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The Next Big Thing in Crypto: Transitioning from Solana and Dogecoin to a High-ROI Newcomer

加密领域的下一件大事:从 Solana 和 Dogecoin 过渡到高投资回报率新来者

发布: 2024/01/23 19:30 阅读: 820





  • Solana (SOL) is gaining favor among top asset management companies, with Franklin Templeton recently endorsing it. The cryptocurrency has experienced a notable YTD increase of 320%.
  • Solana (SOL) 正在赢得顶级资产管理公司的青睐,最近得到了富兰克林邓普顿的认可。该加密货币今年迄今已显着增长 320%。

  • Dogecoin (DOGE) expands its reach with a recent listing on the Indian exchange Flitpay and a USDC-margined perpetual contract on Binance. Despite milestones like five million addresses with balances and increased transactions in December, DOGE has faced challenges since the January 12 market crash.
  • 狗狗币 (DOGE) 最近在印度交易所 Flitpay 上市,并在 Binance 推出以 USDC 为保证金的永续合约,从而扩大了其影响力。尽管在 12 月实现了 500 万个地址余额和交易量增加等里程碑,但 DOGE 自 1 月 12 日市场崩盘以来仍面临挑战。

  • NuggetRush (NUGX) is a play-to-earn NFT gaming platform integrating artisanal and physical gold mining with crypto. Players build and manage mining businesses, earning valuable in-game assets.
  • NuggetRush (NUGX) 是一个将手工和实体金矿开采与加密货币相结合的即玩即赚的 NFT 游戏平台。玩家建立和管理采矿业务,赚取宝贵的游戏内资产。

Solana (SOL), once a favorite among retail investors, is now drawing interest from top-tier asset management companies. On the other hand, Dogecoin (DOGE) continues to broaden its exposure through strategic exchange listings. Yet, NuggetRush (NUGX) has carved its niche by integrating artisanal mining, crypto, and gold mining into a P2E NFT gaming platform. Keep reading to learn why investors are transitioning from Solana and Dogecoin to NuggetRush.

Solana(SOL)曾一度受到散户投资者的青睐,现在正引起顶级资产管理公司的兴趣。另一方面,狗狗币(DOGE)继续通过战略交易所上市扩大其曝光度。然而,NuggetRush (NUGX) 通过将手工采矿、加密货币和金矿开采整合到 P2E NFT 游戏平台中,开辟了自己的利基市场。继续阅读以了解投资者为何从 Solana 和 Dogecoin 转向 NuggetRush。

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Solana’s (SOL) Shifting Landscape: Institutional Endorsements Propel its Latest Growth

Solana (SOL) 的格局转变:机构认可推动其最新增长

Solana’s (SOL) appeal is slowly moving away from retail investors to the top investment asset management companies. The most recent on this list to endorse Solana (SOL) is Franklin Templeton, asset manager.

Solana (SOL) 的吸引力正在慢慢从散户投资者转向顶级投资资产管理公司。此名单上最新支持 Solana (SOL) 的是资产管理公司富兰克林邓普顿 (Franklin Templeton)。

Franklin Templeton declared on the X platform that they support the visions of Solana’s (SOL) cofounder Anatoly Yakovenko.

富兰克林邓普顿在 X 平台上宣布,他们支持 Solana (SOL) 联合创始人 Anatoly Yakovenko 的愿景。

Solana (SOL) is on the verge of surging, mostly after its year-to-date (YTD) value increased by 320%. Solana (SOL) saw a massive increase in the first week of January 2024, when its price moved from $90.16 to $106.95. But since then, Solana’s (SOL) has corrected towards its original value before the surge.

Solana (SOL) 正处于飙升的边缘,主要是在其年初至今 (YTD) 价值增长了 320% 之后。 Solana (SOL) 在 2024 年 1 月的第一周大幅上涨,其价格从 90.16 美元升至 106.95 美元。但从那时起,Solana (SOL) 已修正至飙升前的原始值。

On January 18, 2024, Solana (SOL) was trading at $93.88, down 6.38% in the past week. Experts say Solana (SOL) will rise to $96.25 by the end of January, supported by increased demand from asset managers.

2024年1月18日,Solana(SOL)交易价格为93.88美元,过去一周下跌6.38%。专家表示,在资产管理公司需求增加的支撑下,Solana (SOL) 到 1 月底将升至 96.25 美元。

Dogecoin’s (DOGE) Listing Spree Continues: New Exchange Additions and USDC-Margined Perpetual Contracts

狗狗币 (DOGE) 上市热潮仍在继续:新增交易所和 USDC 保证金永续合约

Dogecoin (DOGE) keeps expanding its exposure with new exchange listings. Most recently, on January 17, 2024, Indian crypto exchange, Flitpay, confirmed that Dogecoin (DOGE) withdrawals and deposits are available on its platform.

狗狗币(DOGE)通过新的交易所上市不断扩大其曝光度。最近,2024 年 1 月 17 日,印度加密货币交易所 Flitpay 确认其平台上可以提取狗狗币 (DOGE) 和存款。

As highlighted, the Binance exchange confirmed the listing of a USDC-margined DOGE perpetual contract, a Dogecoin variant that lets users trade with up to 75X leverage. Based on IntoTheBlock data, Dogecoin (DOGE) recorded several milestones in December, including five million addresses with balances and a massive increase in transactions.

