首页 > 资讯新闻 > 加密货币分析师指出狗狗币 (DOGE) 牛市何时开始,预计将飙升至 1 美元和 2 美元

Crypto Analyst Points to When Dogecoin (DOGE) Bull Run Will Start, Projects a Spike to $1 and $2

加密货币分析师指出狗狗币 (DOGE) 牛市何时开始,预计将飙升至 1 美元和 2 美元

发布: 2024/09/20 19:00 阅读: 331



加密货币分析师指出狗狗币 (DOGE) 牛市何时开始,预计将飙升至 1 美元和 2 美元

Dogecoin's Potential Bull Run: Analysis and Timing Predictions


In a recent video, the host of VisionPulsed provides an in-depth analysis of Dogecoin's potential bull run, highlighting its timing in relation to broader crypto market cycles.

在最近的视频中,VisionPulsed 的主持人对狗狗币的潜在牛市进行了深入分析,强调了其与更广泛的加密市场周期相关的时机。

The analyst observed that significant market upswings typically occur 150 days after the Bitcoin halving, projected for September 23, 2024. However, he cautioned that a major price surge for Dogecoin may not occur immediately but is anticipated later that year.

该分析师观察到,市场大幅上涨通常会在比特币减半后 150 天发生,预计减半时间为 2024 年 9 月 23 日。不过,他警告说,狗狗币的价格可能不会立即大幅上涨,但预计会在当年晚些时候出现。

While acknowledging the current bearish market sentiment, the host suggests that September may not yield significant price increases for Dogecoin as the market remains in a consolidation phase. However, he predicts a final downturn soon after which Dogecoin and other altcoins should begin their ascent as October approaches.

虽然承认当前市场情绪看跌,但主持人表示,由于市场仍处于盘整阶段,狗狗币 9 月份的价格可能不会大幅上涨。然而,他预测很快就会出现最终的低迷,随着十月的临近,狗狗币和其他山寨币应该会开始上涨。

Dogecoin's Relationship to Bitcoin


The analyst explained that Dogecoin often follows Bitcoin's price movements during bull runs. Historically, when Bitcoin breaks its all-time high, its market dominance decreases, allowing altcoins like Dogecoin to gain traction.


Timing Predictions for Dogecoin


Based on previous market cycles, the analyst discussed Dogecoin's behavior in relation to Bitcoin. He pointed out that in past cycles, Dogecoin reached a "point of no return" approximately 750 to 830 days after Bitcoin's cycle bottom, leading to rapid price growth.

根据之前的市场周期,分析师讨论了狗狗币相对于比特币的行为。他指出,在过去的周期中,狗狗币在比特币周期触底后约 750 至 830 天达到“不归点”,导致价格快速上涨。

He speculates that Dogecoin could experience its next major price surge around November 2024, potentially extending into early 2025. October 2024 is identified as a crucial timeframe, with the altcoin market, including Dogecoin, likely to rally starting in late October and into early 2025.

他推测狗狗币可能会在 2024 年 11 月左右经历下一次价格大幅上涨,并可能持续到 2025 年初。2024 年 10 月被认为是一个关键的时间框架,包括狗狗币在内的山寨币市场可能会从 10 月下旬开始反弹,一直持续到 2025 年初。

Price Targets for Dogecoin


The host is optimistic that Dogecoin can reach $1 in the upcoming market cycle, aligning with historical trends where the coin has experienced significant pumps as Bitcoin's dominance declined. He also mentions a long-term target of $2, but emphasizes the realistic potential for Dogecoin to hit $1 during the next bull run.

主持人乐观地认为,狗狗币在即将到来的市场周期中可以达到 1 美元,这与历史趋势一致,即随着比特币主导地位的下降,狗狗币经历了大幅上涨。他还提到了 2 美元的长期目标,但强调了狗狗币在下一次牛市期间达到 1 美元的现实潜力。

Market Sentiment and Caution


While expressing confidence in Dogecoin's potential, the host warns against excessive optimism. He notes that previous bull runs have generally become smaller in percentage terms, making it less likely for Dogecoin to reach extremely high price levels. However, he believes Dogecoin will see a surge as Bitcoin surpasses its all-time high, redirecting market attention to altcoins.



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