首页 > 资讯新闻 > 加密货币分析师预测 SHIB 将取代 DOGE 成为领先的 Meme 代币

Crypto Analyst Predicts SHIB to Overtake DOGE as Leading Meme Coin

加密货币分析师预测 SHIB 将取代 DOGE 成为领先的 Meme 代币

发布: 2023/09/29 00:09 阅读: 366

原文作者:Coin Edition


  • A crypto analyst predicts Shiba Inu will overtake Dogecoin as the leading meme coin network.
  • 一位加密货币分析师预测,柴犬将取代狗狗币,成为领先的模因币网络。

  • The analyst points to the use cases and projects coming out of the SHIB ecosystem as proof.
  • 分析师以 SHIB 生态系统中的用例和项目作为证据。

  • Shiba Inu is the second-largest meme network and the 19th-ranked crypto network.
  • Shiba Inu 是第二大模因网络和排名第 19 的加密网络。

In a recent tweet, crypto analyst Jake Gagain predicted that Shiba Inu will surpass Dogecoin as the leading meme coin network in the world. According to the crypto analyst, this will happen during the next crypto bull market.

在最近的一条推文中,加密货币分析师 Jake Gagain 预测,柴犬将超越狗狗币,成为世界领先的模因币网络。据加密货币分析师称,这将在下一个加密货币牛市期间发生。

The statements of the analyst mirror the beliefs of people within the Shiba Inu community. So far this year, the Shiba Inu network has witnessed several developments geared toward improving the meme coin’s ecosystem.


At present, Shiba Inu sits as the 19th-ranked cryptocurrency network, with a total market cap of $4.27 billion. Meanwhile, Dogecoin is the largest meme coin, with a market cap of $8 billion. As with the general cryptocurrency market, the token also saw a drop in its price amid the bear market.

目前,柴犬在加密货币网络中排名第 19 位,总市值为 42.7 亿美元。与此同时,狗狗币是最大的模因币,市值达 80 亿美元。与一般加密货币市场一样,该代币的价格也在熊市中下跌。

The SHIB team stated that many of the developments are expected to move the network from a meme coin to a blockchain, offering several projects and use cases. However,…

SHIB 团队表示,许多开发预计会将网络从模因币转移到区块链,提供多个项目和用例。然而,…

The post Crypto Analyst Predicts SHIB to Overtake DOGE as Leading Meme Coin appeared first on Coin Edition.

加密货币分析师预测 SHIB 将取代 DOGE 成为领先的 Meme 代币一文首先出现在 Coin Edition 上。


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