首页 > 资讯新闻 > 以太坊 ETF 获批后,三种加密货币将迎来爆炸式增长——狗狗币 (DOGE)、卡尔达诺 (ADA) 和 Solana (SOL)

3 Crypto Set To Explode After Ethereum ETF Approval – Dogecoin (DOGE), Cardano (ADA) and Solana (SOL)

以太坊 ETF 获批后,三种加密货币将迎来爆炸式增长——狗狗币 (DOGE)、卡尔达诺 (ADA) 和 Solana (SOL)

发布: 2023/12/01 22:00 阅读: 559

原文作者:Coinpedia Fintech News


The post 3 Crypto Set To Explode After Ethereum ETF Approval – Dogecoin (DOGE), Cardano (ADA) and Solana (SOL) appeared first on Coinpedia Fintech News

以太坊 ETF 获得批准后,后 3 个加密货币将迎来爆炸式增长 – 狗狗币 (DOGE)、卡尔达诺 (ADA) 和 Solana (SOL) 首先出现在 Coinpedia 上

The cryptocurrency market, currently holding a capitalization of $1.42 trillion, is witnessing a unique phase marked by an altcoin slump. Despite this, there is a sense of anticipation for a potential surge, especially after the Ethereum ETF approval. This environment sets the stage for notable cryptocurrencies like Dogecoin (DOGE), Solana (SOL), Cardano (ADA), and the emerging ScapesMania, positioning them as potential leaders in the next wave of crypto growth. The market’s resilience in maintaining its substantial capitalization despite the downturn in altcoins highlights the sector’s underlying strength and potential for recovery and growth.

目前,加密货币市场的市值为 1.42 万亿美元,正在经历一个以山寨币暴跌为标志的独特阶段。尽管如此,人们还是对潜在的飙升抱有期待,尤其是在以太坊 ETF 获得批准之后。这种环境为狗狗币 (DOGE)、Solana (SOL)、卡尔达诺 (ADA) 和新兴的 ScapesMania 等著名加密货币奠定了基础,将它们定位为下一波加密增长的潜在领导者。尽管山寨币低迷,但市场仍保持大量资本,这突显了该行业的潜在实力以及复苏和增长的潜力。

It is widely believed by analysts that the approval of the Ethereum ETF would bring about widespread expansion in the market. Several projects that are expected to reap the most rewards in the event of that bull run are presented below.




  • ScapesMania: Innovative with a successful presale, promising growth.
  • ScapesMania:创新且预售成功,增长前景广阔。

  • Dogecoin (DOGE): Surge in interest, signaling potential resurgence.
  • 狗狗币(DOGE):兴趣激增,预示着潜在的复苏。

  • Solana (SOL): High transaction growth, indicating rising popularity.
  • Solana (SOL):交易量高增长,表明人气不断上升。

  • Cardano (ADA): Research advancements, trending towards innovation.
  • 卡尔达诺(ADA):研究进展,创新趋势。

ScapesMania: A New Contender in the Crypto Arena


Many crypto experts pick ScapesMania as the best new project of 2023 and beyond. It manages to separate itself from the competition by offering holders a multitude of revenue streams and high potential ROIs during presale. 

许多加密货币专家将 ScapesMania 选为 2023 年及以后的最佳新项目。它通过在预售期间为持有者提供多种收入来源和高潜在投资回报率,成功地从竞争中脱颖而出。

Companies and individual crypto traders looking for fast potential gains should definitely look into ScapesMania’s proposition. Once the presale finishes, the price will soar, securing possible returns in the range of 400-500%. Right now, there’s an active discount of close to 85%, but it won’t last forever – the clock is ticking and all interested in leveraging this offer need to act fast.

寻求快速潜在收益的公司和个人加密货币交易者绝对应该考虑 ScapesMania 的主张。一旦预售完成,价格将会飙升,确保可能的回报在 400-500% 范围内。目前,有接近 85% 的主动折扣,但它不会永远持续下去——时间在流逝,所有有兴趣利用此优惠的人都需要快速行动。

When dissecting the tokenomics and other features of ScapesMania, it becomes clear that it’s the best altcoin to hold now. The innovative gaming-related core idea, impressive presale numbers, $150,000 giveaway, undying social media hype, and other positive aspects can guarantee that ScapesMania will continue on its winning journey, so it makes sense to get involved as soon as possible.

