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Become a Crypto Millionaire by 2030: Discover the Best Coins to Invest In Now!

到 2030 年成为加密货币百万富翁:立即发现最适合投资的货币!

发布: 2023/08/23 03:30 阅读: 480



Astute crypto investors have identified THORChain (RUNE) and Dogecoin (DOGE) as the best coins to invest in now. THORChain (RUNE) skyrocketed by 57.4% in the past month, while Dogecoin (DOGE) increased by 14.1% in the same time frame. 

精明的加密货币投资者已将 THORChain (RUNE) 和 Dogecoin (DOGE) 视为目前投资的最佳代币。 THORChain (RUNE) 在过去一个月内飙升了 57.4%,而狗狗币 (DOGE) 在同一时间段内上涨了 14.1%。

Meanwhile, VC Spectra (SPCT) surged high in its presale with advanced quantitative models. SPCT’s presale price soared by 127.27% over the past week, from $0.011 to $0.025.

与此同时,VC Spectra(SPCT)凭借先进的量化模型,预售飙升。 SPCT的预售价格过去一周飙升127.27%,从0.011美元飙升至0.025美元。

Let’s learn more about how RUNE, SPCT, and DOGE stack against each other.

让我们详细了解 RUNE、SPCT 和 DOGE 如何相互叠加。


>>立即购买 SPCT 代币

Rising Thunder: THORchain’s (RUNE) Bullish Rally Strikes a Resounding Chord with Investors

雷霆崛起:THORchain (RUNE) 的看涨反弹引起了投资者的共鸣

Last week, THORChain (RUNE) enhanced its Continuous Liquidity Pools (CLPs) to upgrade its cross-chain interoperability features. THORChain’s (RUNE) advanced pools efficiently manage liquidity across diverse blockchains, reducing slippage.

上周,THORChain(RUNE)增强了其连续流动性池(CLP),以升级其跨链互操作性功能。 THORChain (RUNE) 的高级池可以有效管理不同区块链的流动性,减少滑点。

Moreover, THORChain (RUNE) witnessed a massive surge of social chatter. Recent data reveals an astonishing leap of over 4,300% in THORChain’s social volume between 14th August and 19th August 2023, fueling RUNE’s upward trajectory.

此外,THORChain(RUNE)见证了社交讨论的激增。最新数据显示,2023 年 8 月 14 日至 8 月 19 日期间,THORChain 的社交量惊人地增长了 4,300% 以上,推动了 RUNE 的上升轨迹。

In light of these developments, THORChain soared by 57.4% over the past month, from $1.01 to $1.59. Furthermore, THORChain’s (RUNE) trading volume jumped by 133.81% over the past week, indicating increased investor interest and activity.

鉴于这些发展,THORChain 在过去一个月飙升了 57.4%,从 1.01 美元上涨至 1.59 美元。此外,THORChain (RUNE) 的交易量在过去一周猛增 133.81%,表明投资者的兴趣和活动有所增加。

As THORChain (RUNE) transcends the digital space, experts suggest THORChain (RUNE) can skyrocket by 14.5% in the coming weeks, from $1.59 to $1.81.

随着 THORChain (RUNE) 超越数字空间,专家预计 THORChain (RUNE) 可能会在未来几周内飙升 14.5%,从 1.59 美元飙升至 1.81 美元。

VC Spectra Forges Ahead: Unveiling SPCT’s Thrilling Price Rally That Set the Crypto Stage Ablaze

VC Spectra 锐意进取:SPCT 令人兴奋的价格上涨让加密货币舞台火热起来

Renowned crypto experts have unanimously projected VC Spectra (SPCT) to reach unprecedented heights within the crypto industry. As a decentralized hedge fund, VC Spectra (SPCT) offers investors access to diversified portfolios and promising blockchain ventures. Furthermore, VC Spectra (SPCT) leverages machine learning algorithms to execute profitable trades.

知名加密专家一致预测 VC Spectra (SPCT) 将在加密行业达到前所未有的高度。作为一家去中心化对冲基金,VC Spectra (SPCT) 为投资者提供多元化投资组合和有前途的区块链企业的机会。此外,VC Spectra (SPCT) 利用机器学习算法来执行有利可图的交易。

VC Spectra (SPCT) rewards investors with quarterly dividends and buybacks directly linked to investment profits. Moreover, VC Spectra (SPCT) offers users exclusive opportunities to participate in pre-ICOs and early-stage blockchain ventures.

