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Crypto Needs Better Memecoins – and WOMIO Believes It’s Found the Formula

加密货币需要更好的模因币——WOMIO 相信它已经找到了答案

发布: 2024/09/17 06:12 阅读: 760



加密货币需要更好的模因币——WOMIO 相信它已经找到了答案

It is challenging to define what distinguishes a great meme. Like a clever joke, it is something that people intuitively grasp without needing an explanation. Pepe's global popularity stems not merely from his frog-like appearance but from his unique style, meticulously developed from Matt Furie's original sketch.

定义伟大模因的区别是具有挑战性的。就像一个聪明的笑话一样,人们不需要解释就能直观地理解它。佩佩的全球知名度不仅源于他青蛙般的外表,还源于他根据马特·福里 (Matt Furie) 的原创草图精心发展的独特风格。

Similarly, WIF is technically just a picture of a dog wearing a hat. Yet, it has become a $1.5B project. Why? Because what began as a dog-in-hat image has evolved into an influential community with the passion, content, and drive to transform it into something extraordinary.

同样,WIF 从技术上来说只是一张戴着帽子的狗的照片。然而,它已经成为一个 $1.5B 的项目。为什么?因为最初的戴帽子的形象已经发展成为一个有影响力的社区,拥有将其转变为非凡事物的热情、内容和动力。

This elusive quality is precisely what memecoin projects strive to achieve, making their character stand out in a crowded field. While few succeed in this endeavor, the rewards are immense for those that do. WOMIO is another aspiring memecoin project with ambitious goals. However, it uniquely focuses less on elevating its own token and more on raising the standard for the entire memecoin sector. It is an ambitious objective, but WOMIO believes it has discovered the formula.

这种难以捉摸的品质正是模因币项目努力实现的目标,使他们的角色在拥挤的领域中脱颖而出。虽然很少有人能在这一努力中取得成功,但对于那些成功的人来说,回报是巨大的。 WOMIO 是另一个雄心勃勃、目标雄心勃勃的模因币项目。然而,它的独特之处在于较少关注提升自己的代币,而更多地关注提高整个模因币行业的标准。这是一个雄心勃勃的目标,但 WOMIO 相信它已经找到了解决方案。

Elevating Memecoins Once More

再次提升 Memecoin

2024 will be remembered as a remarkable year for memecoins. From Base to Solana, Tron to Ethereum, the industry has produced a string of successes that have enriched early adopters, delighted countless crypto enthusiasts, and demonstrated the potential of humorous memes and fair launches.

2024 年将被铭记为模因币非凡的一年。从 Base 到 Solana,从 Tron 到以太坊,该行业取得了一系列成功,让早期采用者变得更加富有,让无数加密货币爱好者感到高兴,并展示了幽默模因和公平发布的潜力。

Of course, this year has not been without its challenges for the memecoin sector, despite its impressive growth and dominance of on-chain transactions. The sheer number of tokens launched daily and the high churn rate of most have threatened to saturate the market and exhaust traders. Too much of a good thing can be problematic, and crypto is currently awash in memecoins.


On the surface, WOMIO's pledge to boost the industry by encouraging the creation of even more memecoins through its token launchpad may appear paradoxical. However, a closer examination reveals a more sophisticated strategy at play. The WOMIO team has meticulously analyzed the successes and failures of the sector to date. They believe they have found a solution that will raise the bar for future projects.

从表面上看,WOMIO 承诺通过其代币启动板鼓励创建更多模因币来推动行业发展,这似乎是自相矛盾的。然而,更仔细的检查揭示了更复杂的策略在起作用。 WOMIO 团队仔细分析了该行业迄今为止的成功和失败。他们相信他们已经找到了一个解决方案,可以提高未来项目的标准。

Enhanced Utility, Increased Creativity


Most memecoins today fit a specific mold: a 1 billion supply, a fair launch, and the best way to profit is through early entry. However, this has not always been the case. In the early days of crypto, there were community-led efforts to drive real-world adoption of cryptocurrencies, including Bitcoin. For instance, the Dogecoin community once sponsored a NASCAR emblazoned with the crypto's logo, while other memecoins incorporated simple utilities such as on-chain games and NFT marketplaces.

如今,大多数 memecoin 都符合特定的模式:10 亿的供应量、公平的发行、盈利的最佳方式是早期进入。然而,情况并非总是如此。在加密货币的早期,社区主导了推动加密货币(包括比特币)在现实世界中采用的努力。例如,狗狗币社区曾经赞助了印有加密货币徽标的 NASCAR,而其他模因币则包含简单的实用程序,例如链上游戏和 NFT 市场。

WOMIO aims to advance the industry by rekindling this innovative spirit and giving it a contemporary twist. Its own memecoin features significant built-in utility, as holders who stake it will earn a portion of all memecoins launched on WOMIO's multichain launchpad. Projects, on the other hand, are urged to innovate and integrate their own use cases, whether through gaming, payments, lotteries, merchandise, or other applications.

WOMIO 旨在通过重新点燃这种创新精神并赋予其现代风格来推动行业发展。它自己的 memecoin 具有重要的内置实用性,因为持有它的持有者将获得在 WOMIO 多链启动板上推出的所有 memecoin 的一部分。另一方面,项目被敦促创新并整合自己的用例,无论是通过游戏、支付、彩票、商品还是其他应用程序。

While WOMIO does not mandate memecoins using its launchpad to include non-speculative utility, it has made it clear that it will support projects that do. Its community hub, where upcoming launches are evaluated and new projects are analyzed, will subject memecoin creators to a level of scrutiny rarely seen in other memecoin ecosystems. If WOMIO can launch a series of successful projects that reach the big leagues while incorporating genuine use cases, it will have far-reaching implications for the entire multi-chain landscape.

虽然 WOMIO 并不强制使用其启动板的 memecoin 包含非投机性实用程序,但它已明确表示将支持这样做的项目。其社区中心对即将推出的产品进行评估并分析新项目,将使模因币创建者受到其他模因币生态系统中罕见的严格审查。如果 WOMIO 能够推出一系列成功的项目,在融入真正的用例的同时打入大联盟,那么它将对整个多链格局产生深远的影响。

Memecoins are not going away. Given their enduring presence, they might as well become useful and begin incorporating features that crypto is ideally suited to handle. From integrating DeFi features like staking and liquidity mining to creating P2P marketplaces, the possibilities are endless. All it takes is a bit of originality, and if there is one thing memecoin communities have in abundance, it is creativity.

Memecoin 不会消失。鉴于它们的持久存在,它们也可能变得有用,并开始整合加密货币最适合处理的功能。从集成质押和流动性挖掘等 DeFi 功能到创建 P2P 市场,可能性是无限的。所需要的只是一点点原创性,如果说模因币社区拥有丰富的东西的话,那就是创造力。


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