首页 > 资讯新闻 > 加密货币分析师对 Chainlink 价格可能暴跌 50-60% 发出警告,原因如下

Crypto Analyst Sounds Warning Alarm For Potential 50-60% Crash In Chainlink Price, Here’s Why

加密货币分析师对 Chainlink 价格可能暴跌 50-60% 发出警告,原因如下

发布: 2024/05/21 03:06 阅读: 840



Crypto analyst CrediBULL Crypto recently warned that Chainlink (LINK) could experience a 50% to 60% drop in its price. However, based on his explanation, LINK holders may not have cause to worry as such a price drop is part of the crypto token’s growth.

加密货币分析师 CrediBULL Crypto 最近警告称,Chainlink (LINK) 的价格可能会下跌 50% 至 60%。然而,根据他的解释,LINK 持有者可能没有理由担心,因为这种价格下跌是加密代币增长的一部分。

Why Chainlink Will Experience A Price Drop

为什么 Chainlink 会经历价格下跌

CrediBULL Crypto explained in an X (formerly Twitter) post that a “50-60% drawdown is normal, natural, and healthy” given that Chainlink has experienced ten months of up only and a 4x rally.” The analyst expects this price drawdown to last about two to three months and suggested that Chainlink could see brief price surges, but that doesn’t invalidate the current bearish trend.

CrediBULL Crypto 在 X(以前称为 Twitter)帖子中解释说,鉴于 Chainlink 仅经历了 10 个月的上涨和 4 倍的反弹,“50-60% 的回撤是正常、自然和健康的”。分析师预计这种价格下跌将持续大约两到三个月,并暗示 Chainlink 可能会出现短暂的价格飙升,但这并不意味着当前的看跌趋势无效。

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Source: X

[加密货币分析师透露,低于 1 美元的山寨币将在牛市中跑赢大盘](https://www.newsbtc.com/crypto-analysts-reveal-sub-1-altcoins-set-to-outperform-in-the-bull -运行/)来源:X

In a video posted on his YouTube channel, CrediBULL Crypto further explained why he is so confident in shorting Chainlink. He alluded to the rise in the crypto token’s open interest and claimed that many levered players entered Chainlink on the pump to a major resistance level. He expects that those investors who opened longs will likely begin to close their positions as soon as Bitcoin experiences a pullback and the crypto market starts bleeding again.

在他的 YouTube 频道上发布的视频中,CrediBULL Crypto 进一步解释了为什么他对做空 Chainlink 如此有信心。他提到加密代币未平仓合约的上升,并声称许多杠杆玩家进入 Chainlink,推动其达到主要阻力位。他预计,一旦比特币经历回调并且加密货币市场再次开始出血,那些建立多头头寸的投资者可能会开始平仓。

The crypto analyst added that these investors will capitulate at the lows, which will bring Chainlink’s price to the range lows. CrediBULL Crypto claimed that this move will bring LINK back down to $11.96, about a 30% drop from its current price levels. Based on this, he revealed that he will be looking to short Chainlink around $16, which is the likely level for rejection.

这位加密货币分析师补充说,这些投资者将在低点投降,这将使 Chainlink 的价格降至区间低点。 CrediBULL Crypto 声称,此举将使 LINK 回落至 11.96 美元,较当前价格水平下降约 30%。基于此,他透露他将寻求在 16 美元左右做空 Chainlink,这是可能被拒绝的水平。

Same Expectations For Meme Coins

对 Meme 币的同样期望

CrediBULL Crypto also expects meme coins to experience a significant price drawdown, given the parabolic rally they have enjoyed since the beginning of the year. Meme coins Dogwifhat (WIF) and Pepe (PEPE) have been the most significant year-to-date (YTD) gainers among the top 50 crypto tokens, with price gains of over 1,400% and 500%, respectively.

CrediBULL Crypto 还预计,鉴于 Meme 币自今年年初以来经历的抛物线式上涨,其价格将出现大幅下跌。 Meme 币 Dogwifhat (WIF) 和 Pepe (PEPE) 是今年迄今为止 (YTD) 50 大加密货币中涨幅最大的加密货币,价格涨幅分别超过 1,400% 和 500%。

The crypto analyst warned that some major meme coins have already seen their tops and will likely experience significant declines. In the YouTube video he posted, he also gave insights into how low Dogecoin, WIF, and Pepe could drop.

这位加密货币分析师警告说,一些主要的模因代币已经见顶,并且可能会经历大幅下跌。在他发布的 YouTube 视频中,他还深入探讨了狗狗币、WIF 和 Pepe 的跌幅。

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  • [Crypto Expert Willy Woo Predicts Bitcoin Has Room To Run – Here Are The Drivers](https://www.newsbtc.com/crypto-expert-willy-woo-predicts-bitcoin-has-room-to-run-here-are-the-drivers/)

For Dogecoin, he predicts that the foremost meme coin could drop to as low as $0.10. However, CrediBULL Crypto noted that he can’t short Dogecoin yet because he expects a relief pump to $0.18, the range he is looking to open a short position.

[加密专家 Willy Woo 预测比特币有运行空间 - 这是驱动因素](https://www.newsbtc.com/crypto-expert-willy-woo-predicts-bitcoin-has-room-to-run-here- are-the-drivers/)对于狗狗币,他预测最重要的模因币可能会跌至 0.10 美元。然而,CrediBULL Crypto 指出,他还不能做空狗狗币,因为他预计价格会上涨至 0.18 美元,这是他希望建立空头头寸的范围。

Meanwhile, he predicts that WIF could drop to as low as $1.6, revealing that he will be looking to short it at $3.90 because he expects the meme coin to enjoy one last push to the upside before dropping to the downside. CrediBULL also predicts a significant price decline for PEPE. He claims the meme coin could experience a drawdown of as much as 60% since it recently hit a new all-time high (ATH).

与此同时,他预测 WIF 可能会跌至 1.6 美元,并透露他将在 3.90 美元的价格做空它,因为他预计 Meme 代币将在下跌之前享受最后一次上涨。 CrediBULL 还预测 PEPE 的价格将大幅下跌。他声称,自从 Meme 币最近创下历史新高 (ATH) 以来,它可能会经历高达 60% 的回撤。

LINK bulls and bears fight for dominance | Source: LINKUSDT on Tradingview.com

LINK 多头和空头争夺主导地位 |来源:Tradingview.com 上的 LINKUSDT

Featured image created using Dall.E, chart from Tradingview.com

使用 Dall.E 创建的特色图片,来自 Tradingview.com 的图表


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