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The 5 Best Crypto Presales July 2024 That Are Poised to

2024 年 7 月 5 场最佳加密预售

发布: 2024/07/04 09:02 阅读: 939

原文作者:Crypto News Flash


2024 年 7 月 5 场最佳加密预售

Best Crypto Presales in July 2024

2024 年 7 月最佳加密货币预售

As the cryptocurrency market flourishes, presales remain lucrative opportunities for investors seeking early entry into promising projects. July 2024 emerges as a significant month, with various top crypto presales capturing the attention of the investment community.

随着加密货币市场的蓬勃发展,预售对于寻求早期进入有前景项目的投资者来说仍然是利润丰厚的机会。 2024 年 7 月是一个重要的月份,各种顶级加密货币预售吸引了投资界的关注。

This article unveils the most noteworthy crypto presales for this month, highlighting their exceptional qualities and potential. Among these, BlockDAG stands out as a standout investment due to its groundbreaking technology and exceptional growth prospects.

本文揭示了本月最值得关注的加密货币预售,强调了它们的卓越品质和潜力。其中,BlockDAG 因其突破性的技术和卓越的增长前景而脱颖而出,成为一项出色的投资。

The Best Crypto Presales for July 2024

2024 年 7 月最佳加密货币预售

  1. BlockDAG (BDAG)
  2. 5thScape (5SCAP)
  3. Pepe Unchained (PEPU)
  4. Rollblock (RBLK)
  5. Memereum (MEME)

1. BlockDAG: A Quantum Leap in Scalable Blockchain

BlockDAG (BDAG)5thScape (5SCAP)Pepe Unchained (PEPU)Rollblock (RBLK)Memereum (MEME)1。 BlockDAG:可扩展区块链的量子飞跃

BlockDAG (BDAG) is revolutionizing the cryptosphere with its innovative Directed Acyclic Graph (DAG) architecture. This technology grants it remarkable scalability and lightning-fast transaction speeds. The project has garnered $55.4 million in its 19th presale batch, underscoring unwavering investor confidence.

BlockDAG(BDAG)以其创新的有向无环图(DAG)架构正在彻底改变加密领域。该技术赋予其卓越的可扩展性和闪电般的交易速度。该项目在第 19 批预售中已筹集 5540 万美元,凸显了投资者坚定不移的信心。

With a recent price surge to $0.014, reflecting an impressive 1300% increase since launch, BlockDAG's potential for growth is astounding. Analysts speculate a potential rise to $0.05, offering a substantial return on investment. Its cutting-edge technology, well-defined roadmap, and robust community position BlockDAG as an exceptional investment opportunity. As it captivates investors and developers alike, BlockDAG is poised for extraordinary growth, making it a prime choice for those seeking the next crypto breakthrough.

最近价格飙升至 0.014 美元,反映出自推出以来令人印象深刻的 1300% 涨幅,BlockDAG 的增长潜力令人震惊。分析师推测价格可能上涨至 0.05 美元,从而带来可观的投资回报。其尖端技术、明确的路线图和强大的社区使 BlockDAG 成为一个绝佳的投资机会。由于它吸引了投资者和开发商,BlockDAG 有望实现非凡的增长,使其成为那些寻求下一个加密突破的人的首选。

2. 5thScape: A Gateway to VR and Blockchain

2. 5thScape:虚拟现实和区块链的门户

5thScape is an advanced crypto project that seamlessly integrates augmented and virtual reality with blockchain technology. Its ecosystem encompasses VR games, movies, educational experiences, and state-of-the-art VR devices. The token, priced at $0.00327 during the presale, is projected to surge to $0.01 upon listing, providing a potential ROI of over 200%. Investors are drawn to its lucrative return potential and innovative synergy between VR and blockchain.

5thScape 是一个先进的加密项目,它将增强现实和虚拟现实与区块链技术无缝集成。其生态系统涵盖 VR 游戏、电影、教育体验和最先进的 VR 设备。该代币预售期间的价格为 0.00327 美元,预计上市后将飙升至 0.01 美元,提供超过 200% 的潜在投资回报率。投资者被其丰厚的回报潜力以及虚拟现实和区块链之间的创新协同作用所吸引。

3. Pepe Unchained: The Meme Coin Powerhouse

3. Pepe Unchained:模因币发源地

Pepe Unchained (PEPU) has emerged as the latest meme coin to ignite excitement among retail traders. The project aspires to develop a layer-2 network dedicated to meme coins, resolving speed and cost concerns prevalent on Ethereum-based tokens. Having raised over $1.5 million within 15 days of its presale launch, PEPU is priced at $0.008193, attracting substantial interest due to its ambitious plans and loyal community.

Pepe Unchained (PEPU) 已成为激发零售交易者兴奋的最新模因币。该项目致力于开发一个专用于模因币的第 2 层网络,解决基于以太坊的代币普遍存在的速度和成本问题。 PEPU 在预售启动后 15 天内筹集了超过 150 万美元,定价为 0.008193 美元,由于其雄心勃勃的计划和忠诚的社区而吸引了极大的兴趣。

4. Rollblock: Reshaping Online Gambling

4. Rollblock:重塑在线赌博

Rollblock (RBLK) has established itself as a leading blockchain gambling project, introducing a GambleFi casino that prioritizes security and transparency. The token currently trades at $0.0145, with over 100 million tokens sold within a month. Rollblock employs a buy-back and burn strategy to maintain value and scarcity, and analysts predict a potential 800% gain by the presale's end.

Rollblock (RBLK) 已成为领先的区块链赌博项目,推出了优先考虑安全性和透明度的 GambleFi 赌场。该代币目前的交易价格为 0.0145 美元,一个月内售出了超过 1 亿枚代币。 Rollblock 采用回购和销毁策略来维持价值和稀缺性,分析师预测预售结束时可能获得 800% 的收益。

5. Memereum: Protecting the Crypto Landscape

5. Memereum:保护加密货币格局

Memereum stands as the first blockchain insurance project integrated with a decentralized exchange, MemeSwap. Its presale price is set at $0.041, while the launch price is anticipated to be tenfold. Memereum offers insurance against the devaluation of fiat currencies and metal coins and features an automatic staking system with a 183% APY, captivating investors with its innovative approach and promising returns.

Memereum 是第一个与去中心化交易所 MemeSwap 集成的区块链保险项目。其预售价格定为 0.041 美元,而上市价格预计将是其十倍。 Memereum 提供针对法定货币和金属硬币贬值的保险,并具有年利率 183% 的自动质押系统,以其创新的方法和可观的回报吸引了投资者。



While all of these projects present compelling investment opportunities, BlockDAG stands out as the top choice due to its revolutionary DAG-based architecture and extraordinary growth potential. With unwavering investor confidence, cutting-edge technology, and a well-defined roadmap, BlockDAG is poised to spearhead the next wave of crypto investments.

虽然所有这些项目都提供了引人注目的投资机会,但 BlockDAG 因其革命性的基于 DAG 的架构和非凡的增长潜力而脱颖而出,成为首选。凭借坚定不移的投资者信心、尖端技术和明确的路线图,BlockDAG 已准备好引领下一波加密货币投资浪潮。

Those who embrace BlockDAG today could reap substantial rewards in the future. If you seek a groundbreaking project with unparalleled return potential, BlockDAG should be your top priority.

今天拥抱 BlockDAG 的人将来可能会获得丰厚的回报。如果您寻求具有无与伦比的回报潜力的突破性项目,BlockDAG 应该是您的首要任务。


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