正如所强调的,币安交易所确认了以 USDC 保证金的 DOGE 永续合约的上市,这是一种狗狗币变体,允许用户以高达 75 倍的杠杆进行交易。根据 IntoTheBlock 数据,狗狗币 (DOGE) 在 12 月份创下了多个里程碑,包括 500 万个有余额的地址以及交易量的大幅增长。

The increase in activity initially spurred Dogecoin (DOGE) price increases. Nevertheless, the latest price drop implies that around 54% of Dogecoin (DOGE) holders are now profitable, a level last seen in November 2023. Despite these developments, Dogecoin (DOGE) has been struggling since the market-wide crash on January 12 that also impacted the meme tokenomics.

活动的增加最初刺激了狗狗币(DOGE)价格上涨。尽管如此,最新的价格下跌意味着大约 54% 的狗狗币 (DOGE) 持有者现在已经盈利,上次达到这一水平是在 2023 年 11 月。尽管有这些进展,但自 1 月 12 日市场崩盘以来,狗狗币 (DOGE) 一直在苦苦挣扎。也影响了模因代币经济学。

On January 18, 2024, Dogecoin (DOGE) was trading at $0.07821, down 7.82%. Experts believe DOGE will rebound to $0.08055 by the end of January, powered by increased adoption.

2024年1月18日,狗狗币(DOGE)交易价格为0.07821美元,下跌7.82%。专家认为,由于采用率增加,DOGE 将在 1 月底反弹至 0.08055 美元。

NuggetRush (NUGX): Unleashing a New Era in Crypto Gaming with Innovative P2E NFT Platform

NuggetRush (NUGX):通过创新的 P2E NFT 平台开启加密游戏新时代

NuggetRush (NUGX) integrates physical world artisanal mining, crypto, and gold mining features into a play-to-earn (P2E) NFT gaming platform. The incorporation of these features rewards NuggetRush (NUGX) gamers with valuable in-game assets and builds a thrilling gaming experience.

NuggetRush (NUGX) 将现实世界的手工采矿、加密货币和金矿开采功能集成到一个即玩即赚 (P2E) NFT 游戏平台中。这些功能的结合为 NuggetRush (NUGX) 玩家提供了宝贵的游戏内资产,并打造了令人兴奋的游戏体验。

Since this project is a community-operated blockchain game, NuggetRush (NUGX) ensures that users generate passive wealth whenever they use the platform. The game develops a mining network and challenges the participants to build and manage successful mining businesses as they enjoy available rewards.


Whenever users go on NuggetRush (NUGX), they are offered a small land and simple equipment to launch their crypto mining venture. The players need to navigate the digital landscape, seeking collectibles offered as financial and in-game rewards.

每当用户进入 NuggetRush (NUGX) 时,他们都会获得一小块土地和简单的设备来启动他们的加密货币挖矿事业。玩家需要探索数字世界,寻找作为经济和游戏内奖励提供的收藏品。

Besides the earning potential, NuggetRush (NUGX) lets players experience a thrilling and realistic gaming adventure. It incorporates a physical mining experience with strategic thinking, land discovery, and the enjoyment of partnering on different mining tasks with the other gamers.

除了盈利潜力之外,NuggetRush (NUGX) 还可以让玩家体验惊心动魄、真实的游戏冒险。它将物理采矿体验与战略思维、土地发现以及与其他玩家合作完成不同采矿任务的乐趣结合在一起。

NuggetRush (NUGX) gamers earn by trading in-game rewards and collectibles such as character NFTs and RUSHGEMs, making it the best crypto investment today.

NuggetRush (NUGX) 玩家通过交易游戏内奖励和收藏品(例如角色 NFT 和 RUSHGEM)来赚取收益,使其成为当今最佳的加密货币投资。

Currently, NuggetRush (NUGX) is in round 5 of its blockchain ICO, trading at $0.018 and will surge to $0.020 at the end of the presale and list on mainstream exchanges. The project has sold over 159 million NUGX tokens and raised $1.8 million. All these features and growth potential make NuggetRush (NUGX) a good crypto to buy in the turbulent crypto market.

目前,NuggetRush (NUGX) 正在进行区块链 ICO 的第五轮,交易价格为 0.018 美元,预售结束并在主流交易所上市后将飙升至 0.020 美元。该项目已售出超过 1.59 亿枚 NUGX 代币并筹集了 180 万美元。所有这些功能和增长潜力使 NuggetRush (NUGX) 成为在动荡的加密货币市场中值得购买的良好加密货币。

Visit NuggetRush Presale Website  

访问 NuggetRush 预售网站

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免责声明:此赞助内容未经 CaptainAltcoin 认可,CaptainAltcoin 对其准确性或质量不承担任何责任。我们建议读者在与任何特色公司互动之前先进行自己的研究。所提供的信息不是财务或法律建议。 CaptainAltcoin 或任何第三方均不建议购买或出售任何金融产品。投资加密资产具有高风险;考虑潜在的损失。 CaptainAltcoin 对因使用或依赖此内容而造成的任何损害或损失不承担任何责任。

Transform Hundreds Into Millions With the Magic of Memecoins – think $BONK, but bigger!

借助 Memecoins 的魔力,将数亿变成数百万 – 想想 $BONK,但规模更大!

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The key? Getting in early, especially during the IDO phase. Get in on NuggetRush now! This innovative memecoin blends play-to-earn gaming with real-world gold mining. Join soon to take advantage of the current ICO prices!

钥匙?尽早介入,尤其是在 IDO 阶段。立即加入 NuggetRush!这种创新的模因币将边玩边赚钱的游戏与现实世界的金矿开采融为一体。尽快加入,享受当前 ICO 价格!

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加密货币领域的下一件大事:从 Solana 和狗狗币过渡到高投资回报率新人一文首先出现在 CaptainAltcoin 上。


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