当剖析 ScapesMania 的代币经济学和其他功能时,很明显它是现在最好持有的山寨币。创新的游戏相关核心理念、令人印象深刻的预售数字、15万美元的赠品、持续不断的社交媒体炒作以及其他积极方面可以保证ScapesMania继续其获胜之旅,因此尽快参与是有意义的。

Dogecoin (DOGE): Navigating Through a Meme-Fueled Market


Dogecoin (DOGE) has recently seen a significant increase in transactions. This surge is linked to the growing activity in meme coin trading and the Doginals experiment. Doginals, inspired by Bitcoin Ordinals, allow users to inscribe images and texts on the Dogecoin (DOGE) blockchain. 

狗狗币(DOGE)最近的交易量显着增加。这种激增与模因币交易和 Doginals 实验的日益活跃有关。 Doginals 受比特币序数的启发,允许用户在狗狗币 (DOGE) 区块链上刻下图像和文本。

The price dynamics of Dogecoin (DOGE) are intriguing. With a current price range fluctuating between $0.0583 and $0.0765, Dogecoin (DOGE) shows a blend of volatility and potential. The 10-days and 100-days moving averages of $0.0781 and $0.0666, respectively, suggest a cautious optimism among traders. The support levels at $0.0303 and $0.0485, coupled with resistance levels at $0.0849 and $0.1031, frame the current trading scenario.

狗狗币(DOGE)的价格动态很有趣。当前价格范围在 0.0583 美元至 0.0765 美元之间波动,狗狗币 (DOGE) 显示出波动性和潜力的结合。 10 天和 100 天移动平均线分别为 0.0781 美元和 0.0666 美元,表明交易者持谨慎乐观态度。 0.0303 美元和 0.0485 美元的支撑位,以及 0.0849 美元和 0.1031 美元的阻力位,构成了当前的交易情景。

Looking ahead, Dogecoin (DOGE) presents a mixed bag of prospects and challenges. The increase in the number of Dogecoin (DOGE) holders to 5.31 million, along with the rise in active addresses, indicates a growing interest in the coin. If this trend continues, Dogecoin (DOGE) might witness another rally. However, the demand for the coin and the broader market sentiment will play crucial roles in determining its future trajectory. A potential upside could see Dogecoin (DOGE) reaching or surpassing the $0.1 mark.

展望未来,狗狗币(DOGE)呈现出复杂的前景和挑战。狗狗币 (DOGE) 持有者数量增加至 531 万,加上活跃地址的增加,表明人们对该币的兴趣与日俱增。如果这种趋势持续下去,狗狗币(DOGE)可能会见证另一次上涨。然而,对代币的需求和更广泛的市场情绪将在决定其未来轨迹方面发挥至关重要的作用。潜在的上涨空间可能会让狗狗币 (DOGE) 达到或超过 0.1 美元大关。

Solana (SOL): Setting New Records in the Crypto Space

Solana (SOL):在加密货币领域创造新记录

Solana (SOL) has recently made headlines by recording a historic surge in daily transactions, reaching a peak of 51.63 million. This remarkable achievement marks a significant deviation from the previous average of around 20 million transactions. 

Solana(SOL)最近因日交易量历史性激增而成为头条新闻,达到 5163 万笔的峰值。这一非凡成就标志着与之前约 2000 万笔交易的平均水平存在显着偏差。

Solana’s (SOL) current price range is between $26.75 and $44.35, reflecting a dynamic and volatile market. The 10-days moving average at $57.19 and the 100-days moving average at $31.73 indicate a fluctuating but promising trend. The absence of a lower support level and the presence of a higher support level at $15.05, along with resistance levels at $50.27 and $67.87.

Solana (SOL) 当前的价格范围在 26.75 美元至 44.35 美元之间,反映出市场的动态和波动。 10 天移动平均线为 57.19 美元,100 天移动平均线为 31.73 美元,表明趋势虽然波动但充满希望。没有较低的支撑位,但存在较高的支撑位 15.05 美元,阻力位为 50.27 美元和 67.87 美元。

Looking forward, Solana (SOL) presents an intriguing mix of challenges and opportunities. The massive increase in transaction volume and the recovery of the coin to its pre-FTX price level earlier in the year indicate a resilient and growing ecosystem. The future of Solana (SOL) hinges on its ability to maintain network health and attract continuous user and developer engagement. If the current momentum is sustained, Solana (SOL) could see significant growth, potentially breaking past its current resistance levels.

