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ChatGPT Thinks Dogecoin Price Could Surge 50% in February

ChatGPT 认为狗狗币价格 2 月份可能飙升 50%

发布: 2024/02/05 21:32 阅读: 613

原文作者:CoinPedia News


The post ChatGPT Thinks Dogecoin Price Could Surge 50% in February appeared first on Coinpedia Fintech News

ChatGPT 认为狗狗币价格可能在 2 月份飙升 50% 的帖子首先出现在 Coinpedia 金融科技新闻上

ChatGPT has made a bold prediction that the popular meme coin Dogecoin (DOGE) could see its price surge over 50% this month.

ChatGPT 做出了一个大胆的预测,流行的模因币狗狗币 (DOGE) 的价格本月可能会飙升 50% 以上。

This comes after some interesting price action from DOGE recently that hints the coin could be gearing up for another bull run.

此前,DOGE 最近出现了一些有趣的价格走势,暗示该代币可能正在为另一场牛市做好准备。

Alongside Dogecoin, ChatGPT also highlighted an under-the-radar token that it believes is primed for an even bigger breakout this month.

除了狗狗币之外,ChatGPT 还强调了一种不为人所知的代币,它认为该代币本月将迎来更大的突破。

Dogecoin Priming for Next Leg Higher Despite Poor Trading Volumes


At the time of writing, DOGE is trading at $0.078, having gone sideways for the last two weeks.

截至撰写本文时,DOGE 的交易价格为 0.078 美元,过去两周一直横盘整理。

During those two weeks, DOGE has been trapped in a tight trading range between $0.077 and $0.081.

在这两周内,DOGE 一直陷入 0.077 美元至 0.081 美元之间的狭窄交易区间。

Bulls have established strong support at the bottom of this range, which has held firm since it was first tapped on January 23.

多头在该区间底部建立了强大的支撑,自 1 月 23 日首次触及以来一直保持坚挺。

Many investors now believe that this consolidation period could be laying the foundation for Dogecoin’s next leg higher, allowing buyers to accumulate before an explosive breakout.


The local high sits at $0.09, and a decisive push above here would likely see DOGE return to early December’s peak.

当地高点为 0.09 美元,如果决定性地突破该水平,DOGE 可能会回到 12 月初的峰值。

However, spot trading volumes for DOGE remain muted at $231 million, which has pushed the coin out of the top 20 cryptocurrencies by trading activity.

然而,DOGE 的现货交易量仍然很低,为 2.31 亿美元,这使得该货币从交易活动排名前 20 名的加密货币中脱颖而出。

All in all, it’s a choppy period for Dogecoin, with the market waiting for a significant catalyst to break the current sideways trend.


ChatGPT Forecasts 51% Surge for DOGE in February

ChatGPT 预测 2 月份 DOGE 飙升 51%

Armed with this information, we tasked ChatGPT with providing a DOGE price prediction for the month ahead.

有了这些信息,我们就委托 ChatGPT 提供未来一个月的 DOGE 价格预测。

Despite lackluster trading volumes and sideways price action, ChatGPT expects the consolidation to end with a sharp move higher.

尽管交易量低迷且价格横盘走势,但 ChatGPT 预计盘整将以大幅走高结束。

The model sees the tight trading range as indicative of pent-up demand from retail traders.


As such, ChatGPT thinks February is ripe for another Dogecoin bull cycle, especially if the overall crypto market sees renewed bullish momentum.

因此,ChatGPT 认为二月份另一个狗狗币牛市周期的时机已经成熟,特别是如果整个加密市场出现新的看涨势头的话。

If volumes pick up and bulls can propel DOGE over the local high at $0.09, ChatGPT sees no reason why the coin can’t rise to between $0.10 and $0.12 by the end of February.

如果交易量增加并且多头可以推动 DOGE 突破 0.09 美元的局部高点,ChatGPT 认为该代币没有理由不能在 2 月底升至 0.10 美元至 0.12 美元之间。

Should DOGE hit the upper end of this range, it would represent a 51% surge from the coin’s current value.

