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Crypto Pundit Says Cardano Will Flip Dogecoin And XRP In Next Bull Market


发布: 2023/12/23 06:06 阅读: 922



A Cardano (ADA) maximalist has given his opinion on where ADA will rank by market cap in the next bull market. Interestingly, he predicts that the crypto token could rise to just behind the two foremost cryptocurrencies, Bitcoin and Ethereum.

一位卡尔达诺 (ADA) 极端主义者对 ADA 在下一次牛市中的市值排名给出了自己的看法。有趣的是,他预测加密代币可能会仅次于两种最重要的加密货币:比特币和以太坊。

Cardano To Flip Dogecoin And XRP


In a post on his X (formerly Twitter) platform, self-acclaimed ‘Cardano OG’ Chris O opined that ADA will flip tokens like Dogecoin (DOGE) and XRP on its way to becoming the third largest cryptocurrency by market cap. According to him, ADA and Solana (SOL) will battle it out for this position as he foresees them flipping each other “back and forth.”

自称“Cardano OG”的 Chris O 在他的 X(前 Twitter)平台上发表的一篇文章中表示,ADA 将取代狗狗币(DOGE)和 XRP 等代币,成为按市值计算的第三大加密货币。据他称,ADA 和 Solana (SOL) 将争夺这一职位,因为他预计他们会“来来回回”地互相翻转。

Based on his predictions, The top two cryptocurrencies by market cap will remain unchanged as Bitcoin and Ethereum will retain the number one and two spot respectively. However, Chris O mentioned that Ethereum is likely to see a decline in its dominance as crypto users will move to other protocols.  

根据他的预测,市值排名前两位的加密货币将保持不变,比特币和以太坊将分别保持第一和第二的位置。然而,Chris O 提到,随着加密货币用户转向其他协议,以太坊的主导地位可能会下降。

Meanwhile, Binance’s BNB will drop to fifth in the ranking, with AVAX, DOGE, and XRP at the sixth, seventh, and eighth positions, respectively. Chris O has mentioned that he expects the changes to occur with the next bull run on the way. He also alluded to the fact that these changes already seem to be underway, with SOL recently flipping XRP.

与此同时,币安的BNB排名将下降至第五位,AVAX、DOGE和XRP分别位于第六、第七和第八位。克里斯·奥(Chris O)提到,他预计这些变化将在下一次牛市即将到来时发生。他还提到,这些变化似乎已经在进行中,SOL 最近翻转了 XRP。

How High Can ADA Go?

ADA 能达到多高?

One can also deduce from Chris O’s opinion that he expects Cardano to be among the biggest gainers in the next bull cycle. This is based on the fact that a crypto token’s market cap is the product of its current price and circulating supply. The recent surge in ADA’s price happens to be the reason it has risen to eight by market cap recently. 

人们还可以从 Chris O 的观点中推断出,他预计卡尔达诺将成为下一个牛市周期中最大的赢家之一。这是基于这样一个事实:加密代币的市值是其当前价格和流通供应量的乘积。最近 ADA 价格的飙升恰好是其市值最近升至 8 的原因。

This recent rally seems to be the beginning of great things to come for the altcoin, as price predictions from different analysts suggest that they are still going to hit unprecedented heights. For one, crypto expert Jason Appleton predicts that ADA could rise to as high as $32 in the next bull run. Another crypto analyst also gave a more conservative price prediction of $11.

最近的反弹似乎是山寨币即将到来的伟大事件的开始,因为不同分析师的价格预测表明它们仍将达到前所未有的高度。首先,加密货币专家 Jason Appleton 预测 ADA 在下一次牛市中可能会升至 32 美元。另一位加密货币分析师也给出了更为保守的价格预测:11 美元。

The rise in ADA’s price has been attributed to the burst of new liquidity that is flowing into its ecosystem. This has come from an increase in DeFi activity on the network. Data from DeFiLlama shows that there has been a 25% weekly increase in the transaction volume of DEXs on the chain. 

ADA 价格的上涨归因于流入其生态系统的新流动性的爆发。这是由于网络上 DeFi 活动的增加。 DeFiLlama数据显示,链上DEX交易量每周增长25%。

At the time of writing, ADA is trading at around $0.619, up over 3% in the last 24 hours, according to data from CoinMarketCap. 

根据 CoinMarketCap 的数据,截至撰写本文时,ADA 的交易价格约为 0.619 美元,在过去 24 小时内上涨了 3% 以上。


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