首页 > 资讯新闻 > 加密货币市场处于爆炸边缘:10万亿美元的市值即将到来吗?

Crypto Market on the Brink of Explosion: Is $10 Trillion Cap Potential Imminent?


发布: 2024/07/02 01:46 阅读: 863




Key Points


Major cryptocurrencies and memecoins fuel the ongoing crypto bull run, with Bitcoin approaching $62,000.

主要加密货币和 memecoin 推动了持续的加密货币牛市,比特币接近 62,000 美元。

Experts forecast that the crypto market could potentially soar to $100 trillion.

专家预测,加密货币市场可能飙升至 100 万亿美元。

Market Dynamics


The past week brought notable events in the crypto market:


  • The US presidential debate indirectly boosted the market despite no direct discussions on crypto.
  • The SEC encountered legal challenges in cases involving Consensys, Binance, and Ripple.
  • Growing anticipation surrounds the potential approval of an Ethereum ETF and recent filings for a Solana ETF.

Market Predictions

尽管没有直接讨论加密货币,但美国总统辩论间接提振了市场。SEC 在涉及 Consensys、Binance 和 Ripple 的案件中遇到了法律挑战。人们对以太坊 ETF 的潜在批准和最近提交的 Solana ETF 的预期越来越高。市场预测

On July 1st, the crypto market surged, with many coins experiencing daily gains over 2%. Bitcoin, as the dominant cryptocurrency, rose by 2% in the past 24 hours, nearing $62,000.

7月1日,加密货币市场大幅上涨,不少币种日涨幅超过2%。比特币作为主要的加密货币,在过去 24 小时内上涨了 2%,接近 62,000 美元。

Dan Tapiero, Founder of 1Roundtable Partners, shared his bullish outlook. Initially, he forecasted a market cap of $10 trillion for cryptocurrencies. Given recent developments and rapid growth, he has significantly increased his estimate.

1Roundtable Partners 创始人 Dan Tapiero 分享了他的乐观前景。最初,他预测加密货币的市值将达到 10 万亿美元。鉴于最近的事态发展和快速增长,他大幅提高了自己的估计。

Tapiero now predicts that the crypto market could reach $30 trillion, $70 trillion, or even $100 trillion in the future. He believes that reaching the $10 trillion mark within 18 to 24 months is a realistic possibility.

Tapiero 现在预测,未来加密货币市场可能达到 30 万亿美元、70 万亿美元,甚至 100 万亿美元。他认为,在18至24个月内达到10万亿美元大关是现实的可能性。

Role of Memecoins


Alongside major cryptocurrencies, memecoins contribute to driving the crypto market. This trend is evident in CoinMarketCap's recent trending coins, which featured three memecoins. Dogecoin, among them, showed a 2.22% increase in the past 24 hours.

除了主要的加密货币之外,模因币也有助于推动加密市场的发展。这种趋势在 CoinMarketCap 最近的热门硬币中很明显,其中包括三种模因币。其中狗狗币在过去24小时内上涨了2.22%。

Analyst @cryptosanthoshK shares the sentiment, suggesting the coexistence of both memecoin and altcoin seasons.

分析师 @cryptosanthoshK 也有同样的观点,认为模因币和山寨币季节并存。


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