如果 DOGE 触及该范围的上限,则意味着该代币的当前价值将上涨 51%。

So, although Dogecoin’s technicals may be mixed, ChatGPT believes there’s still potential for a significant price increase in the coming weeks.

因此,尽管狗狗币的技术面可能好坏参半,但 ChatGPT 认为未来几周价格仍有大幅上涨的潜力。

Which Other Meme Coins Does ChatGPT Think Could Surge in February?

ChatGPT 认为还有哪些 Meme 币会在二月份飙升?

While Dogecoin grabs the most attention, ChatGPT also analyzed lesser-known meme coins that could pull off a rally in February.

虽然狗狗币吸引了最多的关注,但 ChatGPT 还分析了可能在 2 月份引发反弹的不太知名的模因币。

Top of that list is Sponge V2 (SPONGEV2), a new meme token ChatGPT believes is ready to produce massive gains when it hits the open market.

其中最重要的是 Sponge V2 (SPONGEV2),ChatGPT 相信,当它进入公开市场时,它已经准备好产生巨大收益。

ChatGPT Predicts 273% SPONGEV2 Pump Thanks to P2E & Stake-to-Bridge Catalysts

ChatGPT 预测,借助 P2E 和桩桥催化剂,SPONGEV2 泵的利用率可达 273%

Sponge V2 aims to improve on its predecessor with optimized tokenomics, staking rewards up to 209% per year, and integration with an upcoming play-to-earn (P2E) game.

Sponge V2 旨在通过优化的代币经济、每年高达 209% 的质押奖励以及与即将推出的即玩即赚 (P2E) 游戏的集成来改进其前身。

The only way for investors to get SPONGEV2 is by locking the original SPONGE in a smart contract before today’s “snapshot,” which will occur at 11pm UTC.

投资者获得 SPONGEV2 的唯一方法是在今天的“快照”(世界标准时间晚上 11 点发生)之前将原始 SPONGE 锁定在智能合约中。

This entitles SPONGE holders to receive SPONGEV2 in return ahead of the token’s debut on the Uniswap DEX.

这使得 SPONGE 持有者有权在该代币在 Uniswap DEX 上首次亮相之前收到 SPONGEV2 作为回报。

Over $4.1 million worth of SPONGE has already been locked as anticipation builds ahead of the token’s official launch.

价值超过 410 万美元的 SPONGE 已被锁定,因为在该代币正式发布之前人们对它的预期越来越高。

ChatGPT expects this unique “Stake-to-Bridge” mechanism to drive immense demand for SPONGEV2 from retail investors in the weeks ahead.

ChatGPT 预计这种独特的“Stake-to-Bridge”机制将在未来几周内推动散户投资者对 SPONGEV2 的巨大需求。

Combine that with the upcoming P2E game, and the AI model sees the perfect conditions for exponential growth.

将其与即将推出的 P2E 游戏相结合,人工智能模型就看到了指数增长的完美条件。

Considering SPONGE’s current $0.00067 price point, ChatGPT forecasts SPONGEV2 reaching as high as $0.0025 by the end of February.

考虑到 SPONGE 当前 0.00067 美元的价格点,ChatGPT 预测 SPONGEV2 到 2 月底将达到 0.0025 美元的高位。

For context, that would represent a nearly 273% surge from the token’s price at the time of writing.

就上下文而言,这意味着代币价格较撰写本文时上涨了近 273%。

While ambitious, similar meme coin launches in the past have triggered even more dramatic breakouts.


As such, ChatGPT sees every reason SPONGEV2 could pull off a move like this, given the enormous buzz around the token.

因此,考虑到围绕该代币的巨大热度,ChatGPT 认为 SPONGEV2 能够完成这样的举动的一切理由。

Visit Sponge V2 Website

访问 Sponge V2 网站


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