首页 > 资讯新闻 > 2024 年 7 月最佳加密货币:BlockDAG 在预售中获得 5450 万美元的桂冠,而狗狗币和以太坊经典却暴跌

Best Crypto July 2024: BlockDAG Gets The Crown Marking $54.5M in Presale While Dogecoin & Ethereum Classic Slump

2024 年 7 月最佳加密货币:BlockDAG 在预售中获得 5450 万美元的桂冠,而狗狗币和以太坊经典却暴跌

发布: 2024/06/30 17:46 阅读: 460



2024 年 7 月最佳加密货币:BlockDAG 在预售中获得 5450 万美元的桂冠,而狗狗币和以太坊经典却暴跌

Dogecoin's Liquidations Highlight Market Volatility


Despite a recent 10% decline in Dogecoin's value, triggering substantial liquidations of $60 million from its futures market, analysts have named BlockDAG as the best cryptocurrency for July 2024.

尽管狗狗币的价值最近下跌了 10%,引发其期货市场 6000 万美元的大幅清算,但分析师仍将 BlockDAG 评为 2024 年 7 月最佳加密货币。

Ethereum Classic Faces Development Challenges


Ethereum Classic (ETC) faces challenges due to low revenue and limited development activity. With a market capitalization of $3.5 billion, ETC generates only 15 ETC in weekly revenue ($359 at current prices).

以太经典(ETC)由于收入低和开发活动有限而面临挑战。 ETC 的市值为 35 亿美元,每周仅产生 15 个 ETC 收入(按当前价格计算为 359 美元)。

BlockDAG Emerges as a Promising Investment

BlockDAG 成为一项有前景的投资

Analysts have cited BlockDAG's impressive presale performance, which has surpassed $54.5 million and is projected to reach $100 million before the mainnet launch, as the primary reason for its recognition as the best cryptocurrency for July 2024.

分析师指出,BlockDAG 令人印象深刻的预售业绩已超过 5450 万美元,预计在主网启动前将达到 1 亿美元,这是其被评为 2024 年 7 月最佳加密货币的主要原因。

Key Developments for BlockDAG

BlockDAG 的主要发展

BlockDAG has completed the development of its Peer-to-Peer Engine and Block & DAG Algorithm. EVM Compatibility and Metamask Integration are in progress. The Testnet is scheduled for mid-August, and the Mainnet will be launched in four months.

BlockDAG 已完成其点对点引擎和 Block & DAG 算法的开发。 EVM 兼容性和 Metamask 集成正在进行中。测试网计划于 8 月中旬推出,主网将在四个月后推出。

Investment Potential and Projections


BlockDAG offers a 30,000x return on investment potential. The coin value has increased from $0.001 in Batch 1 to $0.014 in Batch 19, indicating substantial gains for early investors. Projections predict a coin value of $30 by 2030, potentially yielding significant returns for those who participate in the presale.

BlockDAG 提供 30,000 倍的投资回报潜力。代币价值从第 1 批的 0.001 美元增加到第 19 批的 0.014 美元,这表明早期投资者获得了可观的收益。据预测,到 2030 年,硬币价值将达到 30 美元,可能为参与预售的人带来可观的回报。



BlockDAG's recognition as the best cryptocurrency for July 2024 highlights its strong presale performance and development strategy. Amidst Dogecoin's fluctuations and Ethereum Classic's challenges, BlockDAG presents a promising opportunity for investors seeking growth potential and market leadership.

BlockDAG 被评为 2024 年 7 月最佳加密货币,凸显了其强劲的预售表现和发展战略。在狗狗币的波动和以太坊经典的挑战中,BlockDAG 为寻求增长潜力和市场领导地位的投资者提供了一个充满希望的机会。



The information provided is for educational purposes only. It should not be construed as investment advice. Investors are advised to conduct their own research and make decisions based on their individual circumstances.



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