展望未来,Solana (SOL) 带来了有趣的挑战和机遇。交易量的大幅增加以及代币在今年早些时候恢复到 FTX 之前的价格水平表明生态系统具有弹性和不断增长。 Solana (SOL) 的未来取决于其维护网络健康并吸引用户和开发人员持续参与的能力。如果当前的势头持续下去,Solana (SOL) 可能会出现显着增长,有可能突破当前的阻力位。

Cardano (ADA): Celebrating Research Milestones and Future Prospects


Cardano (ADA), has been making significant strides in blockchain research. The Input Output Global’s library of papers is nearing an impressive 200, showcasing the platform’s commitment to academic rigor and innovation. The first paper, “Ouroboros: A Provably Secure Proof-of-Stake Blockchain Protocol,” has been cited over 1,200 times, highlighting Cardano (ADA) influence in the blockchain community. This research-driven approach has been integral to Cardano (ADA) identity and development philosophy, establishing it as a platform built on a foundation of academic excellence and best practices.

卡尔达诺(ADA)在区块链研究方面一直取得重大进展。 Input Output Global 的论文库已接近 200 篇,令人印象深刻,展示了该平台对学术严谨性和创新的承诺。第一篇论文《Ouroboros:一种可证明安全的权益证明区块链协议》已被引用超过 1,200 次,凸显了卡尔达诺 (ADA) 在区块链社区中的影响力。这种研究驱动的方法已经成为卡尔达诺(ADA)身份和发展理念的一部分,将其建立为一个建立在学术卓越和最佳实践基础上的平台。

Cardano (ADA) current price range lies between $0.253 and $0.318, reflecting a market that is cautiously optimistic. The 10-days moving average at $0.381 and the 100-days moving average at $0.290 suggest a market in flux, yet with potential for growth. The support levels at $0.150 and $0.214, along with resistance levels at $0.343 and $0.408.

卡尔达诺(ADA)当前价格范围在 0.253 美元至 0.318 美元之间,反映出市场谨慎乐观。 10 天移动平均线为 0.381 美元,100 天移动平均线为 0.290 美元,表明市场不断变化,但仍有增长潜力。支撑位为 0.150 美元和 0.214 美元,阻力位为 0.343 美元和 0.408 美元。

Looking ahead, Cardano (ADA) faces a unique set of challenges and opportunities. The platform’s commitment to research and development, as evidenced by its extensive library of papers and academic collaborations, positions it well for future innovation. The integration of Hydra Nodes and the exploration of Artificial Intelligence (AI) within its ecosystem are steps towards enhancing its technological capabilities. However, the future price trajectory of Cardano (ADA) will depend on the broader market sentiment.

展望未来,卡尔达诺(ADA)面临着一系列独特的挑战和机遇。该平台致力于研究和开发,其广泛的论文库和学术合作证明了这一点,这为其未来的创新奠定了良好的基础。 Hydra 节点的集成以及在其生态系统中对人工智能 (AI) 的探索是增强其技术能力的步骤。然而,卡尔达诺(ADA)的未来价格轨迹将取决于更广泛的市场情绪。



In the evolving cryptocurrency market, valued at $1.42 trillion, Dogecoin (DOGE), Solana (SOL), Cardano (ADA), and the newcomer ScapesMania are navigating a landscape ripe with potential yet marked by uncertainties. Dogecoin (DOGE) shows promise with increased activity, Solana (SOL) impresses with high transaction volumes, and Cardano (ADA) continues to build on its research-driven foundation. ScapesMania enters the scene with innovation and a successful presale, hinting at future possibilities. 

在价值 1.42 万亿美元的不断发展的加密货币市场中,狗狗币 (DOGE)、Solana (SOL)、卡尔达诺 (ADA) 和新来者 ScapesMania 正在探索一个充满潜力但充满不确定性的领域。狗狗币 (DOGE) 随着活动的增加而展现出希望,Solana (SOL) 凭借高交易量令人印象深刻,而卡尔达诺 (ADA) 则继续以其研究驱动的基础为基础。 ScapesMania 凭借创新和成功的预售进入现场,暗示着未来的可能性。

While each of these cryptocurrencies has its unique trajectory, their collective future in the post-Ethereum ETF approval era is an intriguing blend of potential growth and market adaptability. According to most projections, these coins are highly likely to grow with ScapesMania being the most promising contender

虽然每种加密货币都有其独特的发展轨迹,但它们在后以太坊 ETF 批准时代的共同未来是潜在增长和市场适应性的有趣结合。根据大多数预测,这些代币很可能会增长,而 ScapesMania 是最有希望的竞争者。


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