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ChatGPT predicts Polygon (MATIC) price for start of 2024

ChatGPT 预测 2024 年初 Polygon (MATIC) 的价格

发布: 2023/12/21 16:05 阅读: 592



Polygon has been having an interesting year throughout 2023, especially after June and the reveal of the “Polygon 2.0” plan. The rollout of the upgrade also saw significant changes and developments, including the rollout of the new POL token, which is meant to eventually entirely replace MATIC.

Polygon 在 2023 年度过了有趣的一年,尤其是在 6 月和“Polygon 2.0”计划公布之后。升级的推出也带来了重大变化和发展,包括推出新的 POL 代币,该代币最终将完全取代 MATIC。

This year, Polygon also saw a major uptick when it comes to non-fungible token (NFT) traffic, particularly due to the DraftKings’ Reignmaker NFT collection. Along with the expansion of its ecosystem, Polygon also saw a significant enlargement of its user base, with it even overtaking Ethereum (ETH).

今年,Polygon 在不可替代代币 (NFT) 流量方面也出现了大幅增长,特别是由于 DraftKings 的 Reignmaker NFT 系列。随着生态系统的扩张,Polygon 的用户群也显着扩大,甚至超过了以太坊(ETH)。

Despite these developments, MATIC has so far failed to fully take off in the most recent crypto market bull run that saw many other cryptocurrencies, such as Bitcoin (BTC), Ethereum, and Solana (SOL), reach heights not seen since the first half of 2022.

尽管取得了这些进展,但 MATIC 迄今为止未能在最近的加密货币市场牛市中完全起飞,比特币 (BTC)、以太坊和 Solana (SOL) 等许多其他加密货币达到了上半年以来未见的高度2022 年。

With the expansions and struggles in mind, and given that the new year is just around the corner, Finbold decided to consult the artificial intelligence (AI) of OpenAI’s flagship platform – ChatGPT – and find out where MATIC might find itself at the very start of 2024.

考虑到扩张和斗争,并考虑到新的一年即将到来,Finbold 决定咨询 OpenAI 旗舰平台 ChatGPT 的人工智能 (AI),并找出 MATIC 在起步阶段可能会发现自己的位置。 2024 年。

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ChatGPT 预测 1 月 1 日 Polygon 价格



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When estimating a likely price range for MATIC on New Year’s Day, ChatGPT proved slightly bullish, stating that the cryptocurrency may find itself somewhere between $0.80 and $1.20. When pressed to give a more precise range, the AI opted for between $0.95 and $1.10.

在估计元旦 MATIC 的可能价格范围时,ChatGPT 被证明略微看涨,表示该加密货币可能会在 0.80 美元到 1.20 美元之间。当被要求给出更精确的范围时,人工智能选择了 0.95 美元到 1.10 美元之间。

ChatGPT explained that it is mildly bullish due to a combination of factors, including Polygon’s technological developments and greater adoption in the NFT and DeFi sectors. When challenged on this conclusion due to the recent mostly downward trend, the AI pushed back, saying that the developments throughout 2023 offer ample room for recovery.

ChatGPT 解释说,由于多种因素的综合作用,包括 Polygon 的技术发展以及 NFT 和 DeFi 领域的更广泛采用,它是温和看涨的。当由于近期总体呈下降趋势而对该结论提出质疑时,AI 予以反驳,称 2023 年全年的发展提供了充足的复苏空间。

The platform, however, also agreed to build a stronger bull and a stronger bear case. The bullish scenario assumes that the wider crypto market soon enters another strong rally and that Polygon’s upgrades spark renewed enthusiasm for MATIC. Under these circumstances, ChatGPT states that the range between $1.50 and $2 would be likely.

然而,该平台还同意建立更强劲的牛市和更强劲的熊市案例。看涨情景假设更广泛的加密货币市场很快就会进入另一场强劲反弹,并且 Polygon 的升级激发了人们对 MATIC 的新热情。在这种情况下,ChatGPT 表示价格范围可能在 1.50 美元到 2 美元之间。

On the other hand, the bearish scenario assumes an unexpected and adverse regulatory development from the crypto market or a discovery of a critical technical flaw with Polygon and its upgrade efforts. Under these circumstances, the AI sees MATIC falling to between $0.50 and $0.70.

另一方面,看跌情景假设加密货币市场出现意外且不利的监管发展,或者发现 Polygon 及其升级工作存在关键技术缺陷。在这种情况下,AI 认为 MATIC 会跌至 0.50 美元至 0.70 美元之间。

ChatGPT was generally positive toward POL’s potential when asked but refused to make a price range prediction. According to the AI, POL’s success will depend on the overall state of the Polygon ecosystem, and there is simply not enough data to offer anything other than an estimate that would be even more speculative than the educated guesses ChatGPT is able to provide.

当被问及时,ChatGPT 普遍对 POL 的潜力持积极态度,但拒绝做出价格范围预测。根据 AI 的说法,POL 的成功将取决于 Polygon 生态系统的整体状态,除了估计之外,根本没有足够的数据来提供任何东西,而估计比 ChatGPT 能够提供的有根据的猜测更具投机性。

MATIC price analysis

MATIC 价格分析

While there is still room for surprises in the final 10 days of 2023, MATIC’s performance so far has been rather mixed. The cryptocurrency is slightly in the green in the last 24 hours – 0.77% – and its price is $0.79 at the time of publication.

尽管 2023 年最后 10 天仍有惊喜的空间,但 MATIC 迄今为止的表现却相当复杂。该加密货币在过去 24 小时内小幅上涨 - 0.77% - 其价格在发布时为 0.79 美元。

Looking at the entire year, it appears that most of the excitement and developments pertaining to Polygon have been on the technical side. It experienced a significant rally in the spring before riding a major downtrend and has benefited somewhat from the recent bull run.

纵观全年,与 Polygon 相关的大部分兴奋和发展似乎都在技术方面。它在春季经历了大幅上涨,然后进入了主要的下跌趋势,并从最近的牛市中受益匪浅。

Still, MATIC is down 1.04% in the last 52 weeks, 6.70% in the last month, and has also declined in the last 7 days by 7.33%.


Disclaimer: The content on this site should not be considered investment advice. Investing is speculative. When investing, your capital is at risk.


Source: https://thebittimes.com/chatgpt-predicts-polygon-matic-price-for-start-of-2024-tbt74302.html



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