首页 > 资讯新闻 > 加密货币市场正在蓬勃发展! 1.356 万亿柴犬代币被购买,愤怒的 Pepe Fork 席卷 Meme 空间

The Crypto Market is Booming! 1.356 Trillion Shiba Inu Tokens Purchased While Angry Pepe Fork Takes The Meme Space By Storm

加密货币市场正在蓬勃发展! 1.356 万亿柴犬代币被购买,愤怒的 Pepe Fork 席卷 Meme 空间

发布: 2024/06/13 17:03 阅读: 803



加密货币市场正在蓬勃发展! 1.356 万亿柴犬代币被购买,愤怒的 Pepe Fork 席卷 Meme 空间

Shiba Inu and Angry Pepe Fork: Top Cryptocurrencies for 2024

Shiba Inu 和 Angry Pepe Fork:2024 年顶级加密货币

The cryptocurrency market remains abuzz, with meme coins holding sway over investors. Shiba Inu (SHIB) has witnessed a surge in demand, with whales accumulating a colossal 1.356 trillion tokens.

加密货币市场仍然热闹非凡,迷因币对投资者具有影响力。柴犬(SHIB)的需求激增,鲸鱼积累了 1.356 万亿枚代币。

Shiba Inu


Whales have fueled SHIB's price rise, with significant purchases of billions of tokens. This has coincided with an increase in SHIB burning, further bolstering its value.

鲸鱼大量购买了数十亿枚代币,推动了 SHIB 的价格上涨。这与 SHIB 燃烧的增加同时发生,进一步提升了其价值。

Angry Pepe Fork (APORK)

愤怒的佩佩叉 (APORK)

APORK, a novel Solana-based meme coin, is making waves. Its unique "Conquer-to-Earn" initiative fosters community participation, incentivizing gamers to eliminate stale meme coins.

APORK 是一种基于 Solana 的新型模因币,正在掀起波澜。其独特的“征服赚钱”举措促进社区参与,激励游戏玩家消除陈旧的模因硬币。

Additionally, APORK offers customizable staking options, encouraging long-term holding and rewarding extended locking periods. Its presale price is currently discounted at $0.014, with analysts predicting substantial ROI.

此外,APORK 还提供可定制的质押选项,鼓励长期持有并奖励延长锁定期。目前其预售价格折扣为 0.014 美元,分析师预测可观的投资回报率。

The smart contract has been audited by SOLIDProof, ensuring security. APORK aims to establish partnerships and attract users through diverse earning opportunities.

智能合约经过SOLIDProof审核,确保安全。 APORK旨在建立合作伙伴关系,通过多样化的赚钱机会吸引用户。

Shiba Inu vs Angry Pepe Fork

柴犬 vs 愤怒的佩佩叉

SHIB boasts a large market cap and robust trading volume. APORK's "Conquer-to-Earn" concept and community focus position it as a potential high-growth asset.

SHIB拥有庞大的市值和强劲的交易量。 APORK 的“征服即赚钱”理念和社区关注使其成为潜在的高增长资产。

For high-risk, high-reward opportunities, APORK's potential for explosive growth makes it an attractive choice.

对于高风险、高回报的机会,APORK 的爆炸性增长潜力使其成为一个有吸引力的选择。


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