VC Spectra (SPCT) 通过与投资利润直接挂钩的季度股息和回购来奖励投资者。此外,VC Spectra (SPCT) 为用户提供参与 pre-ICO 和早期区块链企业的独家机会。

Central to VC Spectra’s ecosystem is the native token, SPCT, which operates on the Bitcoin blockchain and conforms to the BRC-20 standard. SPCT employs a deflationary framework featuring a burn mechanism that steadily reduces the token circulation over time.

VC Spectra 生态系统的核心是原生代币 SPCT,它在比特币区块链上运行并符合 BRC-20 标准。 SPCT 采用通货紧缩框架,具有燃烧机制,可随着时间的推移稳步减少代币流通量。

SPCT trades at an impressive $0.025 in Stage 2 of its public presale, a staggering 127.27% increase from its initial value of $0.011. As the platform goes through successive presale stages, SPCT’s price can skyrocket by 220% to $0.08 at the end of the presale. 

SPCT 在公开预售第二阶段的交易价格为令人印象深刻的 0.025 美元,较其初始值 0.011 美元上涨了 127.27%。随着该平台经历连续的预售阶段,SPCT 的价格在预售结束时可能会飙升 220% 至 0.08 美元。

Join the VC Spectra (SPCT) presale now and receive a 25% bonus on any deposit.

立即加入 VC Spectra (SPCT) 预售,任何存款均可获得 25% 的奖金。


>>立即购买 SPCT 代币

From Meme to Marvel: DOGE’s Unprecedented Price Rally Takes Center Stage

从 Meme 到 Marvel:DOGE 前所未有的价格上涨成为焦点

Dogecoin’s (DOGE) unwavering popularity continues to soar as the meme-inspired coin seamlessly weaves into popular cultural narratives. A remarkable instance of this can be found in Season 11, Episode 3 of the revitalized Futurama series on Hulu. 

随着狗狗币 (DOGE) 受到模因启发的硬币无缝融入流行文化叙事,其坚定不移的受欢迎程度继续飙升。 Hulu 上重新推出的《飞出个未来》系列第 11 季第 3 集就是一个显着的例子。

Aptly titled “How the West Was 1010001,” the characters explore the cryptocurrency landscape, emphasizing Dogecoin (DOGE). The episode transports the cast to DOGE City, a creatively named locale where cryptocurrency mining is the town’s citizens’ primary income source.

标题恰如其分的“西方是怎样的 1010001”,书中的人物探索了加密货币领域,重点关注了狗狗币 (DOGE)。这一集将演员们带到了 DOGE 城,这是一个创意十足的地方,加密货币挖矿是该镇居民的主要收入来源。

Moreover, Dogecoin’s (DOGE) growth trajectory is underpinned by a comprehensive framework tailored to drive its upcoming advancement. One noteworthy speculation centers on its potential involvement at X (formerly Twitter) amid rumors that the social media giant can transition to a dynamic payment ecosystem using Dogecoin (DOGE).

此外,狗狗币(DOGE)的增长轨迹得到了专门为推动其未来发展而定制的综合框架的支撑。一项值得注意的猜测集中在其可能参与 X(前身为 Twitter),因为有传言称这家社交媒体巨头可以使用狗狗币(DOGE)过渡到动态支付生态系统。

In light of these developments, Dogecoin (DOGE) surged 14.1% over the past month, from $0.064 to $0.073. Expert analysis highlights a remarkable 4.1% rise in Dogecoin’s (DOGE) trading volume, indicative of substantial investor interest.

鉴于这些发展,狗狗币 (DOGE) 在过去一个月飙升 14.1%,从 0.064 美元上涨至 0.073 美元。专家分析强调,狗狗币 (DOGE) 的交易量显着增长了 4.1%,这表明投资者的兴趣浓厚。

By these calculations, Dogecoin (DOGE) can soar by 17.8% in the coming weeks, from $0.073 to $0.086.

通过这些计算,狗狗币 (DOGE) 在未来几周内可能会飙升 17.8%,从 0.073 美元飙升至 0.086 美元。

Learn more about the VC Spectra presale here:

了解有关 VC Spectra 预售的更多信息:





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到 2030 年成为加密货币百万富翁:发现现在最值得投资的加密货币!首先出现在 CaptainAltcoin 上。


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