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Crypto Carnage: Liquidations Reach Highest Level Since FTX Collapse

加密货币大屠杀:清算量达到 FTX 崩溃以来的最高水平

发布: 2024/07/05 14:45 阅读: 863



加密货币大屠杀:清算量达到 FTX 崩溃以来的最高水平

Crypto Crash Fuels Mass Liquidations


According to CoinGlass, $675 million** worth of crypto has been liquidated in the past 24 hours. Long positions account for the majority ($578 million). Over the past four hours, liquidations have exceeded $227 million**.

据 CoinGlass 称,过去 24 小时内价值 6.75 亿美元**的加密货币已被清算。多头头寸占大多数(5.78 亿美元)。过去四个小时内,清算金额已超过 2.27 亿美元**。

Binance Dominates Liquidations


The largest liquidation occurred on Binance, with a single trader losing $18 million**. Bitcoin has seen the most liquidations, with $184 million in long positions and $41 million in short positions lost. Ethereum and Solana follow in second and third place, respectively. Dogecoin also appears in the top 5.

最大规模的清算发生在币安网,单个交易者损失了 1800 万美元**。比特币的清算最多,多头头寸损失 1.84 亿美元,空头头寸损失 4100 万美元。以太坊和 Solana 分别位居第二和第三位。狗狗币也出现在前 5 名中。

Binance led in total liquidated crypto at $343.41 million**, followed by OKX ($171 million) and Huobi ($71 million).

币安的加密货币清算总额为 3.4341 亿美元**,其次是 OKX(1.71 亿美元)和火币(7100 万美元)。

Mt. Gox Transfer Impacts Market

Mt. Gox 转账影响市场

The recent crash was exacerbated by a large transfer from Mt. Gox, an defunct crypto exchange. The transfer is part of a Bitcoin distribution process, leading to speculation that creditors may liquidate their holdings.

最近的崩盘因来自已不复存在的加密货币交易所 Mt. Gox 的巨额转账而加剧。此次转移是比特币分配过程的一部分,导致债权人可能会清算其持有的比特币。

Bitcoin and Altcoins Fall Deep


Bitcoin has dropped over 8% in 24 hours, reaching a five-month low of $53,350**. Major altcoins, including Solana, have experienced double-digit losses.

比特币在 24 小时内下跌超过 8%,触及 5 个月低点 53,350 美元**。包括 Solana 在内的主要山寨币都经历了两位数的损失。

Liquidation Spree Reminiscent of FTX Collapse


The market plunge has triggered a liquidation spree similar to that seen after the FTX collapse in December 2022. Trader DonAlt predicts Bitcoin is unlikely to regain $60,000** and suggests the current cycle may have peaked.

市场暴跌引发了类似于 2022 年 12 月 FTX 崩盘后的清算热潮。交易员 DonAlt 预测比特币不太可能重回 60,000 美元**,并暗示当前周期可能已经见顶。


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