上上线。具体来说,任何人都可以无滑点地铸造交易资产,然后以较低的费用进行交易,或者只需支付 Gas 费用即可赎回到 Layer-1。这可能会导致 THORChain 加密货币使用量激增,进一步推动其需求。

According to the THORChain price performance, the crypto broke above the $6 price barrier and found support at $6.30. Now, sentiment on its future is bullish and according to the THORChain price prediction, it can end Q4 of 2024 at $6.81.

根据 THORChain 的价格表现,该加密货币突破了 6 美元的价格障碍,并在 6.30 美元处找到了支撑。现在,人们对其未来的情绪看涨,根据 THORChain 的价格预测,到 2024 年第四季度,其价格可能为 6.81 美元。

Aave (AAVE) Moves Above $100 – Can It Break Past $150 Next?

Aave (AAVE) 突破 100 美元——接下来能否突破 150 美元?

Aave (AAVE) is also at the forefront based on its recent price performance as it finally broke above the major $100 price barrier. Just during the past week, after rising 10%, the Aave crypto reached a maximum value of $105.

根据其最近的价格表现,Aave (AAVE) 也处于领先地位,因为它最终突破了 100 美元的主要价格障碍。就在过去一周,Aave 加密货币在上涨 10% 后达到了最高值 105 美元。

Sentiment on its future is bullish, as the Aave price RSI and MACD data points and on-chart metrics are positive, with the overall metrics being in the green zone. According to the Aave price prediction, the crypto can end Q4 at $155.10.

由于 Aave 价格 RSI 和 MACD 数据点以及图表指标均为积极,且总体指标位于绿色区域,因此对其未来的情绪看涨。根据 Aave 的价格预测,该加密货币在第四季度末的价格可能为 155.10 美元。

Why Jump Into DeFi Coins?

为什么要涉足 DeFi 代币?

Decentralized finance (DeFi) coins are not merely a fad, but a revolutionary restructuring of financial architecture which has made them a major point of appeal. Through disintermediating traditional banking institutions, DeFi empowers users to engage in a plethora of financial activities, such as lending, borrowing, risk mitigation, and even complex derivative trading, all of which occurs on a Peer-to-Peer (P2P) permissionless network. This results in the democratization of finance, and presents a compelling opportunity for traders.

去中心化金融(DeFi)货币不仅仅是一种时尚,而是金融架构的革命性重组,这使其成为一大吸引力。通过去中介化传统银行机构,DeFi 使用户能够参与大量的金融活动,例如借贷、风险缓解,甚至复杂的衍生品交易,所有这些都发生在点对点(P2P)无需许可的网络上。这导致了金融的民主化,并为交易者提供了一个令人信服的机会。

Key Benefits of DeFi Coins

DeFi 代币的主要优点

DeFi disrupts the status quo of traditional finance, which is often fraught with inefficiencies, high fees, and limited access for certain demographics. Moreover, as DeFi technology matures and adoption expands, the value proposition of DeFi coins is likely to appreciate significantly. Most of all, DeFi protocols are often governed by their communities, fostering a sense of ownership and shared success among token holders. This participatory model incentivizes responsible development and long-term sustainability.

DeFi 颠覆了传统金融的现状,传统金融通常存在效率低下、费用高昂以及某些人群的准入受限等问题。此外,随着 DeFi 技术的成熟和采用的扩大,DeFi 代币的价值主张可能会大幅升值。最重要的是,DeFi 协议通常由其社区管理,在代币持有者之间培养主人翁意识和共享成功。这种参与模式激励负责任的发展和长期可持续性。

Moving Forward With DeFi Coin Investment

推进 DeFi 代币投资

Interest in DeFi projects is now stronger than ever before as Cardano is undergoing one of the largest updates in its history. But alongside it, traders have begun to accumulate The Graph, Uniswap, THORChain and Aave, all of which have major growth potential. However, for those looking for 100x in ROI, Angry Pepe Fork has the highest likelihood to reach this goal as its still undergoing its blockchain ICO, and is poised to grow due to its unique Conquer to Earn model, making it one of the top DeFi projects.

由于卡尔达诺正在经历其历史上最大的更新之一,人们对 DeFi 项目的兴趣现在比以往任何时候都强烈。但与此同时,交易者也开始积累 The Graph、Uniswap、THORChain 和 Aave,所有这些都具有巨大的增长潜力。然而,对于那些寻求 100 倍投资回报率的人来说,Angry Pepe Fork 最有可能实现这一目标,因为它仍在进行区块链 ICO,并且由于其独特的“征服赚钱”模式而有望​​实现增长,使其成为顶级 DeFi 之一项目。

Buy Angry Pepe Fork Before Its Price Skyrockets



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